




1. 观 [guān]2. 观 [guàn]观 [guān]看,察看:~看。~止(赞叹所看到的事物极端完美,无以复加)。~风(a.暗中察看动静,以定行止;b.观察民间风俗习惯,生活状态)。~阵。~赏。~察。~感。参~。看到的景象或样子:~瞻……


1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……


1. 济 [jì]2. 济 [jǐ]济 [jì]渡,过河:同舟共~。对困苦的人加以帮助:~世。救~。赈~。周~。接~。补益:无~于事。济 [jǐ]〔~水〕古水名,源于今中国河南省,流经山东省入渤海。(濟)……





汉语拼音:hóng guān jīng jì xué






  1. I manage to ask Koch whether you really can transfer macro-economic theories to a real-life company.


  2. The obvious aim of such a reconstruction is to protect macroeconomics from the encroachment of the methods and habits of the mathematician.


  3. From a macroeconomic perspective, investors seem to be betting on the worst case scenario.


  4. But victory did not restore the intellectual peace. Macroeconomists split into two camps, drawing opposite lessons from the episode.


  5. So the traditional macroeconomic theory that the long-run growth is not affected by the short-run fluctuation is doubtful.


  6. Alan Taylor emails me to say that Jeff Frankel did, in fact, write up his ignorance is strength version of modern macro.


  7. By assuming that capital markets worked perfectly, macroeconomists were largely able to ignore the economy's financial plumbing.


  8. To a great extent this reflected his and most macroeconomists' assumption that markets were, most of the time, rational and efficient.


  9. Traditional macroeconomics believes that short-run fluctuation had no effect on the long-run economic growth.


  1. 现代宏观经济学

    Modem Macroeconomics

  2. 中级宏观经济学。

    Macroeconomic theory and policy branson w. H.

  3. 新开放宏观经济学

    New Open Macroeconomics

  4. 新古典宏观经济学

    new classical macroeconomics

  5. 西方主流宏观经济学

    Western mainstream macroeconomics

  6. 国际宏观经济学模型

    international macroeconomic model

  7. 动态宏观经济学方法。

    Methods Of Macroeconomic Dynamics Turnovsky S.J.

  8. 宏观经济学。只得了78分。

    In macroeconomics. Only 78 marks.

  9. 新开放经济宏观经济学

    New Open Economy Macroeconomics

  10. 宏观经济学的首要问题。

    Macroeconomic Priorities by Robert E. Lucas Jr.

  11. 宏观经济学与经济成长理论。

    Macroeconomics and Theories of Growth J. M.

  12. 如何解决宏观经济学领域的危机?

    How to resolve this crisis in maco economics

  13. 塞谬尔斯先生是位宏观经济学专家。

    Mr. Samuels is an expert in macroeconomics.

  14. 在宏观经济学中, 这种做法是很难的。

    This is difficult to do in macroeconomics.

  15. 新古典宏观经济学的经济周期理论述评

    Review on business cycle theory of new classical macroeconomics

  16. 西方宏观经济学的冲突主线与内在逻辑

    Main Line and Logic of the Conflict of the Western Macroeconomics

  17. 这就是为什么我们有一个领域叫宏观经济学。

    This is why we have a field called macroeconomics.

  18. 浅谈宏观经济学的理论冲突主线及其内在逻辑

    On the Masterstroke of Theoretical Conflicts of Macroeconomics and Its Internal Logic

  19. 论宏观经济学理论冲突主线内在逻辑及其启示

    On the Inherent Logic and its Revelation of the Theoretical Conflict of Macroeconomics

  20. 宏观经济学不能回避对货币流通速度的研究

    Macroeconomics Cannot Evade the Study of Velocity of Money Circulation

  21. 但事态发展的速度远远快于宏观经济学的典型速度。

    But events started moving much faster than the typical speed of macro economics.

  22. 管理会计,国际金融,信息系统和宏观经济学。你呢?

    I am taking Management Accounting, International Finance, Information System Management, and Macroeconomics.How about you?

  23. 本课程是关于现代宏观经济学的一个进阶的概论。

    This course is a survey of modern macroeconomics at a fairly advanced level.

  24. 本课程是关于现代宏观经济学得一个进阶得概论。

    This course is a survey of modern macroeconomics at a fairly advanced level.

  25. 效率属于规范经济学的概念,在宏观经济学中比较难以定义。

    Efficiency belongs to the normal economics concept and it is hard to define in Macro Economics.

  26. 在宏观经济学的问题上, 我自认为理解保罗的观点。

    On the issue of macroeconomics, I think I understand Paul's point of view.

  27. 显示基本了解与宏观经济学和微观经济学原理有关的理论。

    Demonstrate a basic understanding of the theories associated with the principles of macro and microeconomics.

  28. 在书中, 凯恩斯创建了现在所说的宏观经济学。

    In that book, Keynes created the discipline now known as macroeconomics.

  29. 货币政策的传导机制是宏观经济学中一个重要问题。

    Transmission mechanism of monetary policy is a key issue in macroeconomics.

  30. 拉脱维亚大学国际经济和贸易系宏观经济学教授。

    Professor of Macroeconomics, University of Latvia, Department of International Economics and Business.


  1. 问:宏观经济学拼音怎么拼?宏观经济学的读音是什么?宏观经济学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宏观经济学的读音是,宏观经济学翻译成英文是 Macroeconomics