




搬动,挥动:~动。~荡。~幅。~臂。~聋发聩(喻唤醒糊涂麻木的人)。奋起,兴起:~奋。~作。~兴(xīng )。~~有辞。古同“赈”,救济。古同“震”,威震。……



汉语拼音:bù zhèn








  1. 不振作,不兴旺。

    《孔丛子·执节》:“当如今日山东之国,弊而不振,三 晋 割地以求安。”《史记·淮南衡山列传》:“ 南越 宾服, 羌 僰 入献, 东甌 入降,广 长榆 ,开 朔方 , 匈奴 折翅伤翼,失援不振。” 明 叶子奇 《草木子·克谨》:“后帝师以国事不振,奔还其国,其教遂废。”

  2. 不可拯救。




  1. Investors are trying to strike a balance between improved corporate outlooks and the consumer's slow recovery due to a weak labor market.


  2. Michigan, with its long-suffering car industry, was the only state to see its population shrink over the decade, albeit by less than 1%.


  3. Such planning is not just a matter for companies in threatened economies on the periphery.


  4. As she was ill , she had no appetite and only picked at the food .


  5. Hurd's obsession with driving up profits left the company's staff demoralized and its ability to innovate hamstrung.


  6. As for the British people, suppose they really wish William and Kate happily married, and to feel some joy during the sluggish economy.


  7. A judicious person weighs facts carefully, he would not feel dejected for bad news and exult over unpredictable auspicious.


  8. Share prices stay depressed, the theory goes, because American investors don't understand the company's business or trust its accounting.


  9. Equity markets may be setting themselves up for a fall as the data remains muted well into early 2011.


  1. 朝纲不振。

    The court discipline is lax.

  2. 她食欲不振。

    She is suffering from lack of appetite.

  3. 中阳不振, 脾阳虚

    asthenia splenogastric yang

  4. 不要萎靡不振。

    Don't let your spirits droop.

  5. 萎靡不振的儿子!

    His powers nil!

  6. 我觉得精神不振。

    I feel in low spirits.

  7. 肾阳虚, 肾阳不振, 肾阳不足

    asthenia of renal yang

  8. 鼓舞精神不振的士兵们

    to animate weary troops

  9. 最近我食欲不振。

    Recently my appetite has been poor.

  10. 目前生意萧条不振。

    Business is slack just now.

  11. 长期精神, 食欲不振。

    Longterm vitality, inappetence.

  12. 长期精神,食欲不振。

    Longterm vitality, inappetence.

  13. 他有点儿, 呃, 精神不振。

    He is sort of, er, in low spirits.

  14. 她突然委靡不振。

    She was suddenly overcome by lethargy.

  15. 黑人萎靡不振地招呼。

    The negro answered wearily.

  16. 病人诉说他食欲不振。

    The patient complained of inappetence.

  17. 因为生病,他精神不振。

    He is in low spirits because of his illness.

  18. 李先生精神不振极度沮丧。

    Mr. Lees outlook on life really went to the dogs.

  19. 矿山铀生产不振,铀价低迷。

    Mine uranium production is depressed, uranous price is low fan.

  20. 食欲不振是瘫痪的并发症。

    bed sores are a common complication in cases of paralysis.

  21. 本周锡锭交易不振。

    Trading in tin ingots is slack this week.

  22. 他最近总是委靡不振。

    He has been dispirited recently.

  23. 坏消息使他精神不振。

    The bad news depressed his spirits.

  24. 那时候你正萎靡不振。

    When you fell into that big depression.

  25. 那时候你正萎靡不振。

    When you fell into that big depression.

  26. 一个个看起来都萎靡不振

    You all look like hell.

  27. 他患有头痛和食欲不振。

    He suffered from headaches and loss of appetite.

  28. 病人诉说他食欲不振和呕吐。

    The patient complained of inappetence and nausea.

  29. 天气炎热使我委靡不振

    Hot weather makes me lethargic.

  30. 当你一觉起来感觉精神不振

    When you wake up feeling truly lethargic.


  1. 问:不振拼音怎么拼?不振的读音是什么?不振翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不振的读音是bùzhèn,不振翻译成英文是 Not cheerful.

  2. 问:不振作的拼音怎么拼?不振作的的读音是什么?不振作的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不振作的的读音是,不振作的翻译成英文是 milk-toast

  3. 问:不振荡的拼音怎么拼?不振荡的的读音是什么?不振荡的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不振荡的的读音是,不振荡的翻译成英文是 deadbeat


不振,汉语词汇。拼音:bù zhèn解释1、不振作;不兴旺,2.不可拯救。出自《孔丛子·执节》