




1. 别 [bié]2. 别 [biè]别 [bié]分离:~离。~情。~绪(离别时离别后的情感)。分~。告~。久~重逢。分门~类。差别:霄壤之~。分类:类~。性~。职~。级~。派~。另外的:~人。~号。~字。~墅。~论。~开生面。卡住,插……



汉语拼音:jiè bié






  1. 划分;区别。

    《汉书·西域传赞》:“ 淮南 、 杜钦 、 扬雄 之论,皆以为此天地所以界别区域,絶外内也。” 郭沫若 《星空·孤竹君之二子》:“我回想到 唐 虞 以前的人……他们是没有物我的区分,没有国族的界别。”



  1. Subsectors include: gunsmithing. locksmithing. heating and air conditioning technician and computer technician. among others.


  2. I am not appointed as an authorized representative of a corporate voter in the same Election Committee subsector applied for in Section 6.


  3. Participants proposed to add new constituencies for women, Mainland enterprises, culture and arts, logistics and kai-fong associations.


  4. a participant proposed adding a women subsector . the representatives could be returned by the women organizations of 18 districts.


  5. A participant opined that the number of sectors should be increased, so as to increase the number of electors.


  6. With the support of various sectors , we are developing a creative arts centre in a vacant factory building in Shek Kip Mei .


  7. The number of Election Committee members in the First, Second and Third Sectors to be increased from 200 to 300 respectively.


  8. Announce the results of applications received under the Pilot Scheme for Public-Private Partnership to promote nature conservation.


  9. The Council succeeded in developing partnership projects with other sectors in bulidng social capital and service development .


  1. 功能界别选票

    functional constituency ballot paper.

  2. 订明功能界别

    prescribed functional constituency

  3. 社会福利界功能界别

    social welfare functional constituency

  4. 特别功能界别投票站

    special functional constituency polling station

  5. 功能界别已登记的选民

    Registered voters of the functional constituencies

  6. 这对儿双胞胎很难界别。

    It is hard to tell the twins from one another.

  7. 这对儿双胞胎很难界别。

    It is hard to tell the twins from one another.

  8. 宗教界界别分组的有效提名

    Valid nominations in the religious subsector

  9. 体育, 演艺, 文化及出版界功能界别

    sports, performing arts, culture and publication functional constituency

  10. 体育, 演艺, 文化及出版界界别分组

    sports, performing arts, culture and publication subsector

  11. 关于按界别设置委员小组之管见

    Humble Opinion of Setting up Subgroups of Members of Political Consultative Conference by Region and Classification

  12. 关注削减福利开支,并为界别发展资源。

    Welfare Budget Cut and Resources Development for the Sector.

  13. 然后最迟于2016年,全面取消功能界别议席。

    By 2016 at the latest, abolish all Functional Constituencies.

  14. 在现有劳工界功能界别两个议席外增加一个议席。

    To give one to the Labour FC in addition to its existing two seats.

  15. 有关团体可选择被纳入此功能界别或劳工界功能界别内。

    This organisation can choose to be included in this FC or FC.

  16. 有些嘉宾认为应增加界别的数目,从而扩大选民人数。

    A participant opined that the number of sectors should be increased, so as to increase the number of electors.

  17. 有些嘉宾认为应增加界别得数目, 从而扩大选民人数。

    A participant opined that the number of sectors should be increased, so as to increase the number of electors.

  18. 请?照背页之功能界别及选举委员会界别分组的名称。

    Please refer overleaf for the names of the functional constituency and Election Committee subsector.

  19. 请参照背页之功能界别及选举委员会界别分组的名称。

    Please refer overleaf for the names of the functional constituency and Election Committee subsector.

  20. 请参照背页之功能界别及选举委员会界别分组得名称。

    Please refer overleaf for the names of the functional constituency and Election Committee subsector.

  21. 当立法会实行普选时,功能界别不会再以目前模式存在。

    When the LegCo is to be returned by universal suffrage, the FCs will no longer exist in their current form.

  22. 我想与各位分享我在香港公营界别作领导的个人反思。

    I do not want there to be any doubt that what I say is anything other than my own personal reflections on leadership in the public sector of Hong Kong.

  23. 整体来说, 嘉宾都希望加强功能界别得代表性和认受性。

    Overall speaking, participants hoped that the representativeness and legitimacy of the functional constituencies could be enhanced.

  24. 基于岩心孔隙度合成的测井差比方法在气层界别中的应用

    The Application of Differential Ratio Method of Core Porosity Combination Logging on Identification of Gas Layer


  1. 问:界别拼音怎么拼?界别的读音是什么?界别翻译成英文是什么?

    答:界别的读音是jièbié,界别翻译成英文是 A category by which people are classified accor...