





  1. Don Juan in turn will likewise yield to his fate, be satisfied with that existence whose nobility is of value only through revolt.


  2. It's unworthy for a young man to try to be a Don Juan.


  3. Don Juan can be properly understood only by constant reference to what he commonly symbolizes: the ordinary seducer and the sexual athlete.


  4. All those deaths and all those rebirths gathered together as in a sheaf make up for Don Juan the flowering of his life.


  5. Don Juan, as well as anyone else, knows that this can be stirring.


  6. It is quite false to try to see in Don Juan a man brought up on Ecclesiastes.


  7. This long poem encompasses a brilliant satire on contemporary English society through the experiences of a young noble, Don Juan.


  8. Eugene had been especially fond of Don Juan and other cynical works, and his notes revealed much about his selfishness and disillusionment.


  9. As for Don Juan, the more people laugh at him, the more his figure stands out.


  1. 唐璜和浮士德

    Don Juan and Faust.

  2. 唐璜知道但不希望这样。

    Don Juan knows and does not hope.

  3. 唐璜传说在17世纪的意大利

    Don Juan in Italy of 17th Century

  4. 唐璜勾引了许多年轻女子。

    Don Juan seduced many young girls.

  5. 这是唐璜奉献和活跃的方式。

    It is his way of giving and of vivifying.

  6. 这是唐璜奉献和活跃得方式。

    It is his way of giving and of vivifying.

  7. 唐璜沾花惹草绝不是因为缺乏爱。

    It is not through lack of love Don Juan goes from woman to woman.

  8. 唐璜传说与塞维亚的荡子

    The Origin of the Don Juan Legend and The Libertine of Serville

  9. 唐璜的神话就出自安达露西亚。

    Taxista El mito de Don Juan es andaluz.

  10. 他现在正弹着唐璜的小步舞曲。

    Minuet of Don Giovanni hes playing now.

  11. 至于满足,唐璜则相反,他一直坚持如此。

    As for satiety Don Juan insists upon it, on the contrary.

  12. 唐璜和其他人一样,知道这种死法动人心弦。

    Don Juan, as well as anyone else, knows that this can be stirring.

  13. 他的代表作唐璜是19世纪初期的著名讽刺史诗。

    Don Juan is Byron s masterpiece, a great comic epic of the early 19 th century.

  14. 他创作了诗剧曼弗雷德, 唐璜的前两章。

    He produced the verse drama Manfred, the first two cantos of Don Juan.

  15. 爱她们随后抛弃她们是风流浪荡子唐璜的座右铭。

    Love them and leave them was the motto of the amorous don juan.

  16. 至于唐璜, 嘲笑他得人越多, 他得形象就越是分明。

    As for Don Juan, the more people laugh at him, the more his figure stands out.

  17. 至于唐璜,嘲笑他的人越多,他的形象就越是分明。

    As for Don Juan, the more people laugh at him, the more his figure stands out.

  18. 没有人想去嘲笑这个痛不欲生,可怜又可鄙的唐璜。

    No one wants to laugh at that tormented, pitiful Don Juan.

  19. 没有人想去嘲笑这个痛不欲生,可怜又可鄙得唐璜。

    No one wants to laugh at that tormented, pitiful Don Juan.

  20. 唐璜隐约窥探到的宇宙中也包括奚落和讥笑。

    In the universe of which Don Juan has a glimpse, ridicule too is included. He would consider it normal to be chastised.

  21. 唐璜是西方文学传统里不灭的人物形象母题。

    Don Juan is seen as the eternal motif of characters creation in western literary tradition.

  22. 西班牙传奇中得唐璜是有史以来最著名得薄情人。

    The legendary Don Juan of Spain is the most famous lady killer of recorded history.

  23. 西班牙传奇中的唐璜是有史以来最著名的薄情人。

    The legendary Don Juan of Spain is the most famous lady killer of recorded history.

  24. 一种截然不同的爱情影响了唐璜,这种爱就是解放的爱。

    Quite a different love disturbs Don Juan, and this one is liberating.

  25. 此刻, 我想到了所有那些坚持唐璜有罪得顽固分子。

    I think at this point of all those who absolutely insist that Don Juan be punished.

  26. 此刻,我想到了所有那些坚持唐璜有罪的顽固分子。

    I think at this point of all those who absolutely insist that Don Juan be punished.

  27. 拜伦在唐璜身上开发出勇敢, 慷慨, 诚恳直白等优点。

    Byron invests in Juan thepositives like courage, generosity and frankness are virtues the modern society.

  28. 我看到唐璜在一个西班牙修道院的一间小室里。

    I see Don Juan in a cell of one of those Spanish monasteries lost on a hilltop.


  1. 问:唐璜拼音怎么拼?唐璜的读音是什么?唐璜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唐璜的读音是tánghuáng,唐璜翻译成英文是 Don Juan

  2. 问:唐璜主义拼音怎么拼?唐璜主义的读音是什么?唐璜主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唐璜主义的读音是táng huáng zhǔ yì,唐璜主义翻译成英文是 Don Juanism