




1. 厂 [chǎng]2. 厂 [ān]3. 厂 [hàn]厂 [chǎng]指用机械制造生产资料或生活资料的工场。有空地方可以存货或进行加工的地方:煤~。棚舍:“枳篱茅~共桑麻。”中国明代为加强专制统治而设的特务机关。厂 [ān]同“庵……



汉语拼音:chuán chǎng







船厂 [chuán chǎng]
  1. 造船、修船的工厂。




  1. The host of small private yards that has sprung up in recent years are unlikely to be given support to avoid insolvency.


  2. But he stressed that production would be kept at the current boatyard under Italian management and with its present 15-strong workforce.


  3. "Korean yards seem to be losing out to Chinese yards in order-taking this year, " Morgan Stanley said in a recent report.


  4. They fell madly in love, married and moved to Philadelphia, where Richard worked as a shipyard engineer for fifty dollars a week.


  5. With its big order book, Yangzijiang will be under pressure to handle a steep ramp-up in deliveries.


  6. His first job was at his parents' pub when he was at school and he also worked in shipyard as well as selling insurance.


  7. When I looked again to horror was added chagrin, for with the emerging of the U-boat I had recognized her as a product of our own shipyard.


  8. The yard was completed in October, four months ahead of schedule, something that UBS analyst Hubert Tang sees as a coup for the company.


  9. They showed a new submarine in a shipyard that looked unlike any of the vessels the country's military has in service so far.


  1. 修船厂设计

    ship repairing yard design.

  2. 船厂特种起重机

    gantry crane

  3. 你们船厂造什么船?

    What ships do you build?

  4. 船厂已靠近陆地。

    The ship was within sight of land.

  5. 北但泽造船厂

    Danzig North.

  6. 如果船厂被卖了

    If this yard gets sold.

  7. 代理船厂进坞修理。

    Agency of shipyard dry docking repairs.

  8. 如果主要船厂报废旧船。

    If major players scrap their fleets.

  9. 上海外高桥船厂厂房

    Workshop of Shanghai Wai Gao qiao Shipyard

  10. 气囊下水在船厂的应用

    Aerocyst sewer in shipyard application

  11. 在你们船厂船舶怎样下水?

    How is a ship launched in your shipyard?

  12. 广州文冲船厂有限责任公司

    Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard Co. , Ltd.

  13. 都是郑和宝船船厂的遗址。

    Are the site of zheng's treasure ship.

  14. 美英小型船厂中的计算机应用

    Computer application in small sized shipyards of USA and UK

  15. 马尾造船厂就造出了铁甲船。

    The Mawei shipyard was able to make completely armored ships.

  16. 某小船厂船台设计错误例析

    A case study on design mistakes of the slipway of a minitype shipyard

  17. 目前该船厂还没有集装箱船的订单。

    It has no containerships on its books currently.

  18. 请给我看看船级证书和船厂报告。

    Please show me the Classification Certificate and the dockyard report.

  19. 天津新港船厂船舶管系加工项目

    Tianjin New Port Shipyard Project of Ship Pipe Processing

  20. 本文的部分成果已用于船厂的生产中。

    Some of the results of this paper has been applied in the shipyard.

  21. 自行车是船厂工人最主要的交通工具。

    Bicycles are the most common mode of transportation for shipyard workers.

  22. 油库,冷冻库,船厂,农场等生活设施完备。

    Oil tanks in the freezer, shipyards, farms, and other living facilities.

  23. 集群技术在船厂生产管理系统中的应用

    Application of cluster technology in shipyard's production management system.

  24. 那咱们这个船厂每年会建造多少艘船?

    How many ships can be built annually at this shipbuilding plant?

  25. 威尼斯海军船厂更新实践的教训与启示

    Lessons from the Revitalization of the Venetian Arsenale

  26. 可以承造和承修600马力以下渔轮的船厂。

    Building and repairing fishing vessel under 600 horsepower.

  27. 让船厂把能找到的人都找来修理!

    Tell the yard repairman I want every workman he can get to board her.

  28. 滨江船厂出港航道水文泥沙条件分析

    Analysis of hydrological and Sediment Conditions in the Exit Channel of Binjiang Shipyard

  29. 然后金声又出去, 说是去各船厂打听。

    Then the gold voice go out again and say is go to each shipyard pry.

  30. 工人们罢工后不久,警察就开始在船厂集结。

    Shortly after the workers went on strike, police began to mass at the shipyard.


  1. 问:船厂巡逻艇拼音怎么拼?船厂巡逻艇的读音是什么?船厂巡逻艇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:船厂巡逻艇的读音是chuán chǎng xún luó tǐng,船厂巡逻艇翻译成英文是 Yard Patrol Craft

  2. 问:船厂作业说明书目录拼音怎么拼?船厂作业说明书目录的读音是什么?船厂作业说明书目录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:船厂作业说明书目录的读音是chuán chǎng zuò yè shuō míng shū mù lù,船厂作业说明书目录翻译成英文是 Shipyard Work Description Index


