





自此 [zì cǐ]
  1. 从此。


自此 [zì cǐ]
  1. 从此。




  1. She kept quiet, but the light of silver candles shone upon her peach-colored cheeks. After that, we did not play any more.


  2. The human society has marched into a time of multified values and authorities in which there is no ultimate value.


  3. And henceforth, Mr. He said, every construction plan that affects ordinary citizens will first be reviewed by a green assessment commission.


  4. Sunrider, which has been a sponsor of this event since its inception, received a Bamboo Sponsor Award in recognition of its support.


  5. The British, after all, gave up their bases inside the city last summer and have been hunkered down on a base at Basra's airport ever since.


  6. Since then the yellow door is often sided bow breathless, Hugh mu can't return palace province.


  7. The name given his new discovery was "Bakelite, " and with it began what is one of today's biggest industries: plastics.


  8. Since then, Harper's cabinet has made frequent trips to China to try to put the relationship back on a more positive footing.


  9. I shall cross and cross back from bank to bank, and all the boys and girls of the village will wonder at me while they are bathing.


  1. 自此两人交恶。

    After that they grew to hate each other.

  2. 自此以后, 怪事迭生。

    But then an odd thing happened.

  3. 自此以后,怪事迭生。

    But then an odd thing happened.

  4. 此事自此成为了家族传奇。

    The incident has since become a family legend.

  5. 自此涌进了女皇的心里。

    Flood into the queen's heart.

  6. 自此,我有了自己的信仰。

    I believe the Holly Light.

  7. 自此,吐蕃的国力日益强大。

    After this, the Tufan state became stronger and stronger.

  8. 自此,这棵树就叫做月桂树。

    Since then, the tree is called laurel.

  9. 他们自此有了尊严和力量。

    They had dignity and became powerful.

  10. 自此,一对有情人终成眷属。

    The couple live happily ever after.

  11. 自此他每年都参拜神舍。

    He has since made an annual pilgrimage to the shrine.

  12. 自此,也有了最可悲的相交。

    Since then, also had the most sad intersect.

  13. 自此之后,军方一直掌握着实权。

    Thereafter, the military remained the locus of real power.

  14. 自此之后, 我们的关系就突飞猛进。

    Since then, our relationship has grown tremendously.

  15. 自此之后, 我们得关系就突飞猛进。

    Since then, our relationship has grown tremendously.

  16. 使我们自此造作的迷惑里缓解。

    Relieve us of this contrived confusion.

  17. 自此, 王琢得行踪再次成为谜团。

    From this, wang Zhuo's track makes mystery group again.

  18. 自此, 王琢的行踪再次成为谜团。

    From this, wang Zhuo's track makes mystery group again.

  19. 自此,小小说创作热潮波及全国各地。

    Since then, short story creation boom spread all over the country.

  20. 自此,这句话就成了一句谚语。

    Since then, it has become a proverb in the English Language.

  21. 很少有人成功地自此狱逃走。

    There have been very few successful escapes from this prison.

  22. 自此喜欢上了网络并一发不可收拾。

    Liked to go up from this the network sends irremediable.

  23. 自此, 许多土著聚居地都有所发展。

    Some remote settlements have imposed their own grog bans, and coped well

  24. 但自此之后, 氢将渐渐被用光。

    Instead of fusion taking place in the stellar core, it fizzles towards the surface.

  25. 自此法国和英国有了共同的利益。

    Henceforward France and Britain had a common interest.

  26. 他们的地图自此被照相地图集取代了。

    Their map has since been superseded by photographic atlases.

  27. 逃至加拿大, 拒绝引渡, 自此成为亡命徒。

    Fled to canada, fought extradition and has remained a lamster ever since.

  28. 自此以后, 她选择的衣服都相当艳丽。

    Thereafter the colours she chose to wear remained bright and flamboyant.

  29. 自此之后,配对基因组的成本已经下跌

    Since then, the costs of mapping the genome have come down.

  30. 自此今生我无怨, 功成名就报亲恩!

    From now on this life I not will complain, make a name foroneself the newspaper to kiss graciousness!