







汉语拼音:tiě bàng







  1. 亦作“ 铁棓 ”。铁铸的棍棒。古代用作兵器。

    《六韬·军用》:“方首铁棓维朌,重十二斤,柄长五尺以上,千二百枚,一名天棓。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷二:“弓弩如何近傍?铁棒浑似遮箭牌。”



  1. Li Bai is unimaginable somewhat , and he comes off the rim to ask once more : " be such bulky iron strongly polish into the needle ? "


  2. He took his iron bar and pressed the end of it into the door.


  3. Cars honked behind him. The mahout turned and gesticulated at him with his iron rod. A passerby yelled at him not to block traffic.


  4. Li Bai felt funny at her words. "How can you grind such a thick pestle into a needle? " he asked.


  5. Hurricane rolled up the door snow, The iron stick knock out the door cream.


  6. "Grinding an iron rod, " said the old women without stopping grinding.


  7. One of them was a thief well known in the area: a rough part of town, with 15 iron-bar attacks in two months.


  8. Nothing is too hot for you to handle, but why do you insist on holding on to the burning iron rod if you don't have to, M?


  9. Less than two hours later, she was dead -- her skull crushed -- reportedly by blows from an iron bar.


  1. 铁棒剪切机

    shears for iron bar

  2. 钻井液磁铁棒

    drilling fluid magnetic bar

  3. 铁棒锤茎叶

    pendulous monkshood stem and leaf

  4. 铁棒是实心的。

    A bar of iron is solid.

  5. 非要用铁棒打?

    Instead of an iron club?

  6. 铁棒本身重13磅。

    The rod itself weighed thirteen pounds.

  7. 伏毛铁棒锤根

    Root of Aconitum flavum.

  8. 用作杠杆的铁棒

    A bar used as a lever.

  9. 铁棒锤的研究进展

    A research into Tie Bang Chui

  10. 使铁棒弯曲不容易。

    It isn't easy to bend a bar ofiron.

  11. 铁棒磁化方式的研究

    Study about Pontil Magnetization Modes

  12. 这铁棒屈折成圈。

    The iron bar is bent into a ring.

  13. 他把铁棒夹在一起。

    He clamped the iron rods together.

  14. 铁棒一端已锉尖。

    The end of the iron bar has been filed down to a point.

  15. 铁棒加热至发红光。

    The iron bar was heated till glowed.

  16. 灰铸铁棒中的球状石墨

    The Spheroidal Graphite in Gray Cast Iron Bars.

  17. 铁棒是实心的,水管是空心的。

    A bar of iron is solid; a pipe is hollow.

  18. 我用铁棒打自己,她说。

    I hit myself with the iron, she said.

  19. 把一根铁棒锉成两段

    file an iron rod in two

  20. 铁棒在两根大血管中间

    They'll shred if we try and pull the entire bar through.

  21. 由于受热,铁棒的长度增加了。

    In consequence of heating, the length of the iron bar increased.

  22. 刚强得像铁棒一样的宫廷守卫。

    A palace guardsman stiff as a poker.

  23. 那个人的面前是一根大铁棒

    And he had a lump of iron.

  24. 他用一根铁棒把那箱子撬开。

    He prized the box open with an iron bar.

  25. 他们试图用一根铁棒撬开锁。

    They tried to use an iron bar to pry open the lock.

  26. 随着温度的变化,铁棒的长度起了变化。

    With the change in temperature, the length of the iron bar has changed.

  27. 他们用铁棒把商店橱窗的玻璃砸碎。

    And smashed the window of the shop with iron bars.

  28. 这个铁匠给铁棒加热, 直到烧红为止。

    The blacksmith heated the iron bar until it glowed.

  29. 他们将电线卷绕在那根铁棒上。

    They coiled electric wire around the iron bar.

  30. 他正拿着一块丝绸在磨那铁棒

    And he was rubbing it with a cloth.


  1. 问:铁棒拼音怎么拼?铁棒的读音是什么?铁棒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铁棒的读音是tiě bàng,铁棒翻译成英文是 pig

  2. 问:铁棒锤拼音怎么拼?铁棒锤的读音是什么?铁棒锤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铁棒锤的读音是tiěbàngchuí,铁棒锤翻译成英文是 Aconitum pendulum