






1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……


1. 乘 [chéng]2. 乘 [shèng]乘 [chéng]骑,坐:~马。~车。~客。~警。趁着,就着:~便。~机(趁着机会)。~势。~兴(xìng)。因利~便。算术中指一个数使另一个数变成若干倍:~法。~幂(mì)。~数。佛教的教派……



汉语拼音:wú xì kě chéng








  • 【解释】:隙:空子、机会;乘:利用。没有空子可钻。
  • 【出自】:《宋书·律历志下》:“臣其历七曜,咸始上元,无隙可乘。”
  • 【示例】:每羡暹罗繁富之国,要来吞并,只是~。
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语;指没有空子可钻


  1. na.
  2. have not yet found openings to exploit;leave no room for;no chink in sb.'

  3. s armour;no crack to get in by;no weakness to take advantage of;without any chance to seize hold of

  1. 盗贼总有可乘飞机。

    Opportunity makes the thief.

  2. 你可乘出租车到那里。

    You may get there by taking a taxi.

  3. 你可乘地铁去那儿。

    You can go there by metro.

  4. 可乘缆车抵达位于山顶的入口。

    Take a cable car to the hilltop entrance.

  5. 恐怕在那个方向没有公共汽车可乘。

    I'm afraid there's no bus going in that direction.

  6. 你的不审慎会给你的敌人以可乘的机会。

    Your indiscreet behavir may give your enemies a handle against you.

  7. 我住在离都柏林上下班可乘公交车往返的地方。

    I live within commuting distance of Dublin.

  8. 同时也给出了两个协变拓扑空间可乘的一个充分条件。

    Also a sufficient condition is obtained that product of two covariant topology spaces is covariant topology space.

  9. 以3和6相乘 可得18。

    One can make 18 by multiplying 3 and 6.

  10. 可相乘矩阵

    conformable matrix.

  11. 婴儿可免费乘公共汽车。

    Babies are allowed to travel free on buses.

  12. 你可先乘地铁然后转乘公共汽车。

    You can take the subway and then transfer to a bus.

  13. 乘车固可,乘船亦无不可。

    Admittedly we can make the journey by train, but there is no harm in our travelling by boat.

  14. 完全可乘格

    completemultiplicative lattice.

  15. 渐进可乘等距

    approximative multiplicative isometry

  16. 弱可乘纯正断面

    On Weakly Multiplicative Orthodox Transversals

  17. 近似可乘导子

    approximately multiplieative derivation.

  18. 可乘出租车又太贵了。

    But a taxi costs too much.

  19. 不远。我们可乘地铁去。

    No, we can go by tube.

  20. 乘客可经由这里转乘火车。

    Passengers can change trains to the station from here.

  21. 主效可加互作可乘模型

    AMMI model

  22. 算子代数上的可乘映射

    Multiplicative Maps on Operator Algebras

  23. 沿途亦可乘搭校园穿梭巴士。

    It is also accessible via campus shuttle light bus.

  24. 可乘同一艘汽船当天回来。

    The return may be made on the same steamship.

  25. 皮艇可乘一名, 两名或四名选手。

    Kayak mere one, two or four players.

  26. 虽然有车可乘, 但他通常是步行。

    He usually walks when he might ride.

  27. 俱乐部买了一辆可乘十四人的面包车。

    The club bought a minibus which can carry 14 people.

  28. 弱诱导性、满层性、诱导性关于重积是强可乘的。

    Weakly induced property stratification property and induced property are all strongly multiplicative.

  29. 如果您有兴趣,您可乘小船顺流而下观赏风景。

    You can go down the river in a boat if you wish.

  30. 或可乘坐爱斯基摩犬拉的雪橇游览群山。

    Or they can take a husky drawn sled ride through the snow.


  1. 问:无隙可乘拼音怎么拼?无隙可乘的读音是什么?无隙可乘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:无隙可乘的读音是wúxìkěchéng,无隙可乘翻译成英文是 no crack to get in by—no weakness to take advant...



词目 无隙可乘 发音 wú xì kě chéng 释义 隙:空子、机会;乘:利用。没有空子可钻。 出处 《宋书·律历志下》:“臣其历七曜,咸始上元,无隙可乘。” 示例 每羡暹罗繁富之国,要来吞并,只是~。(清·陈忱《水浒后传》第三十五回)


