




1. 凉 [liáng]2. 凉 [liàng]凉 [liáng]温度低:~快。~爽。~意。~气。阴~。~丝丝。~亭。荒~。喻灰心,失望:听到这消息,我~了半截。中国西晋末年至北魏,各族统治者在西北地区建立的割据政权:五~(前、后、南、北、……



汉语拼音:qī liáng









  1. 寂寞冷落。

    唐 元稹 《酬乐天书怀见寄》诗:“仍云得诗夜,梦我魂悽凉。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·三姓门生》:“ 纪晓嵐 参政时作诗讥之云:‘……赫奕门楣新吏部,悽凉池馆旧中堂。’”

  2. 孤寂冷落。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《为临川王九日侍太子宴》诗:“凄凉霜野,惆悵晨鵾。” 唐 皎然 《与卢孟明别后宿南湖对月》诗:“旷望烟霞尽,凄凉天地秋。” 金 赵献之 《浣溪沙》词:“落木萧萧风似雨,疎櫺皎皎月如霜,此时此夜最凄凉。”

  3. 悲凉。

    唐 李白 《留别曹南群官之江南》诗:“怀归路緜邈,览古情凄凉。” 宋 司马光 《咏史》之三:“《玉树庭花》曲,凄凉不可闻。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲上·结构》:“如《中秋赏月》一折,同一月也,出於 牛氏 之口者,言言欢悦;出於 伯喈 之口者,字字凄凉。”

  4. 孤寂冷落。

    北魏 杨衒之 《洛阳伽蓝记·建中寺》:“有一 凉风堂 ,本 腾 避暑之处,凄凉常冷,经夏无蝇,有万年千岁之树也。” 宋 刘仙伦 《鼓瑟》诗:“凄凉 楚 客新愁断,清切 湘 灵旧怨多。”《醒世恒言·大树坡义虎送亲》:“况且未过门的媳妇,守节也是个虚名儿,现放着活活的爹妈,你不念他日后老景凄凉,却去恋个死人,可不是个痴愚不孝之辈!”《红楼梦》第一○八回:“ 寳玉 进得园来,只见满目凄凉,那些花木枯萎,更有几处亭馆,彩色久经剥落。”

  5. 犹凄惨。

    太平天囯 洪仁玕 《干王洪宝制》:“﹝ 耶穌 ﹞后来果然被恶人钉死十字架上,流其宝血,受尽千般凌辱,万种凄凉。” 梁斌 《播火记》第三卷四五:“游击队员们都暗暗抽泣, 滹沱河 里的流水在呜咽, 千里堤 上的乌鸦凄凉地悲鸣,西风在大柳树林子里响着。”



  1. Continued to the sadness I felt for Han Yu, I was compressed to almost unbreathable for what I saw in Feng Huang town.


  2. Though you are badly hurt now, do not make yourself pathetic. Embrace the next beginning with your arms, or find one on your own!


  3. Thought of parting when, Magnolia, Feng ER, Moon seems to be pass human nature, and are silent, showing a sense of desolation.


  4. You can only go home with your lonely figure to have instant noodle at seven thirty. Why Friday moonlight is always so bleak?


  5. Life is rough and bumpy desolate a, but it out of their own that beauty, aunt, was still happy.


  6. He looked rather determined now, in a desolate sort of way, and Carrie felt very sorry.


  7. Meanwhile, a howling crow glided the sky, splashing the sense of chill all around the night.


  8. It was a fine November. . . day fine for Wragby. He looked over the melancholy park. My God! What a place!


  9. The autumn leaves are always in the wind scattered bleak, Yela wind to stop, the sky is still the same as washed bright.


  1. 凄凉的荒原,

    A howling wilderness.

  2. 他晚景凄凉。

    He led a miserable and dreary life in old age.

  3. 那堪风雨助凄凉!

    Whereby to endure dreariness that are assisted!

  4. 那堪风雨助凄凉!

    Whereby to endure dreariness that are assisted!

  5. 我感到无限凄凉。

    A sense of desolation overwhelmed me.

  6. 使孤独,使凄凉,使忧郁

    To make lonely, forlorn, or wretched.

  7. 凄凉的, 骨瘦如柴的身影。

    a forlorn scarecrowish figure.

  8. 浅唱凄凉, 默读悲伤。

    Shallow singing sad, sad silent reading.

  9. 有一种背影叫凄凉

    There is a view of her back call dreariness

  10. 它的外表是很凄凉的。

    It presents a wretched appearance.

  11. 一种忧愁的, 凄凉的向往。

    a sadly pensive longing.

  12. 这使他感到凄凉,悲裒。

    Such a sight makes him feel dreary and sorrowful.

  13. 他使我终日凄凉发昏。

    He made me desolate, faint all the day long.

  14. 他迷惑不解,显得很凄凉。

    He wondered bleakly.

  15. 工厂被弃置的凄凉景象。

    the derelict waste of disused factories

  16. 她对我凄凉地一笑。

    She gave me a pathetic little smile.

  17. 以怪诞, 凄凉, 衰败为特征

    With its combination of romance, Gothic horror

  18. 这是一丝凄凉的笑意。

    It was a bleak smile.

  19. 这是一丝凄凉得笑意。

    It was a bleak smile.

  20. 凄凉的泪水回响著凄凉的雨水。

    The bloodshed of Sichuanese submerges in a rampant earthquake.

  21. 车外一片黑暗和凄凉。

    Everything outside was dark and dreary.

  22. 没有她,他感到孤独而凄凉。

    He was desolate without her.

  23. 没有小孩看起来好凄凉阿。

    One seems so forlorn without them.

  24. 使我的白天荒芜,夜晚凄凉

    Darken my daytime and torture my night.

  25. 凄凉的年关,终于也过去了。

    It was a gloomy New Year, but finally it was passed.

  26. 青春华丽背后的凄凉与无奈

    Magnificent desolation behind the youth and helplessness

  27. 她凄凉地朝四面望了一下。

    Mournfully, she looked around.

  28. 你作了一番相当凄凉的描述。

    You paint a rather bleak picture.

  29. 看黄花漫天。有种凄凉的飞扬。

    See Yellow flower all over the sky. There is a kind of dreary flying upward.

  30. 这房子在雨中显得阴郁凄凉。

    The house looked grim and dreary in the rain.


  1. 问:凄凉拼音怎么拼?凄凉的读音是什么?凄凉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凄凉的读音是qīliáng,凄凉翻译成英文是 dreary

  2. 问:凄凉的拼音怎么拼?凄凉的的读音是什么?凄凉的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凄凉的的读音是,凄凉的翻译成英文是 lonely



词目:凄凉 月凄凉

拼音:qī liáng

