






1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:suǒ zài dì






  1. 人或事物所处的地方。

    毛泽东 《永远保持艰苦奋斗的作风》:“ 延安 和 陕甘宁边区 ,从一九三六年到一九四八年,曾经是中共中央的所在地。”



  1. He took a swipe at his Bahraini ally, which hosts the American fifth fleet, urging dialogue with protesters rather than repression.


  2. When planes were first used in the military in World War I, they were only used for locating the enemy.


  3. The Saudi response contrasts with that of the Central Bank of Bahrain, where banks owned by the two groups first defaulted.


  4. Although George Washington helped to choose the site for the residence while he was president, he never lived at the famous house.


  5. One of them had barricaded himself in a traumatic brain injury unit where he was surrounded by SWAT teams.


  6. The parking lot of the facility housing the conference might have been a parking lot at any university: lots of Subarus and Priuses.


  7. The law of the location of the court which takes up the case shall be applicable to civil aviation liens.


  8. The law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to the limitation of liability for maritime claims.


  9. One of the plant closures will be in France, but Sony would not name the other sites to be affected.


  1. 风险所在地

    risk locus

  2. 资源所在地

    resources area.

  3. 原告所在地

    place where the plaintiff is located.

  4. 活动所在地

    place where an activity is carried on.

  5. 物之所在地

    lex sitae.

  6. 申诉方所在地?

    Will it be in the country of the claimant ?

  7. 业务经营所在地

    place where business is carried on

  8. 常住户口所在地

    place where someone is permanent residents

  9. 盯法人实体所在地

    legal person entity located place

  10. 也就是政府所在地。

    It's the seat of government.

  11. 伦敦是政府所在地。

    London is a centre of government.

  12. 家庭所在地的详情

    Details about where the family has lived

  13. 所在地法援中心

    local legal aid center

  14. 部办公大楼部办公所在地

    The building in which such a department is housed.

  15. 新爱琴海所在地。

    Exgelia IV Contains the New Aegean Sea.

  16. 就是圣母院所在地。

    is where Notre Dame is located.

  17. 住宅所在地的邮政编码

    Home Phoneline Home Phoneline Home Postal Code

  18. 南非最高法院所在地。

    the seat of the supreme court.

  19. 户籍所在地与国籍不同。

    Domicile is distinct from nationality.

  20. 户籍所在地与国籍不同。

    Domicile is distinct from nationality.

  21. 能找到遥远客户所在地。

    Ability to locate remote customer sites.

  22. 建设和平力量的所在地。

    international peacebuilding efforts in the world.

  23. 还是在被诉方所在地?

    Or in the country of the defendant ?

  24. 华盛顿是美国政府所在地。

    Washington is the seat of government of the US.

  25. 郡的首府。高一级的法院所在地

    shire town

  26. 帮助整修你所在地的公园。

    Help renovate your local park.

  27. 成交量单位所在地限制阀。

    Volume limiting flat seat valves.

  28. 向买方所在地法院提起诉讼。

    Bring a suit to local court.

  29. 太空平台。新威尼斯城所在地。

    Reynif II Hosts the New Venice space station.

  30. 结肠是大浓度的细菌所在地。

    The colon is the locus of a large concentration of bacteria.


  1. 问:所在地拼音怎么拼?所在地的读音是什么?所在地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:所在地的读音是suǒzàidì,所在地翻译成英文是 location; site

  2. 问:所在地法拼音怎么拼?所在地法的读音是什么?所在地法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:所在地法的读音是suǒ zài dì fǎ,所在地法翻译成英文是 lex domicilii

  3. 问:所在地的拼音怎么拼?所在地的的读音是什么?所在地的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:所在地的的读音是,所在地的翻译成英文是 on-site

  4. 问:所在地标准拼音怎么拼?所在地标准的读音是什么?所在地标准翻译成英文是什么?

    答:所在地标准的读音是suǒ zài dì biāo zhǔn,所在地标准翻译成英文是 situs test