







汉语拼音:pāi chē






  1. 古时设有拍竿的战车。可以投石或抛掷火种攻击敌方。



  1. Analysis of Fingerprinting and Locale Inspection in Car-Related Stealing Case


  1. 等我一下,我在竞拍丰田花冠车

    Hold on a second, I just gotta place a bid on this Corolla.

  2. 这些像片是去隆达得途中在车里拍得。

    These pictures were taken in our car on the way to Ronda.

  3. 这些像片是去隆达的途中在车里拍的。

    These pictures were taken in our car on the way to Ronda.

  4. 摄像头拍到他把车停下坐在那里 喝了1个小时的啤酒。

    The camera shows him sitting in the parking lot Drinking beer for over an hour.

  5. 该阵地士兵拍下了这辆车的照片。

    The vehicle was photographed by soldiers at the aforementioned position.

  6. 半途中,我们发现了这个美丽的瀑布,于是下车拍了几张像片。

    In the middle of the road, we found a nice waterfall, then stopped and took some pictures with it.

  7. 在西方, 车房大拍卖, 或是二手货拍卖店都很普遍。

    Garage Sale or Resale Stores are quite common in the West.

  8. 专家组检查了其中一辆车,取得其底盘号码并拍了照。

    The Group inspected one of these vehicles and obtained its chassis number and took photographs.

  9. 林赛不止一次在酒吧或车里与观众暧昧而被偷拍。

    Lindsay has flashed onlookers a number of times in cars and clubs.

  10. 现在我们正驾车前往塞尔维亚,在车上我拍了一些像片。

    Now we were driving to Sevilla, I took some pictures in the car.

  11. 还在她猛拍车门时,这名不通人情的公交车司机就把车开走了。

    The unaccommodating bus driver pulled out while she was banging on the door.

  12. 代办租车, 导拍。

    Car rental agency, lead shot.

  13. 代办租车,导拍。

    Car rental agency , lead shot .

  14. 我赶到现场, 拍了些逃车照片

    I got to the scene, took a few shots at the getaway car

  15. 你停下来,走下车,将这一幕拍下。

    And you stop, and you get out of your car and you take a picture.

  16. 首页图片猎奇家里的花,车上乱拍。

    Confuse beat on home festooned vehicle.

  17. 我们继续驾车前行, 只是沿途停下来拍几张像片。

    We continued our drive, only to stop for a few pictures along the road.

  18. 一辆巡逻车的仪盘表摄像头拍到了这一过程。

    A patrol car dashboard camera caught the incident on tape.

  19. 拍完后, 侧田直喊兴奋, 称感受到玩过山车的刺激。

    After finishing, Zhihan side of the field excited to play roller coaster feeling that the stimulus.

  20. 拍完后,侧田直喊兴奋,称感受到玩过山车得刺激。

    After finishing, Zhihan side of the field excited to play roller coaster feeling that the stimulus.

  21. 当我们驾车回去的时候, 途径费拉角, 于是便拍了些相片。

    When driving back we took some more pictures whilst passing by Cap Ferrat.