






1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:xiǎo wáng zǐ






  1. 明 景泰 二年, 也先 杀 鞑靼 可汗 脱脱不花 而自立为可汗,不久, 也先 被杀, 脱脱不花 子 麻儿可儿 立,号小王子。后遂以“小王子”为 鞑靼 酋长称号。至 嘉靖 中期尚沿用。见《明史·外国传八·鞑靼》。



  1. I believe that for his escape he took advantage of the migration of a flock of wild birds.


  2. The youngest boy went to the ditch, where the frog awaited him in a carriage fashioned out of a fig leaf and drawn by four snails.


  3. As the king made no answer, the little prince hesitated a moment. Then, with a sigh, he took his leave.


  4. And as I gave it to him my heart was torn. "You have plans that I do not know about, " I said.


  5. The little prince sat down on the table and panted a little.


  6. Tim had the long-lashed eyes and pretty features of an expensive Bavarian doll, a little prince or yodelling shepherd boy.


  7. The little prince flushed once more. He never answered questions-- but when one flushes does that not mean "Yes" ?


  8. Reading The Little Prince with her was a startling and wonderful hiatus from the rather dry business English classes that I taught so often.


  9. The little prince was sad to see that in the true meaning of love and later died in the desert.


  1. 小王子说。

    Said the little prince.

  2. 听见狐狸对小王子说

    Hear the fox say to the litter Prince

  3. 小王子什么也没有回答。

    The little prince made no reply.

  4. 于是小王子驯服了狐狸。

    So the little prince tamed the fox.

  5. 小王子在公爵家里长大。

    The young prince was fostered in the home of the duke

  6. 小王子爬上一座高山。

    The little prince climbs a mountain range.

  7. 他永远是我们的小王子。

    He was always our little prince.

  8. 小王子的脸再度通红了。

    The little prince flushed once more.

  9. 小王子当时气得脸色发白。

    The little prince was now white with rage.

  10. 格里夫,和他的小王子。

    Griff, with his young prince.

  11. 小王子就和小兔子和小臭鼬玩吖?

    Does the young prince play with the wittle bunny and the wittle skunk ?

  12. 就这样,我认识了小王子。

    And that is how I made the acquaintance of the little prince.

  13. 小王子长时间地看着蛇。

    The little prince gazed at him for a long time.

  14. 她是怕小王子看见她在哭。

    For she did not want him to see her crying.

  15. 小王子跑去看些玫瑰花。

    The little prince went away, to look again at the roses.

  16. 你在这里做什么?小王子问。

    What do you do here? the little prince asked.

  17. 略论小王子的存在主义意义

    On existentialism meaning of Little Prince

  18. 之后,小王子爬上一座高山。

    After that, the little prince climbed a high mountain.

  19. 小王子要求飞行员画一只羊。

    where the narrator asks the prince to draw a sheep.

  20. 小王子再次听从了老师的意见。

    Again the prince followed his teacher's advice.

  21. 我只想和我的小王子在一起。

    I am gonna be with you, little prince.

  22. 这样的权力使小王子惊叹不已。

    Such power was a thing for the little prince to marvel at.

  23. 就这样小王子驯养了那只狐狸。

    So the little prince tamed the fox.

  24. 你为什么喝酒呢?小王子又问。

    Why are you drinking? demanded the little prince.

  25. 老先生看到小王子时, 叫了起来。

    He exclaimed to himself when he saw the little prince coming.

  26. 你为什么卖这玩艺儿?小王子说。

    Why are you selling those? asked the little prince.

  27. 不,小王子说道,我是来找朋友的。

    No, said the little prince. I am looking for friends.

  28. 狐狸沉默不语, 久久地看着小王子。

    The fox gazed at the little prince, for a long time.

  29. 他们怎么又回来了呢?小王子问道。

    Are they coming back already? demanded the little prince.

  30. 我和一朵花闹了别扭。小王子说。

    I have been having some trouble with a flower, said the little prince.


  1. 问:小王子拼音怎么拼?小王子的读音是什么?小王子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小王子的读音是Xiǎowángzǐ,小王子翻译成英文是 The Little Prince



“小王子”是个多义词,它可以指小王子(中英文对照本), 小王子(西甜瓜一种), 小王子(彩图注音版), 小王子(大牌传媒音乐剧《小王子》), 小王子(鞑靼部落主要首领), 小王子(范玮琪2011年新专辑歌曲), 小王子(世界上第三大的粉红钻石), 小王子(张芸京歌曲), 小王子(三语对照版), 小王子(法国音乐剧专辑), 小王子(中国儿艺版《小王子》), 小王子(日本动画片小王子), 小王子(马克·奥斯本执导动画片), 小王子(插图本), 小王子(法国儿童文学短篇童话)。