







汉语拼音:mù nián








  1. 晚年;老年。

    三国 魏 曹操 《步出夏门行》之四:“烈士暮年,壮心不已。” 唐 杜甫 《咏怀古迹》之一:“ 庾信 生平最萧瑟,暮年诗赋动江关。”《警世通言·老门生三世报恩》:“下官暮年淹蹇,为世所弃。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“在 曾皓 日渐衰颓的暮年里, 愫方 是他眼前必不可少的慰藉。”



  1. Years have flown by, professor Li is now elderly. Yet, he is just as energetic and devoted to his career as before. . .


  2. The human race is in a twilight zone between a dying civilisation on life support and an emerging one trying to find its legs.


  3. Live a good, honourable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.


  4. The PM is 67 and probably thought it was damn time that she was able to marry the woman that she loves.


  5. old age, there is no greater comfort than realizing that he had dedicated all his vigor and vitality to an immortal cause when he was young.


  6. She becomes a young woman, has a family and in time she becomes old, yet within her there is always a deep longing for her father.


  7. When one old , the nicest thing is realized that he put all his energy and life when he was young to the standing career.


  8. They are my lovers in my prime, intimate friends at my middle age, and couples at the dusk of my life.


  9. The old man spent most of his twilight years working on his autobiography.


  1. 烈士暮年, 壮心不已

    the heart of a hero in his old age is as stout as ever

  2. 理想丢弃, 方堕暮年。

    We grow old by deserting our ideals.

  3. 理想丢弃,方堕暮年。

    We grow old by deserting our ideals.

  4. 暮年岁带来愚慧。

    Years bring wisdom.

  5. 我老了,到了生命的暮年。

    I am getting old. I am in the twilight of my life.

  6. 我不仅仅谈论进入暮年的人们。

    I'm not just talking about people well into their twilight years.

  7. 这将使你在衰老得暮年更生,

    This were to be new made when thou art old

  8. 这将使你在衰老的暮年更生,

    This were to be new made when thou art old

  9. 他也和奥尼尔不同,奥尼尔已近暮年。

    Unlike Shaq, he wasn't on his last legs.

  10. 如今我已经进入暮年,却还从事着斗争。

    I am a struggler now at the end of my days.

  11. 老骥伏枥,志在千里。烈士暮年,壮心不已。

    An old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop a thousand lian old hero still cherishes high aspirations.

  12. 年岁有加, 并非垂老, 理想抛弃, 方坠暮年。

    Nobody grows a mumber of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

  13. 往年入口小麦的数量取往暮年大致雷同。

    The quantity of rice imported this year is approximately the same asyear.

  14. 老人暮年的大部分时间都在写他的自传。

    The old man spent most of his twilight years working on his autobiography.

  15. 老人暮年得大部分时间都在写他得自传。

    The old man spent most of his twilight years working on his autobiography.

  16. 书是我青春期的恋人,中年的知己,暮年的伴侣。

    They are my lovers in my prime, intimate friends at my middle age, and couples at the dusk of my life.

  17. 她存了一大笔钱足够好暮年用的。

    She stashed away enough money to spend in the rest of her life.

  18. 年岁有加, 并非垂老, 理想放弃, 方堕暮年。

    Nobody grows a numbers of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

  19. 政府必须尽多些力照顾已届暮年的人。

    The government has to do more to take care of the people in their twilight years.

  20. 年岁有加,并非垂老。理想丢弃,方堕暮年。

    Nobody grows merely by the number of years, we grow old by deserting our ideas.

  21. 子女不该给母亲添麻烦, 尤其在她暮年时。

    Children should not give their mother trouble, especially in her advancing years.

  22. 我虽说是黄昏暮年,也还懂得如何找乐。

    Even at my advanced age I still know how to enjoy myself!

  23. 我想让我的父母亲舒舒服服地度过暮年时光。

    I want my parents to be comfortable in their twilight years.

  24. 人们若为自己的暮年做安排,会使生活有目标。

    Planning for their old age gives people an aim in life.

  25. 在暮年时期, 智慧和人格似乎是最重要的品质了。

    Intelligence and personality comes to the forefront in later life.

  26. 他在暮年终於目睹自己的作品得到赞赏深感欣慰

    In ord age he finally have the satisfaction of seeing the quality of his work recognize

  27. 一个暮年垂死老妪,怎么可能象仙女般地溢彩流光?

    No merely mortal woman could shine with such a supernatural radiance.

  28. 软件外包非远暮年来软件行业最暖里的词汇之一。

    Software Outsourcing is the most popular vocabulary in software industry recent years.

  29. 我青春时代的狂想野心, 已成了我暮年不能摆脱的命运。

    The vain ambition of my youth has become a fate upon me in old age.

  30. 请谈一道他高中三年级暮年级得某一个网友。

    Please tell me about a friend of yours in your junior year class.


  1. 问:暮年拼音怎么拼?暮年的读音是什么?暮年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暮年的读音是mùnián,暮年翻译成英文是 old age



暮,傍晚的意思。 “暮年”只是一个大概年龄,相当于“晚年”的意思,所谓晚年即是指不参与劳动的年龄,五十以后。 据《礼记》记载,普通百姓,“五十杖于家,六十杖于乡,七十杖于国,八十杖于朝”。 五十既然杖于家,当然是不劳作了,故五十以后可称暮年。注:杖,执杖,拄拐杖。 暮年mùnián 暮:形声。从日,莫声。古字作“莫”,像太阳落到草丛中(篆体上下皆草),表示天将晚。“暮”为后起字。本义:日落时,傍晚。常喻指年老,衰老,迟暮。 如:藐是流离,至于暮齿。——庾信《哀江南赋序》 夫自念斯,学德未暮。——《吕氏春秋》 烈士暮年,壮心不已。——曹操《步出夏门行》(这里“暮年”是两个词,“暮”即“晚”。) 暮年:老年、晚年,通常含有衰迟之意。(不必坐实到多少岁。) 如:曹禺《北京人》第一幕:“在曾皓日渐衰颓的暮年里, 愫方是他眼前必不可少的慰藉。”