









汉语拼音:shāng nǎo jīn






  1. 形容事情难办,费心思。

    柳青 《创业史》第一部第十二章:“把人民大众的事包揽在自己身上,为集体的事业操心,伤脑筋,以至于完全没有时间和心情思念家庭和私事。” 杨朔 《秘密列车》:“他们多半是司机的熟手,但是开这趟列车可真伤脑筋,个个人提心吊胆的,肩膀上象压着几千斤重的担子。”



  1. He is expected to focus on the vexed issue of how much money needs to flow from north to south to pay for dealing with global warming.


  2. Even if you can overcome these worries, it's not always easy to think of interesting places to go.


  3. Ending a book is a nerve-wracking proposition; at least, it is if you assume you'll only have one shot at it.


  4. Haley and the stranger smoked a while in silence , neither seeming willing to broach the test question of the business .


  5. Her presence had not so much weight as to task thought, and yet enough to exercise it.


  6. Mr. Hu and his successors are sure to be racked by the question of how fast China can sustainably grow.


  7. If it is not so easy to change yourself when you want to, it is not going to be so easy to change the people around you.


  8. Don't get caught up in the game and worry so much about being popular during your teen years, because most of life comes after.


  9. But with their disaffected star seemingly determined to leave the club, his continuing selection may prove to be problematic for Mancini.


  1. 那事真伤脑筋!

    Thats quite a poser!

  2. 真够伤脑筋得!

    What a bunch of headaches!

  3. 真够伤脑筋的!

    What a bunch of headaches!

  4. 这事真伤脑筋。

    It's rather troublesome.

  5. 他让父母伤脑筋。

    He's a headache for his parents.

  6. 没热水,真伤脑筋。

    It is annoying that there is no hot water.

  7. 老下雨,真伤脑筋。

    It's a nuisance the way it keeps on raining.

  8. 采摘枇杷可伤脑筋。

    Now I got problem picking loquats.

  9. 老下雨, 真伤脑筋。

    It's a nuisance the way it keeps on raining.

  10. 这个问题使我们伤脑筋。

    The problem is exercising our mind.

  11. 我对未来大伤脑筋。

    I am very much exercised about the future.

  12. 汤姆使他老师大伤脑筋。

    Tom is a bother to his teacher.

  13. 一个大伤脑筋的事。

    A real dilemma.

  14. 这可是个伤脑筋的情况。

    Here was an awful predicament.

  15. 这可是个伤脑筋得情况。

    Here was an awful predicament.

  16. 这个问题真使人伤脑筋。

    Its a bastard of a problem, this one.

  17. 他为这些事大伤脑筋。

    He puzzled his brains about the matter.

  18. 这工作使我大伤脑筋。

    I am greatly embarrassed with this work.

  19. 这真的是个伤脑筋的事情。

    This is really knotty matter.

  20. 是的,这确实有点伤脑筋

    And yes, it's a little nervewracking.

  21. 这确实是个伤脑筋的选择。

    It's a really tough choice.

  22. 伤脑筋的问题实在太多了。

    There were too many annoyances.

  23. 使专家们大伤脑筋的问题。

    an issue that is a real conundrum for the experts.

  24. 她的孩子让老师很伤脑筋。

    Her child is a trial to his teachers.

  25. 别再为这件事伤脑筋。

    Stop bothering your head about it.

  26. 这件事真叫我伤脑筋呀。

    It was worrying me.

  27. 不要对这类事伤脑筋。

    Don't bother your head about such matters.

  28. 你何苦在这些小事上伤脑筋?

    Why bother your head about such trifles ?

  29. 英语的拼写常常使人伤脑筋。

    The spelling of English is often puzzling.

  30. 他思考着伤脑筋的人事问题。

    He chewed over a vexatious problem of personnel.


  1. 问:伤脑筋拼音怎么拼?伤脑筋的读音是什么?伤脑筋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伤脑筋的读音是shāngnǎojīn,伤脑筋翻译成英文是 be a headache

  2. 问:伤脑筋的拼音怎么拼?伤脑筋的的读音是什么?伤脑筋的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伤脑筋的的读音是,伤脑筋的翻译成英文是 nerve-racking