







汉语拼音:yú xīn



  1. She had been slightly embarrassed at the amount of film he used but pleased by the amount of attention he paid to her.


  2. He felt that what he did was at the heart of good, determined.


  3. Understanding is of the head; comprehension is something deeper, of the heart. And if it is really total then even more deep, of the being.


  4. The human handles the matter how could entirely as desired, but asked to have no qualms in the heart may.


  5. I will suggest that her actions evoke moral meanings that reside at the heart of her possible influence on her students.


  6. The desire to avoid feeling guilty makes us avoid the worst sort of behavior.


  7. And the old people here. Forgive me for platitude that you know so well.


  8. Thank you for that, Father! Now I can speak boldly to the Iroquois, and with an easy conscience.


  9. We want a sense of responsibility is rooted in the heart, let it be in our minds a strong sense.


  1. 雷气通于心

    natural thunderbolt corresponding to the heart

  2. 邪气内藏于心

    pathogen hiding in the heart

  3. 肝移热于心

    the liver transferring pathogenic heat to the heart.

  4. 肝移寒于心

    the liver transferring pathogenic cold to the heart.

  5. 我们铭记于心的。

    The ones who changed our lives.

  6. 把新词铭记于心。

    Let new words percolate in your mind.

  7. 我对他怀恨于心

    I bore him a grudge.

  8. 盈于心则溢于言。

    Out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.

  9. 布恩于心, 服务于行!

    Booen in mind, Service in active.

  10. 父亲的话我铭记于心。

    My father's words are inscribed on my memory.

  11. 深藏于土, 礼葬于心。

    My hands in the soil, buried inside of myself.

  12. 深藏于土,礼葬于心。

    My hands in the soil, buried inside of myself.

  13. 他内疚于心,深感不安。

    He was harrowed with guilt.

  14. 情通于心,血浓于水。

    Qualcomm situation in the heart, blood is thicker than water.

  15. 那情景令我铭记于心。

    I was deeply impressed with the sight.

  16. 父亲得话我铭记于心。

    My father's words are inscribed on my memory.

  17. 这本书我熟读于心。

    I know this book off by heart!

  18. 并对全局形势 透彻于心。

    and have been able to see the big picture.

  19. 请将伊萨卡长记于心。

    Always keep Ithaca in your mind.

  20. 为什么?因为它只存乎于心。

    Why? Because it is there in everybody.

  21. 他的厚道员工们了然于心。

    His kindness did not go unnoticed by his staff.

  22. 爱情萦绕于心,占据着你。

    Romantic love is an obsession. It possesses you.

  23. 对家庭责任时时牢记于心。

    always mindful of family responsibilities.

  24. 个人签名布恩于心, 服务于行!

    Booen in mind, Service in active.

  25. 我们将自己的想法铭记于心

    We imprint our own ideas onto acts

  26. 我们将自己得想法铭记于心

    We imprint our own ideas onto acts

  27. 铭记父母于心,眼观整个世界。

    Keep your parents in mind and the whole world in sight.

  28. 用你的直觉让你免于心痛。

    Allow your intuition to save you from heartache.

  29. 他把胜利的一刻铭记于心。

    This winning moment was embedded in his mind.

  30. 他把胜利的一刻铭记于心。

    This winning moment was embedded in his mind.


  1. 问:于心不忍拼音怎么拼?于心不忍的读音是什么?于心不忍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:于心不忍的读音是yúxīnbùrěn,于心不忍翻译成英文是 be against one's conscience; not have the hea...


