


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……





汉语拼音:guò hòu









  1. 以后;后来。

    《亢仓子·臣道》:“若费财、烦人、危官,苟效一时功利,规赏於主,不顾过后貽灾於国。” 宋 李觏 《小雨》诗:“来时槁叶疎疎响,过后浮云片片光。”《红楼梦》第二八回:“过后 宝玉 出去,终究解下来,扔在个空箱子里了。” 丰子恺 《从孩子得到的启示》:“过后回想,这回好似全家的人突发地出门游览两天。” 冰心 《我的朋友的母亲》:“他看见我,意外的欢喜,听到他姐姐死去的消息,也哭了一场。过后才问起他的孩子。”



  1. The tiny lanterns which had been hung in the streets the night before, are placed into the sea when the festival is over.


  2. They took a bath together, and later a shower, in between rounds, and by the time they were sated it was the middle of the night.


  3. after a court deadline for her to allow the demolition of her house expired.


  4. More importantly, when the gust of his presumptuousness had blown over, a quick glance around the cabin showed that he had a point.


  5. Potable water is often in high demand and short supply following a natural disaster like the Haiti earthquake or Hurricane Katrina.


  6. I watched it over the weekend on my state-of-the-art, 197-inch flat-screen TV in the comfort of my own home and was in heaven.


  7. After pleasantries, I spoke to friends of his small office: You wait a little while and for me to make a phone call.


  8. 'After a while, you need your own [corporate] identity. You need to become your own self, ' he said in an interview.


  9. Not long after that, at the age of seven, he began to play piano himself.


  1. 过后再联系

    but I'll talk to you later.

  2. 不过,今天过后

    Yeah, well, after today.

  3. 但那天过后。

    But the night after.

  4. 我们过后再谈。

    Let's talk again later.

  5. 我们过后再谈。

    Let's talk about it later.

  6. 痛苦过后是欢乐

    Pain past is pleasure

  7. 风雨过后见彩虹

    Afer the storm,came a calm.

  8. 飓风过后满目疮痍。

    The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it.

  9. 在灾难过后介入?

    You know,go in after a disaster?

  10. 严冬过后是春天。

    Spring comes after the severe winter.

  11. 三军过后尽开颜。

    The three Armies march on, each face glowing.

  12. 战争过后常闹饥荒。

    Famine often follows on the heels of war.

  13. 过后却不记得了

    without remembering it.

  14. 洪水过后收成锐减。

    After the floods the harvests were subnormal.

  15. 大雨过后树枝低垂。

    The branches of the tree drooped after the heavy rain.

  16. 三月过后就是四月。

    March comes before April.

  17. 过后请多加小心。

    Please be more careful from now on.

  18. 我总是过后再补课。

    I made up for my lessons later.

  19. 推销员过后会再来。

    The salesman will call back later.

  20. 合剂用过后用软木塞塞

    Cork up the mixture after use.

  21. 称过后发现分量不足

    weighed and found wanting

  22. 仔细想过后再动作。

    Think it over carefully before you act.

  23. 风暴过后海浪很大。

    There was a heavy swell after the storm.

  24. 悲伤过后会剩什么?

    Remnant of the meeting after sadness passes what ?

  25. 激情过后的冷静思考

    Clear thinking needed after euphoria

  26. 我午夜过后抵达河内。

    I arrived in Hanoi after midnight.

  27. 暴风雨过后海浪滚滚。

    There was a heavy swell after the storm.

  28. 高潮过后紧张解除了。

    After the climax, the tenseness is relieved.

  29. 我们只要等到大雨过后

    We just wait for the rain to go.

  30. 明天过后总还有明天。

    Tomorrow is still to come.


  1. 问:过后拼音怎么拼?过后的读音是什么?过后翻译成英文是什么?

    答:过后的读音是guòhòu,过后翻译成英文是 later