







汉语拼音:gǎn wǎng






  1. 谓行事果敢向前而无所顾忌。

    《汉书·酷吏传·义纵》:“﹝ 纵 ﹞治敢往,少温籍。”《汉书·王温舒》:“择军中豪敢往吏十餘人为爪牙。” 颜师古 注:“豪杰而性果敢、一往无所顾者以为吏也。”



  1. I just bet each of the guys in the card room a thousand bucks each that I could piss all over you and the bar and still make you laugh!


  2. Courage is daring to be Brave, Enterprising, and Bold.


  3. Economists have predicted before that women would one day dominate the labor force as more ventured outside the home.


  4. How dare you jump on my face!


  5. Ha ha ha, next Saturday, said to be under moderate rain, the day has been overcast with Beijing, did not dare go to the city of pigeons;


  6. Cigarettes Are Bacteria Sticks, Too


  1. 你不敢往下跳,你不是男子汉!

    You daren't jump down, you sissy!

  2. 停下!你再敢往前游一下。

    If you put one fin on that boat.

  3. 这坏蛋吓得不敢往下说了。

    The rascal was frightened into holding his tongue.

  4. 停下!你再敢往前游一下, 先生。

    Stop! You take one more move, mister.

  5. 他唱走了调,窘得不敢往台下看。

    His voice went off key and he was too embarrassed to look at the audience.

  6. 他唱着唱着走了调, 窘得不敢往台下看。

    He began to sing out of tune and he was too embarrassed to look at the audience.

  7. 遗憾的是他不敢往前走去因为他害怕受到奚落。

    Unhappily he did not dare to come forward, being afraid he should only be jeered at.

  8. 遗憾得是他不敢往前走去因为他害怕受到奚落。

    Unhappily he did not dare to come forward, being afraid he should only be jeered at.

  9. 她生怕被蛇咬着,而不敢往草丛中再走一步。

    She was afraid to step further in the grass because she was afraid of being bitten by a snake.

  10. 我不敢再往前走一步。

    I won't venture a step farther.

  11. 我不敢再往前走一步了。

    I will not venture a step further.

  12. 他的心跳了,他不敢再往下想。

    His heart pounded wildly, and he dared not think about it any more.

  13. 当你想到喜欢的工作时, 一定要敢想, 往大的方面想!

    What kinds of activities come easily and naturally to you? Whenyou think of work you love, think big!

  14. 吉姆不敢从跳板上往下跳。

    Jim didn't have the nerve to jump off the high diving board.

  15. 你敢从墙头上往下跳吗?

    Dare you jump down from the top of the wall?

  16. 他因胆怯而不敢从桥上往河里跳。

    He chickened out of jumping into the river from the bridge

  17. 这时小男孩转向他得妈妈, 你知道乌龟往哪儿都敢跳吗

    The boy turned to his mother. Did you know turtles could jump off anything?

  18. 这时小男孩转向他的妈妈, 你知道乌龟往哪儿都敢跳吗?

    The boy turned to his mother. Did you know turtles could jump off anything?

  19. 我敢肯定, 你再往行李箱中放一件东西就会把它挤爆。

    If you put one more thing in that suitcase, I can guarantee you it will burst.

  20. 我敢肯定,你再往行李箱中放一件东西就会把它挤爆。

    If you put one more thing in that suitcase, I can guarantee you it will burst.

  21. 我们得蹑手蹑脚地走过, 低声地说话, 连往屋里窥视也不敢。

    We had to walk past quietly, talking whispers, and dared not even take a peep inside.

  22. 谁的好羊你敢往袋中藏

    Wheres that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tuckerbag.

  23. 勇气就是敢于冒险、敢于进取、敢往直前。

    Courage is daring to be Brave, Enterprising, and Bold.

  24. 他直往前跑,怎麽也不敢回头看。

    On and on he ran, never daring to look back.

  25. 他直往前跑, 怎么也不敢回头看。

    On and on he ran, never daring to look back.

  26. 我敢说他撒谎了,因为他说话时总是往旁边看。

    I could tell that he was lying because he faced away while he was speaking.

  27. 我敢说, 他在撒谎, 因为他说话时总是往旁边看。

    I could tell that he was lying because he faced away while he was speaking.

  28. 不敢再思索,他拔起腿就往回走,非常的快。

    Without pondering anymore, he started back, striding swiftly.

  29. 谁敢欺负我的乖儿子?爸爸牵着儿子就往外走。

    Who dare bully my son?! Father leads Son by the hand out ot the house.

  30. 贝托斯卡真想往篮子里偷偷看一眼啊,可是她不敢。

    Betushka wanted awfully to peep inside but she was afraid to.