







汉语拼音:xiě shī



  1. He felt that writing poetry would help him since that required using many different words which had the same meaning.


  2. McGonagall was a textile industry worker who began writing poetry at the age of 47 after a " muse " visited him in his dundee apartment .


  3. Fanny: Now he's gone, I shall find it easier to talk. Can you say something of the craft of poetry?


  4. one should learn the writing of poems merely as a way to record a meaningful moment, a personal mood, or to help the enjoyment of Nature.


  5. When he left the hospital, he began to write poetry.


  6. Peter always had a way with words. He wrote poetry from an early age and one of his poems, about smoking, won a prize.


  7. More fortunately, Some of my good friends here who are good at writing poems. Would you help me with translating it?


  8. "I haven't written poetry for many years. " she said smile "but I still love to read good poetry. "


  9. There is a famous story about British poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. He was writing a poem when he was interrupted by a knock at the door.


  1. 诗人写诗。

    A poet writes poems.

  2. 我也写诗。

    I also write poem.

  3. 他常写诗。

    He often pens poems.

  4. 华兹华斯写诗。

    Wordsworth wrote poetry.

  5. 读书, 发梦, 写诗。

    Reading, dreaming, and writing verse.

  6. 读书,发梦,写诗。

    Reading, dreaming, and writing verse.

  7. 她写诗讴歌自由。

    She wrote poems in praise of freedom.

  8. 我会为她写诗。

    I'll write her poetry.

  9. 快速写诗教学初探

    The Ways of Teaching to Write a Fast Poem

  10. 他用空余时间写诗。

    He spent his spare time composing poetry.

  11. 他既写诗又写散文。

    He wrote poetry and prose.

  12. 女诗人写诗的妇女

    A woman who writes poems.

  13. 他很喜欢写诗、背诗。

    He was very fond of writing and reciting poetry.

  14. 不是谁都能写诗。

    It is not given to everybody to write poems.

  15. 她尝试写诗失败了。

    Her attempt at poetry was a failure.

  16. 我学习数学。我还写诗。

    I study maths. I write poetry.

  17. 出院后, 他开始写诗。

    When he left the hospital, he began to write poetry.

  18. 出院后,他开始写诗。

    When he left the hospital, he began to write poetry.

  19. 读诗和写诗都是如此?

    Reading and writing a poem?

  20. 写诗需要很强的技巧。

    Writing poetry requires great technique.

  21. 您觉得您有能力写诗吗?

    Do you think you are capable of writing poems?

  22. 学生们通过写诗增强自信心。

    Students advance their confidence by writing poems.

  23. 为什么读, 有时候写诗呢

    Why read and sometimes even write poetry

  24. 写诗要有无限的想象力。

    Writing poems needs boundless imaginations.

  25. 他主要靠写诗维持生计。

    It was his poetry that brought home the bacon

  26. 你知道, 写诗和文凭无关。

    You know, writing poetry has nothing to do with diplomas.

  27. 他写诗,但靠教书过日子。

    He writes poetry but his daily bread comes from teaching.

  28. 她从十几岁开始写诗。

    She began writing poetry in her teens.

  29. 所以我用写诗来搞明白。

    So I write poems to figure things out.

  30. 约翰在学校时就爱好写诗。

    John took up writing poetry while at school.


