






1. 潭 [tán]潭 [tán]水深之处:深~。泥~。水~。深:~渊。~~(宽深,宽大)。~思(深思。亦作“覃思”)。……



汉语拼音:rì yuè tán






  1. situated at the heart of the sun moon lake , lala island is a popular attraction not to be missed.


  2. The Sun Moon Lake in a small island, tinged like floating on the surface of a bead, name "beads yu" .


  3. in connection with my visit to ( the ) sun moon lake , i shall investigate the education of taichung and nantou.


  4. The Eastern part of the lake is round like the sun, while the Western part is shaped like a crescent moon - hence the name "Sun Moon Lake" .


  5. The lakeshore landscape around the Sun Moon Lake is the major landscape element for being a National Scenic Area.


  6. welcome to the international culture camp being held in this beautiful location of the sun moon lake.


  7. Make the Sun Moon Lake with continuous adequate water, now enough fix dike DAMS, more vast lake, become a hydro-electric power reservoirs.


  8. Who knows her mother suddenly guessed, the answer is: Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake.


  9. The Sun Moon Lake in the mountains of central Taiwan is a truly delightful place for rest and relaxation.


  1. 日月潭按蚊

    Anopheles jeyporiensis candidiensis.

  2. 人间仙境日月潭

    The Fairyland Sun Moon Lake

  3. 她计划要在日月潭度假。

    She is spending her holiday at the Sun Moon Lake.

  4. 日月潭的高度为海拔748公尺。

    Sun Moon Lake is located 748 meters above sea level.

  5. 日月潭得高度为海拔748公尺。

    Sun Moon Lake is located 748 meters above sea level.

  6. 日月潭教师会馆凤凰喷泉景观雕塑。

    Phoenix Fountain at Teachers Hostel, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan.

  7. 那就是为什么人们称这个湖为日月潭了。

    That is why people call the lake the Sun and Moon Lake.

  8. 我们将采取措施保护日月潭得风景和生态平衡。

    We'll have to take steps to protect the lake's scenery and ecology.

  9. 我们将采取措施保护日月潭的风景和生态平衡。

    We'll have to take steps to protect the lake's scenery and ecology.

  10. 日月潭四周,点缀着许多亭台楼阁和寺庙古塔。

    Sun Moon Lake around, dotted with a number of pavilions and temples, ancient pagoda.

  11. 日月潭是一处风景胜地, 日潭和月潭彼此相映。

    Sun Moon Lake is a famous resort where Sun Lake and Moon Lake form a contrast.

  12. 日月潭是一处风景胜地,日潭和月潭彼此相映。

    Sun Moon Lake is a famous resort where Sun Lake and Moon Lake form a contrast.

  13. 将阿里山、日月潭紧紧锁在同胞的心中。

    The Alishan, Sun Moon Lake tightly locked in the hearts of our compatriots.

  14. 光听日月潭的名称,想必有不少水上的活动。

    By the sound of its name, the Sun Moon Lake must be a place with a lot of things to do on the water.

  15. 在少人从他们心爱的拉鲁到上日月潭村。

    The Shao people were moved from their beloved Lalu to the upper Sun Moon Village.

  16. 南投东部有一处称为日月潭的绝佳观光景点。

    East of Nantou is a great tourist place called the Sun Moon Lake.

  17. 阿里山和日月潭是一些最知名传说得故事中心。

    Alishan and Sun Moon Lake are the centers of some of the best known stories.

  18. 阿里山和日月潭是一些最知名传说的故事中心。

    Alishan and Sun Moon Lake are the centers of some of the best known stories.

  19. 欢迎参加在日月潭这么美的地方举行的世界文化营。

    Welcome to the International Culture Camp being held in this beautiful location of the Sun Moon Lake.

  20. 日月潭是台湾最大得高山湖, 也是最受欢迎得观光景点。

    Sun Moon Lake is the largest alpine lake in Taiwan asas a popular tourist attraction.

  21. 日月潭是台湾最大的高山湖,也是最受欢迎的观光景点。

    Sun Moon Lake is the largest alpine lake in Taiwan asas a popular tourist attraction.

  22. 我要到台中与南投去考察教育, 顺便去看看日月潭。

    in connection with my visit to sun moon lake , i shall investigate the education of taichung and nantou.

  23. 那真棒!让我想起了我大学时去日月潭的那段时光。

    That's great! That reminds me of the time I went there as a university student.

  24. 日月潭中心光华岛上有座月下老人亭,为旅客必游之地。

    Sun Moon Lake center island seat Yuexialaoren Guanghua Pavilion, for passengers itinerary.


  1. 问:日月潭羊耳蒜拼音怎么拼?日月潭羊耳蒜的读音是什么?日月潭羊耳蒜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:日月潭羊耳蒜的读音是Rìyuètányáng'ěrsuàn,日月潭羊耳蒜翻译成英文是 Liparis hensoaensis