







汉语拼音:kuài yóu






  1. 畅游。

    陈家英 《偕三妹泛舟》诗:“乘兴揽神州,飘然作快游。”



  1. Just before the ox reached the other side of the river, the rat quickly jumped off the ox's back and took the lead.


  2. swim with the current and float away


  1. 它们逃得太快,游得太远啦。

    They are moving out too fast and too far.

  2. 规则是尽可能快地游过障碍物。

    Swim the obstacle course as fast as you can.

  3. 他数得越来越快,想让他们快点游,尽快游到水面上来

    He counted faster, faster, to hurry them up, to bring them to the surface quickly

  4. 天鹅游的真快,转眼游过大海,天鹅游的真快,转眼游了回来!

    Swan swim over the sea, Swim, swan, swim! Swan swam back again, Well swum swan!

  5. 他们要比比谁游得快。

    They are competing to see who swims the fastest.

  6. 他们要比比谁游得快。

    They are competing to see who swims the fastest.

  7. 他比她游得快多了。

    He swim much faster than she does.

  8. 他比她游得快多了。

    He swim much faster than she does.

  9. 这并不是因为它游得快

    And it's not because it goes fast.

  10. 好的体形是游得快的前提条件。

    Why dolphins travel faster? Good shape is a prerequisite for faster travel.

  11. 于是, 莫雷转过身尽他最快的速度游回岸上去了。

    So Moely turned, and swam back to the shore as quickly as he could.

  12. 快看,前边游来一条大鱼。这条鱼真大啊

    Quick take a look on that,front You does a fish This fish be really big

  13. 它们摆动着小尾巴用最快的速度在游。

    They swim by waggling their small tails as fast as they can.

  14. 瞧!她游得多快呀!

    Look! How fast she swims!

  15. 哪种泳姿游得最快?

    Which is the fastest swimming stroke?

  16. 他们当中他游泳游得最快。

    He swims fast of them all.

  17. 吼吼, 我们的队员游得最快。

    Wow Ooh , our teammate swiming the fastest.

  18. 你觉得哪种泳姿游得最快?

    Which do you think is the fastest?

  19. 爸爸游得真快,他得了第一名。

    Father was swimming so fast that he got the first prize.

  20. 曼恩承认,他比自己在大学得时候游得还快。

    Mr. Mann admits he's swimming faster times than he did in college.

  21. 但当你尝试游得更快时将会发生什么事?

    But what will happen when you try to go faster?

  22. 那个在游泳池游得很快的妇女以前身体是很虚弱的。

    The woman swimming fast in the swimming pool used to be very weak.

  23. 当你跳水和推离池壁的时候是你游的最快的时候。

    The fastest you ever travel is when you dive off the block and push off the wall.

  24. 曼恩承认,他比自己在大学的时候游得还快。

    Mr. Mann admits he's swimming faster times than he did in college.

  25. 我认为爬泳游得最快,自由泳要求的就是这种泳姿。

    The front crawl, I suppose. That's the stroke required of freestyle.

  26. 是因为愤怒, 还是游得太快, 才使这些条纹显露出来的?

    Can it be anger, or the greater speed he makes that brings them out

  27. 是因为愤怒,还是游得太快,才使这些条纹显露出来得 呢?

    Can it be anger, or the greater speed he makes that brings them out?

  28. 船越来越远, 孩子力气快用完, 实在游不动了。

    Boat farther and farther, the children running out effort, it does not move tour.

  29. 他游得真够快,可以通过测试。

    He swam quickly enough to pass the test.

  30. 游了半天了,快上来歇会儿吧。

    You've been swimming a long time now. Come out and have a rest.


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