




1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……





汉语拼音:zhōng jiān rén







  1. 居间介绍、调停或作证的人。

    清 李渔 《奈何天·闹封》:“你两个都不要抢,交与我,中间人,自然有个调停之法。” 王西彦 《古城的忧郁·蹂躏》:“他自己在那里做了老顾客,同时就替他们做中间人,给一些作小本营生的放利息高得不近情理的债。”

  2. 中间派。

    毛泽东 《运用舆论反击国民党进攻》五:“尽量争取中间人,在中间刊物发表抗议。”



  1. They view the bank as an intermediary between borrowers who prefer long-maturity loans and depositors who prefer liquid accounts.


  2. Marketers are also beginning to skip the journalist as a middleman to produce their message and are instead producing it themselves.


  3. I dont know why China cares about this at all. They will just sent the goods through a foreign middle man country first.


  4. First you will write letters for a while, through me. It is devastating to the child to experience a second abandonment.


  5. Heathcliff wants to see Catherine again and refuses to let Ellen leave until she agrees to act as mediator.


  6. The country's dishonest bankers and shady mortgage-brokers never seem to be touched by economic cycles that grind other Americans down.


  7. As the broker in North Korea did not ask a fee in advance, she assumed payment would be made upon her return.


  8. and I need an intermediate to take her to the animal hospital !


  9. Some red shirts, and many foreign observers, believe that the palace has already taken sides and is no longer an honest broker.


  1. 中间人服务

    broker service.

  2. 代理中间人

    agent middleman.

  3. 情报中间人

    information broker.

  4. 运输中间人

    transportation middleman.

  5. 转手贸易中间人

    switch dealer

  6. 中间人攻击简述

    The man in the middle

  7. 谈恋爱的中间人

    black foot

  8. 充当你的中间人。

    To act as your intermediaries.

  9. 充当你的中间人。

    To act as your intermediaries.

  10. 充当你的中间人。

    To act as your intermediaries.

  11. 中介信使或中介中间人

    A messenger or an agent a gobetween.

  12. 特罗耶是中间人。

    Troyer's importexport.

  13. 特罗耶是中间人。

    Troyer's importexport.

  14. 中间人唱歌不走调儿。

    None of them could sing in tune.

  15. 这笔交易没有中间人。

    There was no middleman in this transaction.

  16. 透过中间人收贿款

    take bribes through a middleman

  17. 他们通过中间人做交易。

    They had transacted business by the agency of a broker.

  18. 他从书中学习中间人。

    he could learn at second hand from books.

  19. 佣金付给中间人的手续费

    A fee or commission paid to a broker.

  20. 我找一个中间人来干涉。

    Let me find an intermediary to intervene.

  21. 戈门,你欠我中间人的报酬。

    Gorman, you owe me a finder's fee.

  22. 我真的需要中间人的报酬吗?

    Do I really need a finder's fee?

  23. 你可以把它们看成中间人。

    You could think of them as middle men.

  24. 贷方与借方之间的中间人。

    Intermediaries between lenders and borrowers.

  25. 穆斯林与真主之间没有中间人。

    There are no intermediaries Between God and the worshipper.

  26. 中间无任何贸易行或中间人。

    There is no trade between firms or intermediaries.

  27. 佣金是付给中间人的手续费。

    Brokerage is the fee or commission paid to a broker.

  28. 从中间人那儿听得的消息

    heard the news at second hand.

  29. 双方只会通过中间人间接接触。

    The two sides would only meet indirectly, through middlemen.

  30. 公司直接和卖主联系, 避开中间人。

    It deals direct with vendors, again avoiding middlemen.


  1. 问:中间人拼音怎么拼?中间人的读音是什么?中间人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中间人的读音是zhōngjiānrén,中间人翻译成英文是 middle man

  2. 问:中间人佣金拼音怎么拼?中间人佣金的读音是什么?中间人佣金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中间人佣金的读音是zhōng jiān rén yōng jīn,中间人佣金翻译成英文是 finder's fee

  3. 问:中间人攻击拼音怎么拼?中间人攻击的读音是什么?中间人攻击翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中间人攻击的读音是,中间人攻击翻译成英文是 Man in the middle attack



“中间人”是个多义词,它可以指中间人(2008年起英国电视剧), 中间人(农坛小说), 中间人(江南小说), 中间人(2009年George Gallo执导美国电影), 中间人(莫瑞斯小说), 中间人(词语释义)。