
  1. I remember that I was too shy to join in group works but my classmates kindheartedly invited me in and encouraged me to speak out.


  2. Have confident, actively participate in groups activities, do not afraid of failure, then you will improve your English gradually.


  3. It has realistic instruction significance for present QC group activity development in electric power generation industries.


  4. At the end of the Voluntary Service course I held a presentation to share the experience and reflection of my group.


  5. For the first four weeks of discussion sessions, the course instructor will be available to help you run each session.


  6. It is characterized with student-center and group activities for a common aim of improving students' intellectual and emotional quality.


  7. We have hobby group activities twice a week.


  8. With time, these withdrawn students will stop participating in group work, fearing scathing comments by some of their peers.


  9. Group work is an important activity form of infants and toddlers.


  1. 我们每星期有两次兴趣小组活动。

    We have hobby group activities twice a week.

  2. 积极主动参与小组活动, 在活动中起主导作用。

    To be able to carry out the task on you initiative.

  3. 执行计量管理相关的协调工作领导小组活动。

    Follow up concerns and coordinate issue for gauge control.

  4. 这个学习计划较注重小组活动而不倚重讲座。

    The study programme concentrates more on group work and places less reliance onlectures.

  5. 他是一个真正的小组活动家, 可, 面的, 思想的贡献者。

    He is a genuine team player and a dependable, comprehensive and thoughtful contributor.

  6. 在两人或小组活动中积极发言, 相信点滴努力终会带来成功。

    Contribute in pair or group work, believe that many a little makes a miracle.

  7. 他们的学习小组正在活动。

    Their study group is in motion.

  8. 那天,一个助理把克莱拉带到我们的活动小组中。

    That day, an aide had brought Clara to the group.

  9. 我们积极参与了该小组的工作,但该小组的活动却陷入僵局。

    We participated actively in the group's work, but its activities reached an impasse.

  10. 行政协调会水资源小组委员会的活动

    Activities of the ACC Subcommittee on Water Resources.

  11. 我们的学习小组每周集中活动两次。

    Our study group gets together twice a week.

  12. 尽管比较弱,但那个小组仍然保持活动状态。

    In spite of their weakness the group remains active.

  13. 分组活动, 小组内形成小报告。

    Please work in groups and try to report in your group.

  14. 作为学生活动财务小组的成员。

    As a member of the Student Activities Budget Committee.

  15. 可能危及环境的空间活动专题小组

    Panel on Potentially Environmentally Detrimental Activities in Space

  16. 这种心理治疗是在一起活动的小组之间进行的。

    The psychotherapy is carried out in small interactive groups.

  17. 业界防止清洗黑钱及恐怖分子筹资活动工作小组

    Formation of Industry Working Group on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

  18. 我得课余活动包括参加数学兴趣小组和戏剧社。

    My extracurricular activities include the Math and Drama Clubs.

  19. 我的课余活动包括参加数学兴趣小组和戏剧社。

    My extracurricular activities include the Math and Drama Clubs.

  20. 小组合作对他人有礼貌分享资源轮流活动。

    Working cooperatively in a group being courteous to other sharing materials taking turns.

  21. 小组视察了公司所有车间和仓库, 并了解了公司的活动。

    The group inspected all the workshops and warehouses of the company and found out about their activities.

  22. 小组视察了该处的车间和楼房, 并询问了那里的活动。

    The group inspected the workshops and buildings of the site, and asked about its activities.

  23. 该研究小组还用脑电图测量了参与者午睡中的大脑活动。

    The team also measured brain activity while subjects napped using an electroencephalogram.

  24. 他们甚至负责组织课外活动,像运动队的分组和音乐小组。

    They even are in charge of organizing extracurricular activities like sports teams or music groups.

  25. 请专家小组在第七届缔约方会议上就其活动提出报告。

    Requests the Group of Experts to report on their activities at the seventh session of the Conference of the Parties.

  26. 但是,科菲又说,他领导的研究小组的发现表明,就像身体一样,大脑也能从体育活动中受益。

    But Coffey said that his team's findings suggest that like the body, the brain benefits from exercise.


  1. 问:小组活动拼音怎么拼?小组活动的读音是什么?小组活动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小组活动的读音是xiǎo zǔ huó dòng,小组活动翻译成英文是 group session