







汉语拼音:huán kuǎn






  1. 亦作“ 还欵 ”。归还所欠的债款或偿付所欠的贷款。

    清 柯悟迟 《漏网喁鱼集》:“﹝ 同治 元年﹞被烧之家暂向未烧者借,俟后还款。”《清史稿·食货志三》:“二十六年,以 江苏 ……不产米粟,命嗣后先动司库银两,按照时价採办,令民输银还欵,是谓民折官办。”《孽海花》第二二回:“在先该庄原想等 余观察 还款接济,不想 余 出事故。” 老舍 《老张的哲学》第四十:“现在我携女潜逃,如先生慨允所请,当携女登门叩谢,并商订还款办法。”



  1. If a borrower has not paid by this point, chances are he never will.


  2. if your loan time limit is in a year of above , practice law of reimbursement of principal and interest waiting for the forehead.


  3. They will have to tell how long and how much it would take to pay off a card if the holder makes only the lowest monthly payment.


  4. As banks did not know the level of debt they were acquiring, they no longer wanted to lend money to or borrow money from other banks.


  5. I began to negotiate with the bank about my mortgage, and eventually a man at the end of a phone advised me to default on my repayments.


  6. What is not clear, though, is how much it will do for many homeowners facing sharply higher payments.


  7. Another is the incentive scheme they operate for their agents, the bulk of whose earnings is based on how much they collect.


  8. Paulson said the loans would likely be nonrecourse, meaning investors wouldn't have to pay the Fed back if the underlying borrower defaults.


  9. "I don'twant to spend the rest of my life slaving away to pay for an education I gotfor four years and would happily give back, " she said.


  1. 还款保证书

    Repayment Guarantee.

  2. 提前还款风险

    prepayment risk

  3. 按揭还款表

    repayment table of real estate mortgage.

  4. 暂缓还款协议

    standstill agreement

  5. 提前还款单据

    Return loan in advance bill

  6. 等本息还款

    the repayment of the same capital and interest.

  7. 还款特别豁免

    special exemption from repayment

  8. 改善还款计划

    Improvement of the amortization schedule.

  9. 实得还款数目

    liquidated sum.

  10. 减少每月还款额

    Reduction in monthly repayment amount

  11. 你打算如何还款?

    How are you going to make the repayments?

  12. 赔偿契据。还款保证书

    deed of indemnity

  13. 我会自己还款的。

    I'll pay it off.

  14. 我会自己还款的。

    I'll pay it off.

  15. 拖欠率。过期还款比率

    delinquency rate

  16. 有提前还款违约金吗?

    Is there an early redemption charge?

  17. 他们拖欠了按揭还款。

    They had fallen behind with their mortgage repayments.

  18. 贷款的第二次还款

    the second instalment of a loan.

  19. 如何推算出还款时间表?

    How to work out a repayment schedule?

  20. 按揭还款补助金发放通知书

    Notice of Payment of Subsidy

  21. 偿付贷款的第二次还款

    The second instalment of a loan

  22. 不像贷款,补助金不需要还款。

    Unlike a loan, a grant does not have to be repaid.

  23. 你每周还款,大家都相安无事。

    You pay every week, everyone's happy.

  24. 你每周还款,大家都相安无事。

    You pay every week, everyone's happy.

  25. 一个可能无法承受还款时刻。

    One might not be able to sustain the repayments at all times.

  26. 贷款买房前先算还款账。

    Buy a house before the loan repayment account balance.

  27. 买汽车的月还款已经付清。

    The monthly installments on hte car were paid up.

  28. 请您放心, 还款是有保障的。

    Please rest assured that repayment is ensured.

  29. 因提前还款而退还的预收利息

    refundable interest

  30. 奖学金和助学金也不需要还款。

    Scholarships and fellowships do not have to be repaid either.


  1. 问:还款拼音怎么拼?还款的读音是什么?还款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:还款的读音是huánkuǎn,还款翻译成英文是 repayment

  2. 问:还款合同拼音怎么拼?还款合同的读音是什么?还款合同翻译成英文是什么?

    答:还款合同的读音是huán kuǎn hé tóng,还款合同翻译成英文是 contract of repayment

  3. 问:还款担保拼音怎么拼?还款担保的读音是什么?还款担保翻译成英文是什么?

    答:还款担保的读音是huán kuǎn dān bǎo,还款担保翻译成英文是 suretyship of repayment