


1. 蹊 [xī]蹊 [xī]小路:“谚曰:桃李不言,下自成~。”~径(途径,如“独辟~~”)。践踏:“牵牛以~人之田而夺之牛”。……





汉语拼音:qī qiāo








  1. 亦作“ 蹊蹻 ”。奇怪;可疑。

    《朱子语类》卷二六:“仁者之过,只是理会事错了,无甚蹊蹺。”《水浒传》第二十回:“ 宋江 见了这个大汉走得蹊蹺,慌忙起身,赶出茶房来,跟着那汉走。” 明 陆采 《怀香记·赴辟登程》:“琴童且又蹊蹻,蹊蹻,画堂终日把臀摇。”《醒世姻缘传》第十四回:“谁知蹊蹻古怪的事説不尽这许多。” 鲁迅 《三闲集·在钟楼上》:“其实,便是这钟楼,也何尝不造得蹊跷。”

  2. 花样;奥妙。

    清 李渔 《奈何天·调美》:“怕他临去弄蹊蹺,準备着毛拳叫他吃顿饱。” 沙汀 《一个秋天晚上》:“起初,他颇担心那个老实人发觉了他的蹊跷,接着他就因为他的坦白善良自惭起来。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第二章:“ 秀兰 见她只笑不开口,觉得话里一定有蹊跷。”

  3. 不平正。

    《挂枝儿·送别》附 明 丘田叔 《送别》:“那砖儿自块块方正平实得好,那瓦儿一片片反覆又蹊蹺。”



  1. Over the past few days, he did not dare to go out with other people are afraid to talk about this thing wrong.

  2. The funny thing was that he remained standing there for at least four or five seconds, gently swaying.

  3. It's very unlike Harry to be so friendly and I smell a rat-I wonder what he wants?

  4. My sister, throwing the door wide open , and finding an obstruction behind the door, immediately divined the cause .

  5. The notion of the CIA leaking unreliable and yet oddly precise information sounds like paranoia.

  6. With the exception of Sam-the only one Celia had met previously-the others regarded her with frank curiosity.

  7. His mother thought something was wrong when Mike told her it would only be the two of them.

  8. I want you to check out this Clare Flower and see that she has the right to get my aunt's money, because something somewhere smells funny.

  9. His mother would hear he had been there, of course, and might think it funny.


  1. 这有点蹊跷。

    Something is askew here.

  2. 他死得蹊跷。

    Mystery surrounds his death.

  3. 她死得蹊跷。

    She died in suspicious circumstances.

  4. 所以这有些蹊跷

    So, there is a little bit of slippage there.

  5. 那真有点蹊跷。

    There is something funny about it.

  6. 他死得很蹊跷。

    He died in mysterious circumstances.

  7. 这事儿真蹊跷!

    What an extraordinary thing to happen!

  8. 我觉得此事有点蹊跷。

    It looks very suspicious to me.

  9. 制药业里的蹊跷事

    Something Funny Down on the Pharm

  10. 俱乐部的盗窃案有些蹊跷。

    Its a queer go, that burglary at the club.

  11. 唯一的蹊跷就是病情的复杂。

    The only catch is the complexity of the case.

  12. 整件事情看起来都很蹊跷。

    The whole thing seems very mysterious.

  13. 她显然开始觉得事有蹊跷。

    And she's clearly starting to think that somethin's not right.

  14. 他觉得那件事似有蹊跷。

    The matter seemed suspicious to him.

  15. 整个事情使我觉得有点蹊跷。

    The whole shebang smells sort of fishy to me.

  16. 这时, 其他人也发觉有些蹊跷。

    The others had by now scented something peculiar.

  17. 可是科莱总觉得此事另有蹊跷。

    Collet was fairly certain something else was going on here.

  18. 我觉得很蹊跷。你看这一列。

    I smell a rat. Look at this column.

  19. 由于几个原因, 这听起来有些蹊跷。

    This sounds a bit odd for several reasons.

  20. 我对自己说, 也许其中有什么蹊跷。

    I thought to myself, maybe it means something.

  21. 斐洛必娜立即感到这个问题有点蹊跷。

    Filomena immediately sensed something amiss.

  22. 警察为什么在找我?我觉得事有蹊跷。

    Why are the police looking for me? I smell a rat.

  23. 那幢房子这么便宜, 里面一定有蹊跷!

    That house is very cheap, there must be a catch in It'somewhere!

  24. 那个问题看起来容易,但这里面有蹊跷。

    That question looks easy, but there's a catch in it.

  25. 对我们来说事情都有些蹊跷, 不是吗?

    It's a delicate situation for both of us, isn't it?

  26. 他死得有点蹊跷,警方正在进行调查。

    There is a mystery about his death and the police are looking into it.

  27. 这项计划看起来太完美了, 其中必有蹊跷。

    The plan seems too good, and there must be a catch in it.

  28. 一名天真的孩子在一个客栈蹊跷地死了。

    An innocent child died oddly in an inn.

  29. 那房子卖得这么便宜, 这里面一定有些蹊跷。

    That house is extremely cheap, and there must be a catch to it somewhere!

  30. 夫人看出这个蹊跷, 问我这是怎么回事。

    My lady noticed the change, and asked me what I thought about it.


  1. 问:蹊跷拼音怎么拼?蹊跷的读音是什么?蹊跷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蹊跷的读音是qīqiāo,蹊跷翻译成英文是 odd



蹊跷(qī qiao),亦作蹊蹻,指奇怪;可疑,或不平正。又指花样;奥妙。