


1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……





汉语拼音:kàn lóu






  1. 供观乐或瞭望的楼。

    唐 郑处诲 《明皇杂录》卷下:“每正月望夜,又御勤政楼观作乐,贵臣戚里官设看楼。夜阑,即遣宫女於楼前歌舞以娱之。”《辽史·食货志下》:“ 东平郡 城中置看楼,分南、北市,禺中交易市北,午漏下交易市南。”



  1. When Kanlou car into a residential door, she was deeply attracted by the eyeful of green, and that the goldfish pond.


  2. Spring Festival holidays New Horizons will become Guangzhou love "left communities" Kanlou one of the first.


  3. Mr. Roberts, would you please sign an inspection record for me? May l have your identity number for reference?


  4. He is not interested in Kanlou, I could not help him, he bought the floor of their choice, our financial independence.


  5. Scene: After Mrs. Chen signed the inspection record, James Wilson shows Mrs. Chen to Mr. Johnson's house. Bell rings.


  6. When they want to see your property, l will give you a call.


  7. I will introduce your property to our clients. When they want to see your property, I will give you a call.


  8. Would you please sign an inspection record for me?


  9. Low season Kanlou benefits dos: Yi found comfort issue price concessions!


  1. 看楼记录书

    inspection record.

  2. 我会安排你看楼。

    I will arrange a property inspection for you.

  3. 请您签一份看楼记录书。

    Would you please sign an inspection record for me?

  4. 我会尽快给你安排看楼的。

    I will arrange property inspection for you as soon as possible.

  5. 如果客户想看楼, 我会通知你的。

    When they want to see your property, I will give you a call.

  6. 他正在领他们看楼里的一套公寓。

    He's showing them an apartment in his building.

  7. 一个看楼的人告诉警察, 逃跑的人在他那座楼里。

    A caretaker told the police that the men were in his building.

  8. 在上次会议中提到了看楼人的工资问题。

    The question of the caretaker? s wages came up at the last meeting.

  9. 他让我下楼看焰火,因为已经开始了。

    He told me to go downstairs and watch the fireworks, because they'd started.

  10. 想看视频, 楼主快发。

    I want to see the video. Moderator, hurry and put it up.

  11. 想看视频,楼主快发。

    I want to see the video. Moderator, hurry and put it up.

  12. 安泰中心二楼去看一看吧!

    Aetna center on the second floor to take a look at it!

  13. 否则我一定会下楼去看的。

    I would have gone down to watch it.

  14. 我得下楼去看史蒂文了。

    I have to go downstairs and see Steven.

  15. 所以我下楼去看发生了什么事。

    So I went down to see what was happening.

  16. 我们都赶上楼去看是怎么回事。

    We all hurried upstairs to see what was going on.

  17. 午夜后,他下楼去看电视直到早上我们才发现他。

    Hehe came downstairs just after midnight to watch some tv, and we didn't find him until this morning.

  18. 我下楼去看秘密献花在总编辑那里有何反应。

    I go downstairs to see if I can find out how my floral tribute is playing with the editor.

  19. 你母亲下楼去看狗,然后你把安眠药放在她的热牛奶里。

    Your mother went downstairs to see the dogs and you put the sleeping tablets in her hot milk.

  20. 我看管一幢楼。

    I look after a building.

  21. 从远处看,这幢楼很漂亮。

    The building makes a good figure from afar.

  22. 另外每一层楼都有饮水机, 还有阅览室和看电视在一楼。

    Also, each floor has drinking fountain, and the reading and TV room is in the first floor.

  23. 你看那不是魁星楼吗?

    Look, is that the Kuixing Tower?

  24. 从整体来看,这两幢楼是相似的。

    The two buildings are similar on the whole.

  25. 我们都慌忙上楼看看发生了什么事。

    We all hurried upstairs to see what was going on.

  26. 约特甚麽, 哎哟!有人入屋行窃。我们上二楼看看吧。

    Nat What! Oh no! Weve been burglarized. Lets go upstairs and check.

  27. 有人说他看到一个人从附近得一座楼里往下看。

    Someone said that a man was seen looking down from the top of a nearby building.

  28. 有人说他看到一个人从附近的一座楼里往下看。

    Someone said that a man was seen looking down from the top of a nearby building.

  29. 她在范德坎普太太家我上楼看看她有没有留下什么。

    She's at Mrs. Van De Kamp's, but I'll see if she left some stuff upstairs.

  30. 这栋楼看上去很丑, 但是从建筑学角度来看却非常有趣儿。

    This building is ugly, but architecturally interesting.