







汉语拼音:tòng kū








  1. 大声哭泣;尽情地哭。

    晋 干宝 《晋纪总论》:“ 范燮 必为之请死, 贾谊 必为之痛哭。” 明 张居正 《归葬事毕谢恩疏》:“母子相抱,痛哭失声。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》六:“他想坐下痛哭一场。”参见“ 痛哭流涕 ”。



  1. She watched him for a long while and, finally, he put his head on the table, overturning the coffee cup, and wept aloud .


  2. With a wail the Queen cast herself down and began to weep and to beat her hands on the stones.


  3. Years later, she said, he would bemoan his lack of dating experience, wondering aloud what he had missed.


  4. The emotions of that day had turned the nun into a woman once more. She had wept, and she was trembling.


  5. More than all that, however, the Heat will face the pressures that apparently overcame them that day when they cried in the locker room.


  6. When she saw him, his mother burst into tears. She said he had never run away before.


  7. The woman sank back to a sitting posture on the floor, and, covering her eyes with her hands, gave way to heart-broken sobs and wailings.


  8. Then, in 2002, his chief of staff discovered him on the floor of his state-house office, unable to stop crying.


  9. The last time he had seen her, just before they left port, her eyes had been raw from crying, two ghastly red holes in a wan, pale face.


  1. 畅谈, 痛哭。

    talk, weep without restraint

  2. 为死者痛哭

    Bewail the dead.

  3. 我懂得如何痛哭

    I know how it pours

  4. 他不禁失声痛哭。

    He broke down and wept.

  5. 他们都痛哭起来。

    They were melted into tears all around.

  6. 痛哭了一宿之后。

    After a night spent in floods of tears.

  7. 哀叫, 哀号, 失声痛哭

    To howl, wail, or lament loudly.

  8. 哀叫,哀号,失声痛哭

    To howl, wail, or lament loudly.

  9. 两人还放声痛哭

    They even burst out crying

  10. 徒劳无益的痛哭时。

    When I cry out for the.

  11. 我真想痛哭一场。

    I want a good cry.

  12. 希西家就痛哭了。

    And Hezekiah wept many tears.

  13. 他想坐下痛哭一

    He wanted to sit down and weep bitterly.

  14. 在守丧或送葬时痛哭

    keen at wakes or funerals

  15. 苏珊绝望地失声痛哭。

    Susan cried loudly in despair.

  16. 当她们想痛哭时她们歌唱。

    They sing when they want to cry.

  17. 凶耗传来,他痛哭失声。

    Hearing the death notice, he broke out crying.

  18. 凶耗传来,他痛哭失声。

    Hearing the death notice, he broke out crying.

  19. 姑娘们尽情痛哭了一顿。

    The girls indulged unrestrained in their grief.

  20. 胃疼难奈, 她失声痛哭。

    She was crying bitterly, just because of the pain in her stomach.

  21. 噩耗传来,她痛哭失声。

    When the grievous news came, she was choked with tears.

  22. 如果你看到我在痛哭?

    If you saw me crying?

  23. 他妈妈去世时他失声痛哭。

    He broke down and wept when his mother died.

  24. 我失败了!他痛哭着说。

    I failed!', He cried.

  25. 这位妈妈忍不住痛哭起来。

    The mother gave way and cried bitterly.

  26. 她疯了似地痛哭起来。

    She burst into hysterical tears.

  27. 她发出一声痛哭的吼叫。

    She gave a roar of pain.

  28. 这位瘦小的人失声痛哭。

    The poor little fellow burst out crying.

  29. 父母过世后,兄弟们失声痛哭。

    The brothers fell to weeping after the death of their parents.

  30. 父母过世后,兄弟们失声痛哭。

    The brothers fell to weeping after the death of their parents.


  1. 问:痛哭拼音怎么拼?痛哭的读音是什么?痛哭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痛哭的读音是tòngkū,痛哭翻译成英文是 cry bitterly; wail

  2. 问:痛哭一场拼音怎么拼?痛哭一场的读音是什么?痛哭一场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痛哭一场的读音是Tòngkū yìchǎng,痛哭一场翻译成英文是 to have a good cry

  3. 问:痛哭流涕拼音怎么拼?痛哭流涕的读音是什么?痛哭流涕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痛哭流涕的读音是tòngkūliútì,痛哭流涕翻译成英文是 to cry sorrowfully, sniveling and shedding tear...



明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第五十一回:“赵盾伏于灵公之尸,痛哭了一场,哀声闻于园外。”