


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……





汉语拼音:cóng zì






  1. 自从。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷三:“从自斋时,等到日转过,没箇人偢问,酩子里忍饿。”



  1. PE files are compiled from custom tools that indicate to the project system that their output is to be compiled into a temporary PE.


  2. This enables users to call any existing service, not just a service that was designed specifically to be called from a Custom mediation.


  3. But even though the world economy is emerging from its first contraction since the Great Depression of the 1930s, policymakers cannot relax.


  4. Soon the whales "answer" with an exquisite array of sounds from gurgles made by blowing bubbles through their blowholes to little squeaks.


  5. The clinical spectrum of this allergy ranges from self-limited contact urticaria to involvement of multiple organ systems in anaphylaxis.


  6. The theory of the dissipative structures based on self - organizing phenomenon has important scientific and philosophical significance.


  7. To tab out of the custom control to the previous control, use the following code in the KeyDown event handler when an Up key is detected.


  8. But they should not detract from the case, both principled and self-interested, against fuel subsidies globally.


  9. From self-funded independent projects to big-name Hollywood blockbusters, the movie industry has embraced social media. Big time.


  1. 从自定义界面移除项目

    Remove item from custom interface position

  2. 另外,我正从自恋中恢复过来。

    And secondly, I'm a recovering narcissist.

  3. 从自定义听写词典删除发音时出错。

    Error removing the pronunciation from the custom dictation dictionary

  4. 那孩子是先从自已家开始偷盗得。

    The boy started to steal from his own family.

  5. 那孩子是先从自已家开始偷盗的。

    The boy started to steal from his own family.

  6. 从自恋到畸镜之恋拉康镜像理论解读

    From Narcissism to Love of Abnormal MirrorReading Lacans Mirror Image

  7. 本合同从自第一页载明的日期起生效。

    This contract shall take effect as of the said date in the first page hereof.

  8. 我说, 把我从自以为聪明的艺术当中解救出来吧!

    I say deliver me from clever art.

  9. 从自1995年开始在荷兰的内华达州装瓶生产。

    Since 1995 it is distilled and bottled in the Netherlands by the Ursus Vodka Company NV.

  10. 从自恋理论角度阐释了保罗自恋创伤的根源及其自恋情结。

    The root of Pauls narcissistic injury and his narcissistic complex is expounded.

  11. 从勺取自珍珠的大酒杯

    From tankards scooped in pearl

  12. 从系统自组织理论看哲学主体性问题

    On the Subjectivity of Philosophy from the Point of View of Organization Theory of System

  13. 从我自认为是你的搭档的那个人开始。

    Starting with the man that I assume to be your partner.

  14. 从通州自驾去密云薰衣草园要多长时间?

    To Miyun, Tongzhou lavender from the garden by car How long?

  15. 我想,我就从解释 自闭症是什么,来开始我的演讲吧

    I think I'll start out and just talk a little bit about what exactly autism is.

  16. 安德森称, 现在有一半的网络订单都是从门店自提。

    Anderson says half of online orders are now picked up in stores.

  17. 未能从注册表确定自定义冲突解决程序组件的线程模型。

    Could not determine the threading model of the Custom Resolver Component from the registry.

  18. 未能从注册表确定自定义冲突解决程序组件得线程模型。

    Could not determine the threading model of the Custom Resolver Component from the registry.

  19. 他们自以为从过去的错误中汲取了教训。

    They imagined that they had learned from the mistakes of the past.

  20. 宝贝,自你从度假回来就没去上过实验课

    Sweetie, you have not turned in your labs from the Galapagos.

  21. 对象标记为自上次从视图状态加载或保存后已发生更改。

    Object as having changed since the last load or save from view state.

  22. 问题提得巧妙,自会从这些人嘴里套问出这方面的线索。

    Queries, skilfully directed, will not fail to elicit, from some of these parties, information on this particular point.

  23. 我从不企图隐瞒自已的观点。

    I have never sought to hide my views.

  24. 从迫害中解救自已也叫胆小

    Is it cowardice to save oneself from persecution

  25. 从自我意识着手促进珠算教学

    The Promotion of Teaching in the Calculation By Abacus from the Self Consciousness.

  26. 从自利假设到社会财富的增加

    Hypothesizing the Selfish Nature and Increasing the Wealth of Society

  27. 他从自秆车上摔下来,背部严重摔伤。

    He fell from his bike and hurt his back badly.

  28. 问题和挑战仿佛从自信者身上逃之夭夭。

    Its as if problems and challenges run from the person who has confidence.

  29. 艺术就是从自解而达到一种专横的自由。

    To make art was to achieve a tyrannous freedom from selfexplanation.

  30. 做什么自然,从自性出来,就是我们本人做的。

    When our actions are inspired by our inner self and done naturally, that is our original nature working.