







汉语拼音:wǎn nián





  1. 年老之时。

    《梁书·夏侯亶传》:“晚年颇好音乐。” 唐 包佶 《发襄阳后却寄公安人》诗:“晚年多疾病,中路有风尘。”《警世通言·老门生三世报恩》:“人道他晚年一第,又居冷局,替他气闷,他欣然自如。” 梁斌 《红旗谱》五一:“他老早就想过田园生活:茅屋三椽,老枣数株,二亩田园,一口小井,一把辘轳,就足以娱晚年了。”

  2. 末年。

    宋 欧阳修 《六一诗话》:“ 唐 之晚年,诗人无復 李 杜 豪放之格,然亦务以精意为高。”



  1. 'If you are a heavy smoker and you're lucky enough to make it to old age, you're not in the clear. You're still at risk for dementia. '

  2. Jackson's final years in the Lexington community earned him a reputation as an honest and dutiful man of devout faith.

  3. Medical crises will inevitably arise; the child must be vigilant for a hospital's bad habits when caring for elderly patients.

  4. Houdini in his later life became very interested in spiritualism and seances because of the great loss he felt upon the death of his mother.

  5. Wangchong ideal but did not because he's working hard to achieve, life dies blossom in his later years he began to Ming of deep thinking.

  6. Kuriansky said one of the impacts she hoped to see from the research would be a rethinking of how people might spend their later years.

  7. It's not as if we're getting the tail end of a World Class player's career - he's a decent enough keeper who played for Boro and Fulham.

  8. I hope her old age was better than her middle age. She was a good actress but had terrible taste in men. God's light shine on her.

  9. In the later years of running my games business, I began feeling very incongruent , like I was just supposed to be doing something else.


  1. 他晚年结婚。

    He married late in life.

  2. 晚年悒郁难言

    sad and frustrated in latter years.

  3. 晚年适应反应

    Adjustment reaction of late life.

  4. 晚年民主思想

    democratic thought in his old age.

  5. 晚年周作人

    Zhou Zuoren in His Later Years.

  6. 晚年张闻天

    Zhang Wentian in his later years.

  7. 晚年老人之家

    eventide home.

  8. 晚年惟好静,

    In old age, solitude is all I crave.

  9. 精力充沛的晚年

    green old age

  10. 他已步入晚年。

    He is now in the sunset of his day.

  11. 他晚年身体硬朗。

    He was virile in his old age.

  12. 他晚年寓居上海。

    He made Shanghai his home in his old age.

  13. 他孑然一身度过晚年。

    He lived alone in his old age.

  14. 过着幸福的晚年

    spend the remaining years in happiness

  15. 一般在晚年起病。

    The onset is usually in later life.

  16. 晚年他甚少动笔。

    In his later years he wrote very little.

  17. 节约是晚年的安乐椅。

    Economy is the easy choir of old age.

  18. 在晚年他到处旅游。

    In the evening of his life he traveled from place to place.

  19. 他晚年才成为作家。

    He became an author quite late in life, ie when he was quite old.

  20. 晚年格调雄爽近苏轼。

    Old age style Sushi Near Shuang Xiong.

  21. 他晚年的生活很幸福。

    His life of sunset is very happy.

  22. 他到晚年才成为作家。

    He became an author late in life.

  23. 她平静地度过了晚年。

    She lived the remainder of life in peace.

  24. 晚年时发展迟缓的思想。

    A mind grown torpid in old age.

  25. 老人过着幸福的晚年。

    The old man spent his remaining years in happiness.

  26. 胡绳晚年论中间势力

    Hu sheng's exposition on intermediate forces in his later years

  27. 黄尧晚年最后的漫画是

    The final set of cartoons Huang Yao painted in his life was

  28. 晚年他似乎保守起来了。

    As an elderly figure he seemed conservative.

  29. 到了晚年, 他越发固执。

    Towards the end of his life, he became increasingly stubborn.

  30. 她在晚年变得乐善好施。

    In her later years she became a ladybountiful.


  1. 问:晚年拼音怎么拼?晚年的读音是什么?晚年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晚年的读音是wǎnnián,晚年翻译成英文是 old age



1.年老之时。《梁书·夏侯亶传》:“晚年颇好音乐。” 唐·包佶 《发襄阳后却寄公安人》诗:“晚年多疾病,中路有风尘。”《警世通言·老门生三世报恩》:“人道他晚年一第,又居冷局,替他气闷,他欣然自如。” 清《睢州志·浮香阁轶闻绝句·袁楚雄》:“未几楚雄(袁可立孙)生,因小字东居。晚年自序半世落拓,宦业文章不足与文忠为役。”梁斌 《红旗谱》五一:“他老早就想过田园生活:茅屋三椽,老枣数株,二亩田园,一口小井,一把辘轳,就足以娱晚年了。” 安享晚年