




较量高低、长短、远近、好坏等:~赛。~附。对~。评~。能够相匹:今非昔~。无与伦~。表示比赛双方胜负的对比:三~二。表示两个数字之间的倍数、分数等关系:~例。~值。譬喻,摹拟:~如。~方。~兴(xìng )(文学写作的两种手法。“比”是譬喻……



汉语拼音:zhōng bǐ






  1. 明 清 盛行的八股文中间部分的一段。

    马南邨 《燕山夜话·八股余孽》:“每一篇八股文章,总得有几个部分。在‘题前’的部分,有‘破题’、‘承题’、‘起讲’、‘领讲’等段落;中间‘八比’的部分,则有‘起比’、‘中比’、‘后比’、‘束比’等主要的几个大段落;末尾又有‘落下’一段,以结束全文。”



  1. Malaria causes more deaths each year in Niger among children under five years of age than any other single infection.


  2. If you've got a great item of clothing, like a dress shirt, why not get more wear out of it than the annual outing for new year?


  3. But in this case what was more interesting than the sex was the (supposed) tallness of the guys.


  4. How much does sound travel faster in water than in air ?


  5. He said prisoners would benefit more from being in a working environment than sitting in their cells all day.


  6. The bizarre, cultural questions on Wednesday night, which kept him on the defensive more often than her, may have helped to this end.


  7. her solid english enables her to be superior to other students in the interview.


  8. The only way to beat them is to be a bit smarter than them in the race.


  9. In his love stories, Billy Wilder did not follow the Hollywood tradition of sweet boy-meets-girl situations.


  1. 在锁链中比在自由中更为安全。

    It is often safer to be in chains than to be free.

  2. 美国空军中比中队小的单位。

    A unit of the US air force smaller than a squadron.

  3. 你在流沙中比在水中更容易漂浮。

    You float better in quicksand than in water.

  4. 糖在热水中比在冷水中融解更快。

    Sugar dissolves much quicker in hot water than in cold water.

  5. 谁将成为中比基金的投资对象

    Who will Become the Object of ChinaBelgium Fund.

  6. 孩子们在她生命中比什么都重要。

    The children come before anything else in her life.

  7. 在错误中比在混乱中更容易出真理。

    Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion.

  8. 政府从间接税中比从直接税中集资更多。

    The government raises more money by indirect taxation than by direct.

  9. 我自酒精中比酒精从我处获益更多。

    I have taken more good from alcohol than alcohol has taken from me.

  10. 在比赛中比对方表现更优秀, 击败了对方。

    excel or defeat in a game.

  11. 美国空军中比小队大, 比大队小的单位。

    a unit of the US air force larger than a flight and smaller than a group.

  12. 该疾病在儿童群体中比成人更常见。

    Absence seizures are more common in children than adults.

  13. 美国空军中比中队大、比联队小的单位。

    A unit of the US air force larger than a squadron and smaller than a wing.

  14. 我们总是从失败中比从成功中学到更多。

    We all learn far more from our mistakes than from our successes.

  15. 这种气质在60岁得老人中比在20岁得青年中更常见。

    This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.

  16. 这种气质在60岁的老人中比在20岁的青年中更常见。

    This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.

  17. 英语在国际交往中比德语使用得更为广泛。

    English is more widespread and more used in international intercourse than German.

  18. 儒教在我们国民生活中比佛教来得根深。

    Confucianism was more deeply rooted in our national life than Buddhism.

  19. 论1926年中比修约中得国际法庭应诉之争

    A Study of Argument with Lawsuit to International Court of Justice between China and Belgium Revision Treaties in1924.

  20. 这个过程在静态链接系统中比在动态链接系统中更简单。

    It is a simpler process in a static linking system than in a dynamically linked system.

  21. 论1926年中比修约中的国际法庭应诉之争

    A Study of Argument with Lawsuit to International Court of Justice between China and Belgium Revision Treaties in1926

  22. 哈马斯中比哈尼亚? ? 硬的扎哈尔也要求和解。

    Mahmoud Zahar, more of a hardliner within Hamas, has called for conciliation too.

  23. 含氧酸的氧化力在酸性溶液中比在碱性溶液中强

    The cause of the oxidizing power of oxyacids in acidic solution is stronger than that in basic solution.

  24. 福斯特或许在生活中比在艺术里更有同情心。

    Forster was, perhaps, more compassionate in life than he was in art.

  25. 理性得礼貌在婚姻中比在其他任何方面都更加重要。

    Nowhere is thinking courtesy more important than in marriage.

  26. 理性的礼貌在婚姻中比在其他任何方面都更加重要。

    Nowhere is thinking courtesy more important than in marriage.

  27. 理性的礼貌在婚姻中比在其他一切方面都更加重要。

    Nowhere is thinking courtesy more important than in marriage.

  28. 成熟的妇女在性交中比年轻的姑娘更易达到性高潮。

    Mature women are more likely to climax during intercourse than young girls.

  29. 我们渺小的地球,在宇宙的海洋中比一颗珍珠还小

    Our small earth,.Less Than a Pearl in a sea of stars

  30. 在北欧国家,家庭生活在人们的观念中比工作更重要。

    In the Scandinavian countries, family life in considered more important than work.


  1. 问:中比科尔语拼音怎么拼?中比科尔语的读音是什么?中比科尔语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中比科尔语的读音是,中比科尔语翻译成英文是 Central Bikol language