




不争,尽(jǐn)着旁人:~步。~位。谦~。请:~茶。许,使:不~他来。任凭:~他闹去。被:~雨淋了。索取一定代价,把东西给人:出~。转(zhuǎn )~。闪避:~开。当仁不~。责备,谴责:“二世使人~章邯”。古同“攘”,侵夺。……



汉语拼音:fàng ràng






  1. 相让。

    周立波 《山乡巨变》上一:“后生子的嘴巴也不放让。”



  1. It's possible, after all, that the baby boomers will hang on to power, keeping Gen X in a Prince Charles-like holding pattern.


  2. A: Let's stop there a minute and try to define our strategy in two directions firstly the market and secondly manufacturing.


  3. When you sit down to speak with the interviewer, position your portfolio to the side with the cover page facing the interviewer.


  4. what you need to know is to tried it let it go, let it go


  1. 水淋干后, 倒在盆里, 放让适量白糖。

    Shuilin dry and pour it into the basin, so that amount of sugar release.

  2. 那妖怪说,他将让放他出来的人看到世界上的所有宝藏。

    The genie said he would show all the treasure in the earth to the man who would set him free.

  3. 那妖怪说,他将让放他出来得人看到世界上得所有宝藏。

    The genie said he would show all the treasure in the earth to the man who would set him free.

  4. 将所有面糊如上煎熟, 放一旁让它冷却。

    Repeat the above until all the mixture has been used.

  5. 取你所需, 钓后放好让你的后裔有鱼钓。

    Take home what you want, catch and release so you children can fish.

  6. 我终于宣告冲顶失败, 要求下面做保护的放绳子让我下来。

    I pronounced my failure and wanted the protector below to let me down.

  7. 等到它需要撤退的时候, 我们再把它从池子里放出去让它走。

    When it is about to withdraw, then we let it go from the pool.

  8. 今天有个疯老头野蛮驾驶一直追着我的尾部不放,让我感到不耐烦了于是把车停靠在了路边,他看到我的块头比他大一句话都没敢说就灰溜溜的进到车里望风而逃了。真是无语了。

    Some crazy old man with severe road rage tried to tailgate me today. I got tired of him following me, so I pulled over onto the shoulder and got out of my car. When he saw I was a big dude, he went back into his car without saying a word and sped off *smh*

  9. 放烟幕弹,让我找找你们的位置。

    Pop some smoke and let me see your location.

  10. 他应该放在外面让人看到。

    It should be outside where it can be seen.

  11. 把杯子放下来,让一些空气进去。

    Put your glass down. Get some air into it.

  12. 他把她放下,让她坐在椅子上。

    He lowered her onto the chair.

  13. 无所谓,该放就放别让自己那么累。

    No, should put puts don't let yourself so tired.

  14. 他把东西放那好让你这样以为。

    He leaves them lying around to make you think that.

  15. 是别人放得火,让我背了黑锅。

    I am making the scapegoat, but it is the others who start the fire.

  16. 把淘盘里得水放掉, 让沙留着。

    The water was run off from the pan so that the sand remained.

  17. 陶器放在外面让炎热的太阳烘晒焙干。

    The pottery was left to bake in the hot sun.

  18. 陶器放在外面让炎热得太阳烘晒焙干。

    The pottery was left to bake in the hot sun.

  19. 糖浆里面所放的酒精让它挥发很容易。

    Alcohol added to syrup makes it evaporate easily.

  20. 糖浆里面所放得酒精让它挥发很容易。

    Alcohol added to syrup makes it evaporate easily.

  21. 在长的粗绳底的时候放她而且让她的游戏。

    Put her at the end of a long rope and let her play.

  22. 把面团揉10分钟,然后放在那里让它发起来。

    Work the dough for ten minutes, and then leave it to rise.

  23. 禁止在后院放烟火。让专业人员来放烟火就行了。

    Forgo backyard fireworks. Leave fireworks to trained professionals.

  24. 我将让椅子放下来

    So I'll just let this chair come down.

  25. 我也可以把它放这里, 让桌子, 为我托着手提包。

    I might as well put it here and let the table just hold that briefcase for me.

  26. 将你的手放下, 让我来学一下如何敲节奏

    So keep your hands off my cheeks, and let me study how you ride the beat

  27. 利用重力让手放下,让你避免双手过度用力与紧张。

    The use of gravity can eliminate all unnecessary forces or tenseness.

  28. 直到, 你用草图来回放它, 让你得视觉系统再解释它。

    until, that is, you regurgitate it as a sketch, allowing reinterpretation by your visual system.

  29. 直到,你用草图来回放它,让你的视觉系统再解释它。

    until, that is, you regurgitate it as a sketch, allowing reinterpretation by your visual system.

  30. 现在他要放掉摆动让臀部往前到左脚上

    Now he is gona release the pandulum allow the hip to come forward onto the left foot