











汉语拼音:qì chuǎn rú niú








  • 【解释】:形容大声喘气的模样。
  • 【出自】:清·文康《儿女英雄传》第三十九回:“脸是喝了个漆紫,连乐带忙,一头说着,只张着嘴,气喘如牛的拿了条大手巾擦那脑门子上的汗。”
  • 【示例】:那总办~的说道:‘那贱人我不要了!’


  1. Chase was breathing hard. His chain-mail shirt and the tan leather tunic under it had big rips from the claws.


  2. They were out of breath after a mile race.


  3. If you're huffing and puffing at any point during the run, slow down and make sure you can take deep breathes.


  1. 经过了一英里得赛跑之后他们气喘如牛。

    They were out of breath after a mile race.

  2. 经过了一英里的赛跑之后他们气喘如牛。

    They were out of breath after a mile race.

  3. 蔡司死死顶住门, 气喘如牛, 而门嘎吱作响。

    Chase grunted as he pushed.The doors creaked.

  4. 在我年轻的岁月,它可是会让我气喘如牛的。

    At my youthful age, it caused me to pant.

  5. 他气喘如牛,兴奋地告诉我们他刚刚听到的事。

    He panted excitedly giving us the news as he had just heard it.

  6. 气壮如牛, 胆小如鼠。

    Long mint, little dint.

  7. 气壮如牛,胆小如鼠。

    Long mint, little dint.

  8. 他健壮如牛。

    He's as strong as an ox.

  9. 他健壮如牛。

    He's as strong as an ox.

  10. 他体壮如牛。

    He is as strong as an ox.

  11. 他力大如牛。

    He is as strong as a horse.

  12. 约翰胃大如牛。

    John eats like a horse.

  13. 埃莉的问题多如牛毛。

    Ellie's problems are legion.

  14. 那时, 苛捐杂税多如牛毛。

    At that time, taxes and levies were as many as the hairs on an ox.

  15. 我一向体壮如牛。

    I've always had the constitution of an ox.

  16. 他健壮得如牛一样。

    He is as strong as oxen.

  17. 他很强壮,力大如牛。

    He is so strong that he can carry a bull.

  18. 他很强壮,力大如牛。

    He is so strong that he can carry a bull.

  19. 八月里这地方游客多如牛毛。

    In August the place is lousy with tourists.

  20. 要让机器发生进化, 我们得让他们多如牛毛。

    To evolve machines, we'll need huge flocks of them.

  21. 一个是中等身材, 肌肉结实, 体壮如牛。

    One was of medium height, sturdily built and strong as an ox.

  22. 截去角的动物不再有角的动物,如牛,山羊或绵羊

    An animal,such as an ox,a goat,or a sheep,that no longer has its horns.

  23. 除了田赋以外, 他们还被迫交纳多如牛毛得各种杂捐。

    In addition, they were forced to pay innumerable surtaxes, to say nothing of the government land tax.

  24. 野生菌类如牛肝菌或羊肚菌,也是蛋白质的良好来源。

    Wild mushrooms such as porcini or morels are a good source of protein as well.

  25. 他体壮如牛,还有一种与之相称的坏脾气。

    The man was as strong as a horse, and his temper was as fierce as he was strong.

  26. 你和他讲这些就如对牛弹琴, 真是浪费时间!

    Talking to him is like preaching to deaf ears. A real waste of time!

  27. 未被问到,如来成为了避难所如来象牛一样追随着世界。

    Unasked, the Tathagata becomes the refuge. The Buddha follows the world like a calf.

  28. 蔡司气喘如牛, 他的链甲和内衬的皮甲上有深深的爪痕。

    Chase was breathing hard. His chainmail shirt and the tan leather tunic under it had big rips from the claws.

  29. 用于运输货物或做其他苦力的动物,如猴子,牛,象

    an animal such as a donkey or ox or elephant used for transporting loads or doing other heavy work

  30. 脾脏某些脊椎动物得脾脏,如牛或猪得。

    The spleen of certain vertebrate animals, such as cows or pigs.



【名 称】:气喘如牛

【拼 音】:qì chuǎn rú niú

【解 释】:像牛一样大声地喘气。形容大声喘气的模样。

【出 处】:清·文康《儿女英雄传》第三十九回:“脸是喝了个漆紫,连乐带忙,一头说着,只张着嘴,气喘如牛的拿了条大手巾擦那脑门子上的汗。”

【示 例】:那总办~地说道:‘那贱人我不要了!’ ★清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六十六回


【用 法】:作谓语、状语;指出粗气

【英 文】:have bellows to mend ([俚](马等)喘气, 发喘)