







汉语拼音:wán fǎ








  1. 玩忽法令。

    宋 宋祁 《宋景文公笔记·杂说》:“法虽明,意得轻重之,谓之玩法。令可遵,情得出入之,谓之悔令。” 明 方孝孺 《深虑论二》:“玩法者非特法之所不容,亦民之所不容也。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷一:“ 文宗 御 勤政殿 ,召见王大臣等,正诸臣玩法之罪。”

  2. 玩弄的手法。

    茅盾 《子夜》十八:“那一次, 吉人 的玩法真有趣!我们总算把 老赵 的牛皮揭开来让他的后台老板看看。”



  1. I'm most interested to test out the online play to see how the Wii handled ten systems connecting for a single game experience.


  2. The rule is to take the flashcard as a hot potato and pass it around very quickly while crying out the word, the quickest team will win.


  3. Lower right corner of that white ball is SPHERES IMPACTING out of the rotation direction, the rules of many! I wish you a Happy playing!


  4. The Card Room seems to speak of a thousand games of whist and bridge, and Gold Room is the ideal place for a pre-dinner sherry.


  5. While it lasted, he got them interested in a new device. This was to knock off being pirates, for a while, and be Indians for a change.


  6. Dragon ball game play Zuma is in a stand-alone games, easy to operate.


  7. They may be the only form of gambling that makes Keno look like a good bet.


  8. You think you taught me how to play, but things are not always as they seem.


  9. As Henny pointed out, "We have so much history and dates in our heads from all the temples it is nice to do something light like this. "


  1. 圣战士的玩法?

    A holy warrior play style?

  2. 另类的方块游戏, 另类的玩法!

    Alternative in the box game, a different type of games are played!

  3. 这种玩法立刻有趣多了。

    The sport grew in interest momently.

  4. 史无前例的玩法你看过?

    Had you looked at unprecedented trifle with the law

  5. 你刚告诉过我们怎么玩法!

    You just told us how to play it!

  6. 玩法请看游戏说中的解说!

    Look at the rules of the game that the explanation!

  7. 现在出现了一些新型得玩法,

    Some new athletics has appeared.

  8. 现在出现了一些新型的玩法,

    Some new athletics has appeared.

  9. 那是什么,一种新的玩法么?

    What's that, a new ride?

  10. 游戏玩法与其他消方块相同。

    The game play with other eliminate a square piece a homology.

  11. 他们试著发明扑克牌的新玩法。

    D. They are inventing a new card game.

  12. 无论人们喜欢不喜欢,就是这么个玩法。

    It is part of the game whether or not people like it.

  13. 言归正传,姐妹们 我需要尝试些新玩法。

    Seriously, guys, I need some new moves.

  14. 一款扑克牌游戏。玩法大家自己摸索。

    Play poker on your mobile ninjastyle!

  15. 动作版的泡泡龙,让你焕然一新的玩法。

    Action version of Puzzle Bobble, new options let you.

  16. 我想这确实也是一种聪明的玩法。

    Actually I guess it's a smart way of playing.

  17. 游戏玩法与其他找相同类似, 用鼠标点击。

    The game play and other seek a homology to is similar to, click with the mouse.

  18. 这只是游戏棋盘, 关于游戏玩法将在以后补充。

    This is only the chessboard. The rules of the game may be updated in couple days.

  19. 游戏玩法与其他吃豆豆类似, 用上下左右键。

    Dou eating options and other similar games with levels bond.

  20. 这是我常来的游乐场。不过这回我有新玩法。

    My new method of playing at the same place.

  21. 上面的视频剪辑展示了可乐这一有趣的玩法。

    The video clip above shows a great example of this fun use for coke.

  22. 标准玩法是您在从1到38的范围中选6个号码。

    For a standard game choose 6 numbers from this range.

  23. 标准玩法是您在从1到38得范围中选6个号码。

    For a standard game choose 6 numbers from this range.

  24. 这些牌目及玩法就很像今天的麻将牌了。

    These cards like head and playing on the tiles today.

  25. 玩法触摸屏幕底部来控制挡板防止球击到底部。

    How to play Touch the bottom part of the screen to control the paddle to prevent the ball from hitting the bottom.

  26. 我能记起得是一种需要5个小土坑得玩法。

    What I can remember is a form of playing that needs five pits.

  27. 我能记起的是一种需要5个小土坑的玩法。

    What I can remember is a form of playing that needs five pits.

  28. 三个种族的视觉和玩法都会有其不同的一面。

    The three races will be different not only visually but also in how they play.

  29. 各自带菜的餐会是一种便宜又尽兴的玩法。

    Potluck dinners are a cheap way to have a great time.

  30. 其实这是一款消方块手游!很简单的玩法!

    In fact, this is a box Xiao Yu hands!The play is very simple!