


1. 知 [zhī]2. 知 [zhì]知 [zhī]晓得,明了:~道。~名(著名)。~觉(有感觉而知道)。良~。~人善任。温故~新。~难而进。~情达理。使知道:通~。~照。学识,学问:~识,求~。无~。主管:~县(旧时的县长)。~府。~州……


1. 能 [néng]2. 能 [nài]能 [néng]才干,本事:~力。~耐。才~。有才干的:~人。~手。贤~。~工巧匠。~者为师。胜任,善于:~够。~柔~刚。力所~及。欲罢不~。~动。会(表示可能性):小弟弟~走路了。应该:你不~这样……



汉语拼音:zhī néng






  1. 智慧才能。

    《管子·制分》:“道术知能,不为爱官职。” 尹知章 注:“有道术智能,则以官职加之。” 汉 王充 《论衡·量知》:“人之学问知能成就,犹骨象玉石切磋琢磨也。” 宋 王安石 《上执政书》:“而某得以此时备使畿内,交游亲戚知能才识之士莫不为某愿,此亦区区者思自竭之时也。” 鲁迅 《热风·随感录四十三》:“我们所要求的美术品,是表记 中国 民族知能最高点的标本,不是水平线以下的思想的平均分数。”



  1. The so-called " prime minister belly" , a heart like a sea of men, do not know can support many ships belly!


  2. Since the examination is around the corner, I have to give up doing sports.


  3. There exited significant positive correlation between the serious leisure traits of the effort and professional knowledge.


  4. teachers' deliberative competence in inclusion and discursion should be accomplished for assisting students to ascertain politics criticism.


  5. They agreed that the content of the workshops is appropriate for the implementation of trans-disciplinary team model in early intervention.


  6. I am a Chinese teacher, have the opportunity, I can tell you about, but my English is very poor, not know can give you speak clearly.


  7. So the little lotus flower bared her soul to me, I was at a loss as to what to offer. Perhaps.


  8. Edison decided then only to make machines which he knew were commercially viable.


  9. In professional knowledge, the male elementary school teachers performed better than the female.


  1. 信息时代教师专业知能发展及评价研究

    A Study of the Development and Assessment of Teachers'Professional Competence in the Information Age

  2. 教师个人资讯科技融入教学的知能不足。

    Teachers were lack of the ability of information technology integrated into instruction.

  3. 需提高教师与行政人员的专业知能与素养。

    Enhancing professional knowledge and perception of the teachers and staff in this field.

  4. 积极参与校长专业社群,以增进专业知能互动与成长。

    Join professional clubs of principals actively to enhance the interaction and development of professional knowledge.

  5. 专业知能标准也将作为设计教师专业发展项目的依据。

    The standards were also used as the foundation for designing teachers professional development program in this research.

  6. 推动中央层级校长证照制度,增进校长专业知能与实践能力。

    Promote principal license in central level to enhance professional knowledge and practice of principals.

  7. 陆、校长时间品质管理与专业知能实践间呈显著正相关。

    The time quality management and professional knowledge of principals was significantly positive relative.

  8. 提供完善与多元的进修制度,以满足校长专业知能之需求。

    Provide an integral and multiple system of further education to satisfy the needs of professional knowledge of principals.

  9. 能知和所知

    the subject of knowledge and the object of knowledge.

  10. 学而后能知, 知而后能明, 明而后能断。

    You must study to know, know to understand, understand to judge.

  11. 秀才不出门能知天下事

    A scholor does not step outside his gate, yet he knows the happenings under the sun

  12. 惟有你的主能知它的究竟。

    With thy Lord in the Limit fixed therefor.

  13. 出人能知讲我的感到熏染。

    No one can understand how I really feel.

  14. 无奈, 寂寞, 有何人能知我心

    Helpless and loneness yet who can understand my feeling

  15. 人能知其生于何地, 不能知其死于何方

    Men know where they were born, not where they shall die

  16. 出乎意外,占卜家能知预兆而不笑。

    It is surprising that an augur can see an augury without smiling.

  17. 人生伟业的建立, 不在能知, 乃在能行。

    The great exploit of life will be built only known, therefore can be done.

  18. 有心能知,有情能爱,有缘能聚,有梦能圆。

    There is heart to know, there is feeling can love, decree by destiny can gather, there is the dream ability circle.

  19. 如果你不知其一,往往也不能知其二。

    Very often you cannot know one without knowing the other.

  20. 坐着的观众是不是一个思想家, 他是一个能知。

    The seated spectator is not a thinker, he is a knower.

  21. 你不振翅,怎知你能飞多高

    Unless you flap your wings, you cant know how high you can fly.

  22. 如我们所知, 能是作功的能力。

    As we know, energy is the ability to do work.

  23. 琼斯过去是小偷,但是现已知过能改重新做人。

    Jones used to be a thief, but now hes seen the error of his ways and is trying to rebuild his life.

  24. 杰克过去是小偷, 但是现已知过能改重新做人了。

    Jack used to be a thief, but now he's seen the error of his ways and is trying to rebuild his life.

  25. 你知我一定能赢鲸鱼。

    Because you know I'm gonna beat that whale.

  26. 知你所知然后就能从中获益。

    Knowing what you know and profit from it.

  27. 没有任何一种已知的驯鹿能飞。

    No known species of reindeer can fly.

  28. 没有任何一种已知得驯鹿能飞。

    No known species of reindeer can fly.

  29. 我不知道他是先生知其事?能来。

    I don't know if he'll be able to come.

  30. 再指出每一步已知算法如何能被破坏。

    Next we show how the known algorithms for each step can be broken.