




1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……


1. 派 [pài]派 [pài]水的支流:九~(指长江支流之多)。一个系统的分支:~系。~别。~性。党~。作风,风度:正~。气~。~势。~头。分配,指定:~赴。~驻。~遣。委~。指摘:~不是。量词(a.用于派别,如“两~的意见争论不休”;……



汉语拼音:zhōng jiān pài






  1. 指动摇于两个对立的政治力量之间的派别。

    周恩来 《关于西安事变的三个电报》三:“中间派开始接近于左派。”

  2. 指在两种对立的意见、争端或派别之间持中立态度的人。



  1. He came in second in recent parliamentary elections. Netanyahu wants centrist rivals to join him in a unity coalition.


  2. Mr Rove failed to appreciate the degree to which the "politics of division" can lead to a backlash from middle-of-the-road voters.


  3. "I've always been a middle-of-the-road working man, " he says.


  4. He said he would take a tougher stand against Hamas than the ruling centrist Kadima party has done.


  5. Lieberman is a veteran politician that has always been a middle- of - the -road Democrat.


  6. The centrists' creed was that government should not interfere with the market, but help workers cope with the consequences.


  7. Again, that's what a supposedly centrist Republican, a member of the Gang of Six trying to devise a bipartisan health plan, sounds like.


  8. With weakened allies in Congress, he would have to be a centrist president or an outright failure.


  9. Oh, and let me give a special shout-out to "centrist" pundits who won't admit that President Obama has already given them what they want.


  1. 中间派政治人物

    a centrist politician

  2. 中间派占百分之八十左右。

    The middle makes up approximately 80 per cent.

  3. 中间派反对扣帽子是真实的。

    The middle elements are sincere in their opposition to labelling.

  4. 虽然至今中间派仍属于默克尔。

    For now, though, the middle belongs to Ms Merkel.

  5. 有社会上的左派、中间派和右派。

    And outside the Party, by the Left, the middle and the Right.

  6. 右派一捣乱,中间派就搞糊涂了。

    Once the Rightists went at it, the middle elements got confused.

  7. 这些人中,有两位是左派,有两位是中间派。

    Two of the men were leftists and two were centrists.

  8. 我们提议应该让一个中间派担任主席。

    We propose that somebody neutral take the chair.

  9. 他既不是鸽派,也不是鹰派,而是中间派。

    He is neither a dove nor a hawk, but betwixt and between.

  10. 他们是中间派人士,既不赞成,也不反对。

    They belong to the neutral section, neither in supporting of it nor against it.

  11. 右派看见中间派批评我们, 就来捣乱了。

    When the Rightists saw them criticizing us, they came out and made trouble.

  12. 人们要么热爱他, 要么憎恶他, 中间派人数很少。

    People tend to love him loathe him, and the middle ground is thinly populated.

  13. 中间派政党希望能在下次大选中获胜。

    The centre parties are hoping to win the next election.

  14. 跨越两派的则是由胡总领导的中间派。

    Sitting astride it all is the Centre, run by President Hu Jintao.

  15. 最近几个月, 中间派得到了很多得支持。

    The Center has gained more support in recent months.

  16. 最近几个月,中间派得到了很多的支持。

    The Center has gained more support in recent months.

  17. 最近几个月,中间派得到了很多的支持。

    The Center has gained more support in recent months.

  18. 中间派,也就是生活富足的人永远占多数。

    There will be a permanent majority of the Centre, of people leading prosperous lives.

  19. 他的政府中的一些最为显赫的身影是中间派。

    Some of the most prominent figures in his administration are centrists.

  20. 中间派在政治图谱上提供一个方便的点。

    The center provides a convenient point on the political spectrum.

  21. 但是, 中间派归根结底是好人, 他们是无产阶级的同盟军。

    But in the final analysis the middle elements are good people, an ally of the proletariat.

  22. 内塔尼亚胡希望中间派对手加入他形成联盟。

    Netanyahu wants centrist rivals to join him in a unity coalition.

  23. 反动派是假投降,中间派的许多人也不心悦诚服。

    The surrender of the reactionaries was a sham, and many of the middle elements submitted unwillingly.

  24. 公民运动的成员可能会成为未来中间派政党的核心。

    The Civic Movement could be the nucleus of a centrist party of the future.

  25. 前共产党执政, 直到1996年, 被合并的中间派党推翻。

    Former Communists dominated the government until 1996, when they were swept from power by a fractious coalition of centrist parties.

  26. 以色列中间派对于巴勒斯坦建国态度暧昧。

    The Israeli centrist majority views a Palestinian state with deep ambivalence.

  27. 因为对于发展进步势力, 顽固派是反对的, 中间派是怀疑的。

    For the latter are opposed to the growth of the progressive forces, while the middle section is sceptical.

  28. 左派和中间派可以阻挠其投票, 但并不能构成威胁。

    The left and centre can thwart that, but not install a rival.

  29. 这是不同的三部分人, 但都是目前时局中的中间派。

    They are three distinct categories, but as things are, they all belong to the middle forces.

  30. 在许多其他问题上, 他的立场很可能疏远这些中间派。

    On a host of other issues, he has risked alienating the centre.


  1. 问:中间派拼音怎么拼?中间派的读音是什么?中间派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中间派的读音是zhōngjiānpài,中间派翻译成英文是 a force or person that stands between opposing p...

  2. 问:中间派议员拼音怎么拼?中间派议员的读音是什么?中间派议员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中间派议员的读音是,中间派议员翻译成英文是 centrist

  3. 问:中间派抉择绿党拼音怎么拼?中间派抉择绿党的读音是什么?中间派抉择绿党翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中间派抉择绿党的读音是,中间派抉择绿党翻译成英文是 Green Party


