



  • 【解释】:拿小题目做大文章。比喻把小事情当做大事情来处理。
  • 【出自】:清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第七十三回:“没有什么,左不过他们小题大作罢了,何必问他?”
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义


  1. At the bottom of her heart she despised the other people, who carped and were loud over trifles.


  2. You're not hurt badly, Tom. Stop trying to make mountain out of a molehill with crying.


  3. You may be a bit upset, but it's really nothing to make a song and dance about.


  4. "To make a mountain out of a molehill" is to make an unimportant matter seem important.


  5. So she took him to the pediatrician, who told her that she was making a big deal over nothing.


  6. Do not make a mountain out of a molehill.


  7. It is always man who makes a big fuss with a big noise at the turning of the year. Time passes elegantly and quietly, never makes a sound.


  8. "I'm just saying, Look, where is the proportion in all of this? " he said.


  9. Andy: Yeah, I think his boss is someone who likes to make a mountain out of a molehill.


  1. 小题大作的借口

    a hair to make a tether of

  2. 小题大作不相宜。

    Do not make a mountain out of a molehill.

  3. 小题大作,没有用处。

    Mickle ado, and little help.

  4. 把某事小题大作

    make a big deal out of sth.

  5. 言过其实。夸大困难。小题大作

    make a mountain out of a molehill

  6. 大惊小怪, 小题大作, 无事自扰

    much ado about nothing

  7. 发达国家的货币崩盘小题大作?

    Currency Crashes in Industrial CountriesMuch Ado About Nothing.

  8. 小题大作夸张一个小困难。

    To exaggerate a minor problem.

  9. 你相信她真的这样小题大作吗?

    Can you believe she's making this about herself?

  10. 吵吵闹闹, 小题大作压根儿是失礼的。

    The whole business of making a fuss is seen as socially undesirable.

  11. 对这件事我是在小题大作吗?

    Was I being too precious about this thing?

  12. 你们是有份演出的还是你们小题大作而已?

    So you guys in the movie or you just really paranoid?

  13. 为什么要小题大作, 其意不是项庄舞剑吗?

    Why fuss and its sinister aim is not intended to do

  14. 报纸小题大作,一再提起那位政治家的过失。

    The newspapers keep dragging up the politicians mistake.

  15. 他斤斤计较文字的精确性,有时到了小题大作的程度。

    His insistence upon precision of language is apt to seem fussy.

  16. 是啊,我想他得老板是一个爱小题大作得人。

    Yeah, I think his boss is someone who likes to make a mountain out of a molehill.

  17. 是啊,我想他的老板是一个爱小题大作的人。

    Yeah, I think his boss is someone who likes to make a mountain out of a molehill.

  18. 求神除去我们的小病痛,是不是有点小题大作?

    Isnt it sort of silly to ask God to relieve our trivial aches and pains

  19. 这显然是双方的一个大误会,何必要小题大作?

    Why try to make a big deal about what was obviously a big misunderstanding on both sides?

  20. 可他却总是这样胆小怕事, 小题大作, 像个老处女似的。

    But he always was so nervous and fussy and old maidish.

  21. 发展商不希望小题大作, 但是他们没有提及退钱的事情。

    Developers don't like the fuss but they have no intention of refunding money.

  22. 吹毛求疵1。我不挑剔。2。他很挑嘴。3。我们何必为它小题大作呢

    Fussy 1.Im not fussy. 2.Hes a finicky eater 3.Why should we make a fuss about it


  1. 问:小题大作拼音怎么拼?小题大作的读音是什么?小题大作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小题大作的读音是xiǎotídàzuò,小题大作翻译成英文是 to make a fuss over a trifling matter