




1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……



汉语拼音:miàn fā






  1. 谓当面陈词。

    唐 司空图 《上谯公书》:“此皆相公夙自贮於沉实,而小子虽吃悸,不能面发,愿激扬於片词耳。”



  1. Twenty-nine, steamed bread, Thirty evening boil night, The first and lunar calendar is all of the street.


  2. Yeast makes dough rise.


  1. 面发起来了。

    The dough has risen.

  2. 把面发15分钟。

    Leave it to rise for15 minutes.

  3. 修过面剪过发的

    shaven and shorn

  4. 你们不知道一点面酵能使全团面发起来吗?

    Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump

  5. 抹灰面发裂

    crazing of plaster.

  6. 发酵粉使面发起来。

    Yeast makes dough rise.

  7. 一种防塔釜液面发泡装置

    A tower level foam preventing unit

  8. 素色垫背面发泡乳胶是常规产品。

    Suse latex foam pad is the back of conventional products.

  9. 晾干时应勤加翻动,避免背光面发黄,影响品质。

    Bonus to be turning dry and avoid yellow backlight surface, affecting the quality.

  10. 好发牙面为前牙唇面。

    Facial surfaces of anterior teeth were most vulnerable to erosion.

  11. 当着大家的面, 他突然感到心里发虚。

    He suddenly felt diffident in the presence of these people.

  12. 超短波干扰电治疗特发性面神经麻痹73例

    Observation of Ultrashort Wave, Interference Current on73 Cases with Idiopathic Facial Paralysis

  13. 你替我剪了发, 替我刮了面, 替我盥洗了, 又替我涂了香膏。

    You cut my hair, shaved my face, gave me a shampoo and applied some vanishing cream.

  14. 粮食价格可谓涉及面广,影响面大,牵一发而动全身。

    Commissariat price it may be said involves wide, effect theis large, pull andthebody.

  15. 这名歹徒留着头棕色长发并且蒙着面,骑着摩托车。

    The scoundrel had long brown hair, his face covered and rode a motorcar.

  16. 他们匆匆地走来走去,一言不发,面露焦急之色。

    They hurried about in dead silence, with anxious faces.

  17. 面神经麻痹的外科治疗中耳术后迟发性面瘫的临床观察

    Pathogenesis and Prognosis of Delayed Facial Paralysis After Middle Ear Surgery

  18. 面瘫膏穴位贴敷治疗特发性面神经麻痹590例临床观察

    Ues of Medicinal Herb Plaster In590 Cases of Idiopathic Facial Paralysis

  19. 在图片的左上角淡淡发绿的是遥远的天王星的轨道面。

    The faint greenish disk of distant planet Uranus is near the upper left corner.

  20. 她的头垂向钢琴键盘, 长长的乌黑的发卷遮住了面庞。

    Her head was bent over the keyboard now, long raven wings of hair shrouding her face.

  21. 这名歹徒留着一头棕色得长发并且蒙着面, 骑着摩托车。

    The scoundrel had long brown hair, his face a motorcar.

  22. 这名歹徒留着一头棕色的长发并且蒙着面,骑着摩托车。

    The scoundrel had long brown hair, his face a motorcar.

  23. 在面包上面刷些牛奶, 这样面包在烘焙时就会有一个发光面。

    Brush the top with some milk so that it will have a shiny surface when baked.

  24. 目的探讨颞骨内微型面神经鞘瘤的原发部位和病理行为。

    Objective To explore the original location and pathologic behavior of facial nerve neurilemmomas.

  25. 好像面酵,有妇人拿去藏在三斗面里,直到全团都发了酵。

    It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal until the whole was leavened.

  26. 好比面酵,有妇人拿来藏在三斗面里,直等全团都发起来。

    It is like leaven, which a woman put into three measures of meal, and it was all leavened.

  27. 面部发疹性毳毛囊肿

    Eruptive vellus hair cysts on the face

  28. 百里江面,千帆竞发。

    A thousand boats set sail on a long stretch of the river.

  29. 浓密的黑发衬托着他的面庞。

    A dense mass of black hair framed his face.

  30. 采掘工作面是煤矿事故多发地点。

    The mining and excavation faces are the places of many mine accidents occurred often.


  1. 问:面发育不全拼音怎么拼?面发育不全的读音是什么?面发育不全翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面发育不全的读音是miàn fā yù bù quán,面发育不全翻译成英文是 ateloprosopia

  2. 问:面发射拦截导弹拼音怎么拼?面发射拦截导弹的读音是什么?面发射拦截导弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面发射拦截导弹的读音是miàn fā shè lán jié dǎo dàn,面发射拦截导弹翻译成英文是 Surface-Launched Interceptor Missile