




1. 莫 [mò]2. 莫 [mù]莫 [mò]不要:~哭。没有,无:~大。~非。~名其妙(亦作“莫明其妙”)。不,不能:~如。~逆。~须有。~衷一是(不能得出一致的结论)。爱~能助。古同“漠”,广大。姓。莫 [mù]古同“暮”。……




1. 毒 [dú]2. 毒 [dài]毒 [dú]有害的性质或有害的东西:~气。~性。~饵。~药。~蛇。吸~。贩~。害,伤害:~害。~化。~杀。莫予~也(没有谁能危害我,即谁也不能把我怎么样)。凶狠,猛烈:~辣。~计。~刑。狠~。恶~。恨,……



汉语拼音:rén mò yù dú








  • 【解释】:莫:没有;予:我;毒:分割,危害。再也没有人怨恨我、伤害我了。形容劲敌被消灭后高兴的心情。
  • 【出自】:《左传·宣公十二年》:“及楚杀子玉,公喜而后可知也,曰:‘莫余毒也已。’是晋再克而楚再败也,楚是以再世不竞。”
  • 【示例】:长此不悟,纵令势力弥满,~,亦乃与满州亲贵等夷。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. na.
  2. No one dares harm me -- an arrogant boast.;No one dares to hurt me.

  1. 现在,她正在与死神抗争。她是在家中被发现被人毒殴。

    Now she is fighting for her life after she was found viciously beaten in her home.

  2. 海蜇蕴藏有让人讨厌得毒刺。

    A jellyfish can pack a nasty sting.

  3. 被咬可能毒伤人的小蜘蛛

    a tiny spider with a poisonous bite

  4. 好吧,是我做的饼干,但投毒的人是她。

    Okay, I baked them, but she added the poison.

  5. 我们一定要把那个在饭菜中投毒的人找出来。

    We must find the person who put poison into the food.

  6. 我们一定要把那个在饭菜中投毒得人找出来。

    We must find the person who put poison into the food.

  7. 我们一定要把那个在饭菜中投毒的人找出来。

    We must find the person who put poison into the food.

  8. 法师使用幽冥界得黑暗合金构造出一位巨大得毒魔像人。

    This mage create a Poison Golem, a metal giant made of dark alloys from the Underworld.

  9. 看,那人肯定吸了毒或怎么地了。

    Look at him, he must be on dope or something.

  10. 那可怜得人被暴徒们毒打了一顿。

    The poor man received a savage beating from the thug.

  11. 那可怜的人被暴徒们毒打了一顿。

    The poor man received a savage beating from the thug.

  12. 毒莫剧于人舌。

    No venom to that of the tongue.

  13. 它们不会咬人,它们没有毒,甚至变色龙也是无害的。

    They not bite and they are not poisonous. Even the larger ones are harmless.

  14. 水池中的水有毒, 很多人中毒。

    The water in the pool is poisonous and many people are poisoned.

  15. 水池中得水有毒,很多人中毒。

    The water in the pool is poisonous and many people are poisoned.

  16. 听着,我被人下了致命的毒。

    Listen, I've been fatally poisoned.

  17. 他说,传闻维吾尔人在水库里下了毒。

    He says there are rumours that Uighurs have poisoned the reservoir.

  18. 由于没有药物, 那两个吃了毒蘑菇的人几天后就死了。

    Without remedies, the two men who ate poisonous mushroom died within days.

  19. 由于没有药物, 那两个吃了毒蘑菇得人几天后就死了。

    Without remedies, the two men who ate poisonous mushroom died within days.

  20. 有传言称是天主教的传教士出钱贿人往井水里投毒。

    It was rumored that it was a missionary of Catholicism who bribed people to poison the well water.

  21. 她向诺格人证明, 是帝国毒害了他们的星球, 而不是拯救了它。

    She showed how it was the Empire who was poisoning their world, not saving it.

  22. 你做运毒人做了多久了?

    So how long you been a drug trafficker?

  23. 这两种毒都是令人不快的,但血液性毒液更为惹人讨厌。

    Both poisons are unpleasant, but by far the more unpleasant is the blood poison.

  24. 往对手枕头底下放毒蜘蛛,形容这人有多坏。

    Democrats view as the kind of operative who would put a tarantula under an opponent's pillow.

  25. 幽暗之毒,召唤可使人的集中力衰退的蓝色毒气的魔法。

    The poison of gloom, invoke can make person of the concentrated dint decline of the sorcery of blue poisonous gas.

  26. 中华眼镜蛇毒金属蛋白酶诱导人肥大细胞释放组胺的作用

    Induction of histamine release from human mast cells by Chinese cobra snake venom metalloproteinase

  27. 人为甲状腺毒症

    factitial thyrotoxicosis

  28. 开车撞人,下毒。

    Vehicular assaults,poison.

  29. 开车撞人,下毒。

    Vehicular assaults, poison.

  30. 这种蘑菇能够毒死人。

    This mushrooms can kill.



人莫予毒(rén mò yú dú),中国成语,是指再也没有人怨恨我、伤害我了。还可以指狂妄自大,目空一切。这个成语故事出自《左转·僖公二十八年》。