


1. 解 [jiě]2. 解 [jiè]3. 解 [xiè]解 [jiě]剖开,分开:~剖。分~。瓦~。~体。把束缚着、系着的东西打开:~开。~甲归田。~囊相助。除去,除,废除,停止:~放(a.使广大人民群众脱离压迫;b.解除束缚而得到自由……


1. 禁 [jīn]2. 禁 [jìn]禁 [jīn]受得住,耐久:~受。~得住。~不起。弱不~风。忍耐,制止:不~笑起来。禁 [jìn]不许,制止:~止。~绝。~书。~令。~赌。~欲。~锢。情不自~。法律或习惯上制止的事:犯~。违~品。拘……



汉语拼音:jiě jìn






  1. from the number of shares that are locked up and may be released, " he said. "


  2. I think it's too early to speculate that this might be a form of liberalization.


  3. Syria, after banning Facebook for some time, unblocked it once the government was able to monitor activity there, she said.


  4. As a precondition, all political parties and the media would be set free, and open elections promised within, say, a year.


  5. Lifting of the ban have been six or seven years now, and the whole society's attitude to the fireworks, there has been a subtle change.


  6. He made it his number-one priority when he was in office.


  7. All over the world, drug prohibition and its repeal or reform is now a matter of debate.


  8. The ban was just lifted recently, and the first concert after that took place in Shanghai last night.


  9. Though a majority of those shares have since been made tradable, each company was allowed to determine when the sale could begin.


  1. 蘑菇罐头解禁

    Bans lifted on canned mushrooms.

  2. 解禁与减持

    deregulation and reduction.

  3. 对华军售解禁

    open arm selling to China.

  4. 论流质契约的解禁

    On Unchaining of Fluidity Contract

  5. 虽说,阿娇已经正式解禁。

    Although, Gillian has officially lifting the ban.

  6. 我会让探员给现场解禁。

    I'll have the detective release the scene.

  7. 年末券商股的解禁高潮又至。

    At the end of the stock brokerage also lifted to a climax.

  8. 解禁大学生生育我们该如何应对

    Lifting the Embargo on Childbearing of University Students How Should We Respond

  9. 那些女孩子应当马上被解禁释放。

    The girls should be released from captivity immediately.

  10. 所以说,移植后的解禁夜啊?

    So. posttransplant sex, huh?

  11. 恼人的事情, 所有解禁的进口二手车。

    Aggravating matters, all restrictions were lifted on the import of used vehicles.

  12. 欧盟对华军售难以解禁的背景综述

    Why the EU Is Hard to Lift Ban on Arms Sales to China

  13. 这种新气象,并非因为解禁股流通徒有虚名。

    This atmosphere is not lifted shares in circulation as illusory.

  14. 目前没有迹象表明, 口香糖销售禁令将全面解禁。

    There is no sign of the ban being fully lifted.

  15. 除再融资外, 解禁股得压力也渐渐显现。

    In addition to the refinancing, lifting shares of the pressure has gradually emerged.

  16. 除再融资外,解禁股的压力也渐渐显现。

    In addition to the refinancing, lifting shares of the pressure has gradually emerged.

  17. 上轮因黄牌停赛,李毅本轮可谓解禁复出。

    Because previous round the yellow card stops play, the Li Yi epicycle lifts a ban resurfaces.

  18. 也就是说, 解禁部分的股票有近一成被套现。

    In other words, parts of ban Jin Yicheng shares have been cashed.

  19. 限售股解禁的需求影响机制与平衡模式研究

    Study of the Demand Impact Mechanism and Balance Mode under the Circulation of Restricted Stock

  20. 在脉冲星的观测证据中寻找夸克解禁态

    Evidence of Deconfinement of Quark Matters in the Observation of Pulsars

  21. 希望伊朗短信解禁是沟通渠道恢复正常的标志。

    Hopefully, the unblocking of text messaging in Iran is a sign that communication channels are returning to normal.

  22. 非洲南部国家非常希望全世界象牙交易能够得到解禁。

    Southern African countries are keen to see the lifting of the worldwide ban on the ivory trade.

  23. 网站随时都可能解禁, 同样也可能无限期地被封锁下去。

    It is equally likely to reappear at any moment or remain locked down indefinitely.

  24. 国会解禁越早,将海底石油灌注到你的油箱就越快。

    The sooner Congress lifts the ban, the sooner we can get this oil from beneath the ocean floor to your gas tank.

  25. 也许到周五解禁这天,海通证券股价上涨了也说不定。

    Maybe Friday to lift the ban that day, Haitong Securities shares rose might.

  26. 此役,西索科解禁复出,但他再次领到了一张黄牌。

    This service, Xisuoke lifts a ban resurfaces, but he has received a yellow card once more.

  27. 关于解禁的问题, 李肇星外长重申了中方的一贯立场和看法。

    With respect to the arms embargo, Foreign Minster Li reiterated China's consistent position.


  1. 问:解禁拼音怎么拼?解禁的读音是什么?解禁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解禁的读音是jiějìn,解禁翻译成英文是 to remove a ban