







汉语拼音:fēng jǐn








  1. 风急。

    晋 王羲之 《爱鹅帖》:“遇风紧,陂湖汎涨,舩不可渡。” 唐 杜牧 《南陵道中》诗:“ 南陵 水面漫悠悠,风紧云轻欲变秋。” 元 赵孟頫 《次韵冯伯田秋兴》之一:“风紧草木变,露寒沙水清。”《群音类选·<粉蝶儿·苏武>》:“那裡有淋淋的雨若丝,常则是纷纷的雪似绵,颼颼风紧疾如箭。”

  2. 比喻风声不妙,局势紧张。《捻军史料丛刊·军情·同治七年五月初十》:“凡遇有官兵接仗,相持之间,即往报信,谓之风紧。”京剧《智取威虎山》第八场:“嗐!这几天大局不妙,山下风紧, 野狼嗥 一去不回。”



  1. Theyre forming in straight line theyre going through a tight windtheyre


  1. 窗户关不紧,风都从裂缝中吹进来了。

    The windows don't fit together and the air is leaking through the gaps.

  2. 船帆被风吹得绷紧了。

    The sail tightened in the wind.

  3. 那时候东北风刮得正紧。

    The northeast wind was blowing hard at that time.

  4. 风吹得很紧,海上巨浪翻滚着。

    The wind blew hard and the sea was billowing.

  5. 风刮得正紧,船被迫顶风停驶。

    The wind was blowing hard, and the ship was forced to lay to.

  6. 它是稳定的风,如果把纸紧固件可以折叠单位存储在一起。

    It is stable in wind and if put together with paper fasteners can fold down flat for storage.

  7. 他嘴很紧,不透一点风。

    He was closemouthed and didn't drop a hint.

  8. 银风紧握住斧柄。

    Silverwind took a firm grasp of his axe.

  9. 今天风紧雪大, 出行请注意安全。

    Be careful when you go outside today, it is very windy, and snowing heavily.

  10. 今天风紧雪大,出行请注意安全。

    Be careful when you go outside today, it is very windy, and snowing heavily.

  11. 在有风的日子里请紧紧抓住帽子。

    Hold on to the hat on a windy day.

  12. 风机紧固件的失效和控制措施

    Invalidation and Control Measures of Fan Fastener

  13. 罗茨风机转子锁紧扭矩的校核

    The breeze the machine turn the son lock the tight torque the calculation checkup that measure

  14. 同样道理, 绷得越紧, 抗风抗震也越差。

    Similarly, the more stretched tight seismic wind resistance is also the worse.

  15. 正在刮着强劲的西北风。昨晚北风刮得很紧。

    There's a northwester blowing great guns now. A north wind was blowing hard last night.

  16. 风电用与钢结构用高强度紧固件的差异

    Differences of high strength fastener for wind power and steel structure

  17. 强劲的南风从旅行开始就紧紧跟着我们。

    Strong southerly winds dogged our travel from the outset.

  18. 强劲的南风从旅行开始就紧紧跟着我们。

    Strong southerly winds dogged our travel from the outset.

  19. 她站在那儿,风把套裙吹得紧紧裹在身上。

    She stood there, the wind moulding the dress around her.

  20. 当风变大的时候,你可以紧紧地抓住你的雨衣。

    When the wind becomes strong, you can hold your raincoat tightly.

  21. 扣紧脚索把帆挂平,我们需要它吃满风!

    Sheet the sail home; we need all the wind we can get!

  22. 导风筒通过紧固件固定在平面机座下表面。

    The wind guide cone is fixed at the lower surface of the plane frame through the fastening piece.

  23. 风吹得越厉害, 游客把衣服包得越紧, 然后太阳出来了,

    As the wind blew harder, the traveler wrapped his coat more closely around himself. Then the sun came out.

  24. 但是风吹得越猛, 那个男人就把帽子和外套弄得越紧。

    But the harder he blew, the tighter the man held his hat and coat.

  25. 风使得那个女孩子将她得羊毛围巾紧紧地围在脖子上。

    The wind made the girl pull her woollen scarf tightly around her neck.

  26. 风使得那个女孩子将她的羊毛围巾紧紧地围在脖子上。

    The wind made the girl pull her woollen scarf tightly around her neck.

  27. 她的深色长发紧紧地绑成了发髻, 免得跑步时被风吹散。

    Her long dark hair was tied tightly to keep it from whipping in the wind of her passage.

  28. 中间水域挤满了很多为了过冬而停在这里的小船,船上都紧紧捆着耐风的布料。

    The middle reach was occupied by small craft,laying up for the winter and already double lashed down under weather-cloths.

  29. 多位缆风拉紧的塔

    multilevel guyed tower

  30. 那三只狼紧紧挨着,顶风离去。

    The three wolves moved off upwind in a tight little group.