







汉语拼音:suō jù








  1. The adsorbability of the template condensation polymer for template ion was more favorable than that of the non template.


  2. In condensation polymerization, each monomer unit must have at least two functional groups.


  3. Conclusions: make a new kind of pharmaceutical dosage form-microparticles. through emulsification condensation method.


  4. Polyesters were among the first fiber -forming polycondensates to be discovered.


  5. Coacervation paint: Can condensation polymerization quickly for the paint when construction not sediment, salvage easy .


  6. Their gelation points were predicted and ESCA was used to detect the reaction variable of the polycondensations.


  7. The experiment results indicate that the crystallization rate could be reduced by decreasing the prepolycondesation temperature.


  8. The amorphous BN obtained had a higher yield and less residual condensation product of urea decomposition.


  9. Using lactic acid as monomer, L- lactide was synthesized by condensation polymerization and consequent depolymerization steps.


  1. 水解缩聚反应

    hydrolytic polycondensation.

  2. 低温缩聚反应

    low temperature pnlycondensation

  3. 终缩聚反应器

    final polycondensation reactor

  4. 此矩阵借方程缩聚。

    This matrix is condensed by the equation.

  5. 聚酯直接缩聚反应的机理探讨

    On the mechanism of direct polycondensation.

  6. 线性聚硅氧烷缩聚反应的探讨

    Discussion on linear polysiloxane polycondensation

  7. 终缩聚反应温度对聚酯品质的影响

    Effect of final polycondensation temperature on PET quality

  8. 萘磺酸甲醛缩聚反应的终点判定

    Terminating Point of the Polycondensation of Naphthalenesulfonic Acid and Formaldehyde

  9. 用糠醇和糠醛缩聚制备了新型呋喃树脂。

    A novel furan resin was synthesized by polycondensation between furfuralcohol and furfural.

  10. 微波辐射乳酸熔融缩聚反应动力学

    Chemical reaction kinetics of melt polycondensation of lactic acid under microwave irradiation

  11. 缩聚反应的统计力学和反应动力学理论

    Statistical Mechanics and Reaction Dynamics Theory for Polycondensations.

  12. 人们已知有两种聚合方式缩聚, 加聚。

    Two types of polymerization are recognized condensation polymerization and addition polymerization.

  13. 基于逆迭代法的结构动力缩聚技术

    A dynamic condensation technique via inverse iteration method

  14. 从牛奶中分离出一种缩聚产物,酪蛋白。

    To isolate a condensation polymer, casein, from milk.

  15. 聚酯缩聚反应过程分子量分布的优化控制

    Optimizing Control of Molecular Weight Distribution in a Polyester Condensation Process

  16. 聚酯树脂是多元酸和多元羟基化合缩聚而成。

    Polyester resins are the condensation products of polybasic acids and polyols.

  17. 提出了一种多元共缩聚树脂胶粘剂。

    This paper introduces a polybasic polycondensated resin adhesive.

  18. 缩聚反应的小分子驱动及其热力学意义

    Small Molecular Motivation to Condensation Polymerization and Its Thermodynamic Significance.

  19. 缩聚催化剂会对聚酯后加工性能产生不良影响。

    Polycondensation catalyst may has bad effect on polyester afterprocessing properties.

  20. 缩聚 加聚复合反应合成的刚性塑料的结构与性能

    Structure and properties of rigid plastics synthesised by combinative polycondensation and polyaddition

  21. 染料单体的活性基团对溶液共缩聚反应的影响

    Effects of Active Groups of Monomeric Dyes on Solution Copolycondensation Reaction

  22. 并且结合模型缩聚技术,降低了模型测量维数的要求。

    Combining with the FE model condensation technique, the request of the testing model dimensions is decreased.

  23. 在缩聚反应中,每个单体至少要有两个官能团。

    In condensation polymerization, each monomer unit must have at least two functional groups.

  24. 钛系催化剂对聚酯缩聚反应速度和热稳定性影响的研究

    Study on the effect of titanic catalysts on polyconsadention reaction rate and thermal stability of PET

  25. 含液晶基元的缩聚单体及其序列嵌段共聚物的合成

    Synthesis of a mesogenic condensation monomer and the sequential block copolymers thereof.

  26. 性能对施工时喷出漆雾缩聚迅速,不沉底易打捞。

    Coacervation paint Can condensation polymerization quickly for the paint when construction not sediment, salvage easy.

  27. 介绍了终缩聚反应器轴封泄漏的现象,判断和应急措施。

    The shaft seal leakage, judgement and emergency measures of the final polycondensation reactor was introduced.


  1. 问:缩聚拼音怎么拼?缩聚的读音是什么?缩聚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缩聚的读音是suōjù,缩聚翻译成英文是 fasculation

  2. 问:缩聚合拼音怎么拼?缩聚合的读音是什么?缩聚合翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缩聚合的读音是suō jù hé,缩聚合翻译成英文是 condensation polymerization

  3. 问:缩聚度拼音怎么拼?缩聚度的读音是什么?缩聚度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缩聚度的读音是suō jù dù,缩聚度翻译成英文是 degree of polycondensation

  4. 问:缩聚物拼音怎么拼?缩聚物的读音是什么?缩聚物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缩聚物的读音是,缩聚物翻译成英文是 polycondensate

  5. 问:缩聚作用拼音怎么拼?缩聚作用的读音是什么?缩聚作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缩聚作用的读音是suō jù zuò yòng,缩聚作用翻译成英文是 C-polymerization; condensation polymerizati...

  6. 问:缩聚反应拼音怎么拼?缩聚反应的读音是什么?缩聚反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缩聚反应的读音是suō jù fǎn yìng,缩聚反应翻译成英文是 polycondensation

  7. 问:缩聚动力学拼音怎么拼?缩聚动力学的读音是什么?缩聚动力学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缩聚动力学的读音是suō jù dòng lì xué,缩聚动力学翻译成英文是 kinetic of polycondensation



英文名称:polycondensation;condensation polymerization一种或几种含有二个或以上官能团的单体有机物化合成为聚合物同时析出低分子副产物(如水、卤化氢等小分子)的过程。例如二元酸和二元胺经缩聚而成聚酰胺,同时生成水。缩聚反应的特点是:大多数为可逆反应和逐步反应,分子量随反应时间的延长而逐渐增大,但单体的转化率却几乎与时间无关。根据反应条件可分为熔融缩聚反应、溶液缩聚反应、界面缩聚反应和固相缩聚反应四种;根据所用原料可分为均缩聚反应、混缩聚反应和共缩聚反应三种;根据产物结构又可分为二向缩聚或线型缩聚反应和三向缩聚或体型缩聚反应两种。