






  1. 因害怕而昏晕过去。

    清 俞樾 《右台仙馆笔记》卷三:“小儿倏復惊厥,竟於是日死。”



  1. If it goes unchecked, toxemia can lead to the dangerous convulsions of eclampsia , or to premature separation of the placenta.

  2. He seizured within fifteen minutes of his arrival and was found to have acute respiratory alkalosis .

  3. Infants may be unable to feed or drink and may also experience unconsciousness, hypothermia and convulsions.

  4. Later, Ms. Hassan developed a complication called eclampsia that would have been detected if she had had pre-natal care.

  5. Another will get a few hundred thousand dollars to examine ways such cells could repair neurons damaged by epilepsy and seizures.

  6. Pre-eclampsia happened when fetuses injected too much of the stuff, perhaps if they were having trouble getting enough nourishment.

  7. There are a variety of drug classes used to treat neuropathic pain including antidepressants, anticonvulsants, opioids, et.

  8. In the case of convulsions, rapid resuscitation in an intensive care unit in necessary.

  9. As for Graham, if he were to suddenly come back from the dead, he would surely be horrified.


  1. 促成惊厥毒药

    convulsant poison

  2. 家族性热性惊厥

    Familial Febrile Seizures

  3. 单纯性热性惊厥

    Simple febrile convulsion

  4. 高热惊厥的研究进展

    Advance in research of febrile convulsion

  5. 医生医治了他的惊厥。

    The doctor treated him for convulsions.

  6. 惊厥早醒, 再度入睡困难。

    Early morning waking and difficulty getting back to sleep.

  7. 高热惊厥常常持续1到3分钟。

    Fever seizures usually last 1 to 3 minutes.

  8. 服用圣约翰草或抗惊厥

    Are taking St. John's wort or anticonvulsants

  9. 他认为在惊厥中,有幻觉

    He thinks his seizures are visions.

  10. 羚羊角解热抗惊厥作用研究

    Studies on antipyretic and anticonvulsant effects of Cornu Antelope

  11. 高热惊厥与癫痫症没有关系。

    These seizures are not a form of epilepsy.

  12. 惊厥过后,孩子会觉得很困倦。

    After the seizure, the child may be sleepy.

  13. 目的总结小儿惊厥的护理体会。

    Objective To summarize the experience in nursing children with convulsions.

  14. 你好,那不是惊厥,我是通灵

    Hello!They're not seizures. I'm psychic.

  15. 这些惊厥和恐怖一直持续到中午。

    These starts and frights continued till noon.

  16. 有高热惊厥史得人不能接种。

    Have high fever the person of convulsions history cannot vaccinal. 3.

  17. 有高热惊厥史的人不能接种。

    Have high fever the person of convulsions history cannot vaccinal. 3.

  18. 目的探讨龙骨镇静与抗惊厥作用。

    Objective To study the sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsive effects of Long Gu in mice.

  19. 小儿高热惊厥与再发惊厥的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Infantile Hyperthermal Convulsion and Palindromic Convulsion

  20. 缺钙儿童会出现佝偻, 惊厥, 龋齿等病。

    Lack of Calcium in children would lead to rickets, eclampsia and decayed teeth, etc.

  21. 惊厥是妊娠期可能发生的罕见并发症。

    Eclampsia is a rare disease that can develop during pregnancy.

  22. 定惊汤防治高热惊厥76例疗效观察

    Therapeutic Observation on 76 Cases Infantile Convulsion Fever Prevented and Tredted with Ding Jing Soup

  23. 小儿热性惊厥与脑形态学异常研究

    Infantile Febrile Convulsion and Cerebral Paramorphia

  24. 正在服用得药物含有抗惊厥药物或抗结核药物

    Are taking medications that contain anticonvulsants or antituberculous agents

  25. 正在服用的药物含有抗惊厥药物或抗结核药物

    Are taking medications that contain anticonvulsants or antituberculous agents

  26. 针药结合治疗小儿高热惊厥的疗效观察

    Observations on the Curative Effect of Combined Acupuncture and Medication on Infantile Hyperpyretic Convulsion

  27. 轻度胃肠炎伴婴幼儿良性惊厥研究进展

    Progress of Benign Convulsions with Mild Gastroenteritis in Children

  28. 目的对102例小儿高热惊厥进行深入的探讨。

    Objective The exploring of 100 cases infantile febrile convulsions.

  29. 血清免疫球蛋白与复杂性热性惊厥的关系

    Seroimmunity globulin and complex thermal property convulsion relations.

  30. 婴幼儿外部性脑积水与热性惊厥关系初探

    Primary study on relationship between external hydrocephalus and febrile convulsion in infants


  1. 问:惊厥拼音怎么拼?惊厥的读音是什么?惊厥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊厥的读音是jīngjué,惊厥翻译成英文是 faint from fear

  2. 问:惊厥剂拼音怎么拼?惊厥剂的读音是什么?惊厥剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊厥剂的读音是jīng jué jì,惊厥剂翻译成英文是 convulsivant

  3. 问:惊厥性拼音怎么拼?惊厥性的读音是什么?惊厥性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊厥性的读音是jīng jué xìng,惊厥性翻译成英文是 convulsibility

  4. 问:惊厥的拼音怎么拼?惊厥的的读音是什么?惊厥的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊厥的的读音是jīng jué de,惊厥的翻译成英文是 convulsive

  5. 问:惊厥反射拼音怎么拼?惊厥反射的读音是什么?惊厥反射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊厥反射的读音是jīng jué fǎn shè,惊厥反射翻译成英文是 convulsive reflex

  6. 问:惊厥疗法拼音怎么拼?惊厥疗法的读音是什么?惊厥疗法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊厥疗法的读音是jīng jué liáo fǎ,惊厥疗法翻译成英文是 convulsive therapy

  7. 问:惊厥后木僵拼音怎么拼?惊厥后木僵的读音是什么?惊厥后木僵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊厥后木僵的读音是jīng jué hòu mù jiāng,惊厥后木僵翻译成英文是 postconvulsive stupor

  8. 问:惊厥休克疗法拼音怎么拼?惊厥休克疗法的读音是什么?惊厥休克疗法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊厥休克疗法的读音是jīng jué xiū kè liáo fǎ,惊厥休克疗法翻译成英文是 convulsive shock therapy

  9. 问:惊厥持续状态拼音怎么拼?惊厥持续状态的读音是什么?惊厥持续状态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊厥持续状态的读音是jīng jué chí xù zhuàng tài,惊厥持续状态翻译成英文是 convulsive status epilepticus

  10. 问:惊厥诱导性肽拼音怎么拼?惊厥诱导性肽的读音是什么?惊厥诱导性肽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊厥诱导性肽的读音是jīng jué yòu dǎo xìng tài,惊厥诱导性肽翻译成英文是 convulsion-inducing peptide


