



  • 【解释】:形容孤单。
  • 【出自】:明·高明《琵琶记·丹陛陈情》:“但臣亲老鬓发白,筋力皆癯瘁。形只影单,无兄弟,谁奉侍?”
  • 【示例】:太后因妇人一生衣食莫不倚于其夫,其有夫死而孀居者,既无丈夫衣食可恃,~,饥寒谁恤。


  1. But as time passed, as he span between the royal duties, people began to remark that the prince was approaching 40 and still unmarried.

  2. Still, those forlorn mansions also show how a place that squandered its competitive advantage, as Penang did several times, can regain it.

  3. She's walking there alone, No one by her side She manages to fight the tears, but The pain inside She can't hide. . .


  1. 你形只影单地生活, 从未有回报, 只因他们惧怕你伟大的意义。

    You live aloneunrecompensed because they are afraid of your great worth.

  2. 我是一个四边形。我只有一对平行的边。

    I am a quadrilateral. I have only 1 pair of parallel sides. Who am I ?

  3. 他淡然接受孤形只影的生活。

    He resigned himself to living alone.

  4. 这批高档蚕丝布由于印错了花形只能降等出售了。

    Because these high-grade silks were printed with the wrong design, they have to be sold as a substandard products.

  5. 基因决定了我的形,使我每只手上有五个指头,嘴里长32颗牙齿,它还规定了我的语言能力和大约半数的智力活动。

    It was genes that prescribed my shape, gave me five fingers on each hand and 32 teeth in my mouth, laid down my capacity for language and defined about half of my intellectual capacity.

  6. 再次声明, 我不是做结论和举办任何臆断, 我只是摆出原形。

    Again I'm not making conclusions and assumptions, just laying the facts.

  7. 这只是娇正鼻形手术。

    It was corrective rhinoplasty for a deviated.

  8. 但這只是我自己的意識形態

    But this is just my own personal ideology.

  9. 义大利的地形像只长靴。

    The shape of Italy is like a boot.

  10. 每个有四种形像, 每个有四只翅膀。

    And every one had four and every one of them had four wings.

  11. 不过, 外观只是人形的一部份。

    Appearance, though, is only part of human likeness.

  12. 他送给他女儿一只猪形储蓄罐。

    He gave his daughter a piggy bank.

  13. 你形如我的魂魄, 一只梦中蝶。

    You are like my soul, a butterfly of dream.

  14. 身体呈纺锤形,只是两侧稍微有点扁平。

    The body is spindle-shaped and only slightly compressed laterally.

  15. 真正能够终结一只幻形怪的是笑声。

    What really finishes a boggart is laughter.

  16. 对照组只用赋形剂进行类似的治疗。

    A control group was treated similarly with the vehicle only.

  17. 身形瘦弱的她有时只能喝水止饥。

    The frail Chen staved off hunger by drinking water.

  18. 只有一种与形容词同形的副词形式的词。

    Please choose a correct adverb form for the following adjectives.

  19. 如果只有16名参赛选手,是不需要演武指定形。

    If there are only sixteen competitors no Shitei kata is required.

  20. 我影只形单地站在无人的月台上。

    I found myself standing alone on the deserted platform.

  21. 从远处眺望,山形犹如一只威武英烈的雄狮。

    Look from a distance, Yamagata heroes like a mighty lion.

  22. 鸟雀得羽毛依然是叶形得, 只是更干燥, 更薄了。

    The feathers and wings of birds are still drier and thinner leaves.

  23. 鸟雀的羽毛依然是叶形的,只是更干燥,更薄了。

    The feathers and wings of birds are still drier and thinner leaves.

  24. 一凸多边形有七条边, 但只有一个角是直角。

    A particular convex polygon with seven sides has exactly one right angle.

  25. 只需单击一下即可将图表更改为条形图。

    You can change a chart to a bar graph with one click.

  26. 几种只有圆锥形牙齿的鲸, 以鱼等为食

    any of several whales having simple conical teeth and feeding on fish etc

  27. 在第三对中, 形参列表只有默认实参不同。

    In the third pair, the parameter lists differ only in default arguments.

  28. 只对野兽,人形生物和小动物生效。2秒施法。

    Only works on Beasts, Humanoids and Critters.2 sec cast time.

  29. 没有,我只是往胸罩里塞了我孩子的筒形短袜

    No, I just stuffed my bra with my kid's tube socks.

  30. 只有尖点的平面曲边多角形缺陷的应力分析

    Stress analysis for plane curved polygonal defects containing cusps only.

