







汉语拼音:zì tā








  1. 亦作“ 自它 ”。自视为外人;疏远。

    《汉书·东平思王刘宇传》:“今 东平王 出繦褓之中而託於南面之位,加以年齿方刚,涉学日寡,驁忽臣下,不自它於太后,以是之间,能无失礼义者,其唯圣人乎!” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·仙人岛》:“僕不自他於君,实欲拔出恶浊,不料迷晦已深,梦梦不可提悟。”

  2. 自己与他人。

    宋 张商英 《护法论》:“佛大慈大悲,大喜大捨,自他无间,寃亲等观。”



  1. The Israelis and Palestinians are no closer to a settlement today than when he took office nine months ago.


  2. But of course, it had been like this from his very first meeting with Fudge on his very first evening as Prime Minister.


  3. Mr. Liu did not live to see China win a gold medal, but a lot has changed since his death in 1983.


  4. He is, however, right, and his intervention is symbolic of the welcome change in attitude at the FSA since he took charge at the supervisor.


  5. When he came into office, he was hopeful that he could orchestrate a peace treaty before the end of his first term.


  6. It is amazing how much progress Li Hua has made in his studies this term, especially since he had his way of learning.


  7. The minister was not in court today, and he has had no comments since the conviction of his wife.


  8. The extent to which his mental illness affected his painting has been a subject of speculation since his death.


  9. Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one can be observed visually from the other.


  1. 本文选自他的新书。

    This article is extracted from his new book.

  2. 他的聪明遗传自他的父亲。

    He gets his brains from his father's side.

  3. 自他妻子死後, 他日渐消瘦。

    He has been losing flesh ever since the death of his wife.

  4. 自他妻子死后,他日渐消瘦。

    He has been losing flesh ever since the death of his wife.

  5. 自他妻子死后, 他便酗酒了。

    After his wife died, he gave himself over to drinking.

  6. 他自他父亲那儿继承这房子。

    He inherited the house from his father.

  7. 自他出生那天我就爱着他。

    I loved him from the day he was born.

  8. 自他住院就一直躺在床上。

    He hasn't got up since he was hospitalized.

  9. 自他母亲死后, 他就不再趾高气扬了。

    After his mother died he came down off his high horse.

  10. 自他开始工作以来看起来更稳重了。

    He seems more stable since he started work.

  11. 自他不知去向之后, 并无官方确认。

    There has been no official confirmation since of his whereabouts.

  12. 自他病好以来,我一直没有见过他。

    I have never seen him since he fell ill.

  13. 自他离家以来他第一次感到凄伤。

    For the first time since he had left home he felt sad.

  14. 自他23岁腿骨折后这是他首次住院。

    This was his first hospitalization since breaking his leg at23.

  15. 自他妈妈去世以来,他变得坚强多了。

    He has toughened a lot since his mother died.

  16. 自他去世后, 他得家属一直靠救济过日子。

    His family has been on relief ever since he died.

  17. 自他去世后,他的家属一直靠救济过日子。

    His family has been on relief ever since he died.

  18. 自他离家以来,从未给我们写过信。

    He had never written to us since he left home.

  19. 那黑暗如牢笼, 自他苏生, 就将他禁锢。

    The darkness is a cage, which limited him, since he revived.

  20. 自他结婚以后,就完全沉溺于家庭生活。

    Since his marriage he has given himself over completely to family life.

  21. 自他回国以后,法律界又经历了革命。

    Since his return the legal profession has undergone another revolution.

  22. 自他被一条狗咬了之后, 他就不喜欢狗。

    He had no use for dogs after a dog bit him.

  23. 自他生病以来,他的工作表现有了遽烈的变化。

    His work has changed drastically since his illness.

  24. 自他妻子离他而去,他一直心情忧郁,默默寡欢。

    He's had the blues real bad since his wife left him.

  25. 日语的自他动词呈现了以下三个特点。

    Transitive verbs and intransitive verbs in Japanese are characterized by three features.

  26. 他对蛇的惧怕溯自他孩童时的一次经历。

    His fear of snakes traces back to an experience in his childhood.

  27. 自他母亲插手管理后, 许多顾客不再光顾了。

    Her mother got into the act and drove away a lot of their customers.

  28. 他说自他太太死后,他活着已经没有什么意义。

    He says his life has lost meaning since his wife died.

  29. 自他主管这所学校以来,还从未出过问题。

    Nothing has ever gone amiss since he took charge of the school.

  30. 自他给了我一张5镑的假钞后我不信任他了。

    I havent trusted him since he passed me a forged fiver.


  1. 问:自他交换法拼音怎么拼?自他交换法的读音是什么?自他交换法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自他交换法的读音是,自他交换法翻译成英文是 Tonglen