











汉语拼音:shuǐ xiè bù lòu







  • 【解释】:犹言滴水不漏。形容说话慎密。


  1. His ability to find holes in even the tightest defence may yet give those suitors cause to regret not pursuing him more vigorously.


  1. 她的反驳滴水不漏。

    Her refutation is watertight.

  2. 她的反驳滴水不漏。

    Her refutation is watertight.

  3. 该队防守滴水不漏。

    The team had an airtight defense.

  4. 你的解释滴水不漏。

    The lad has a large comceit of himself.

  5. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

    Justice has long arms.

  6. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

    The net of Heaven has large meshes, but it lets nothing through.

  7. 五, 保证住房不渗不漏。

    ensure that housing does not horrify not leak.

  8. 一字不漏地告诉我

    Tell me everything.

  9. 这屋顶一点也不漏吗

    Is this roof completely watertight.

  10. 合规制度曾是滴水不漏的。

    Compliance systems were foolproof.

  11. 他们必须得确保合同滴水不漏。

    They have to make sure their contracts are airtight.

  12. 但这个框架并非严丝合缝滴水不漏。

    But this frame is not hermetically sealed.

  13. 我会编一个滴水不漏的遁词。

    I'll hoke up a good alibi.

  14. 红人队今天得防守是滴水不漏得。

    The Redskin defense isnt letting anything through today.

  15. 红人队今天的防守是滴水不漏的。

    The Redskin defense isnt letting anything through today.

  16. 他希望修好后就永远不漏。

    He hoped that the repairs would stop the leak for good.

  17. 不要想一字不漏地记笔记。

    DO NOT try to write down every word.

  18. 一字不漏地背出这首诗

    Recite the poem exactly as it reads.

  19. 孩子们一字不漏地专心听故事。

    The children were following every word of the stroy intently.

  20. 我一次不差,一次不漏,都记下来了。

    I takes' em down reg'lar as the clock.

  21. 轴封采用机械密封,滴水不漏,经久耐用。

    The axis seals uses the mechanical seal, is watertight, durable.

  22. 知道谁才需要如此滴水不漏的证词吗?

    You know who needs airtight alibis?

  23. 我一页不漏地读完了 全书。

    I read the whole book without skipping.

  24. 把这句话一字不漏地写100遍。

    Write out the sentence one hundred times.

  25. 你能肯定这个屋顶一点都不漏吗?

    Are you sure this roof is completely tight

  26. 他仔细地一字不漏地抄写这些信件。

    He copied the letters carefully and accurately.

  27. 即使平放,这个真空水杯也是滴水不漏。

    The flask is completely watertight, even when laid on its side.

  28. 您知道, 我们多希望我们的小盒子滴水不漏。

    You know how we like to make our little boxes watertight.

  29. 上帝的磨坊慢慢磨。天网恢恢, 疏而不漏。

    The mills of God grind slowly.

  30. 我想跟他辩, 但他的逻辑是滴水不漏。

    I want to argue with him, but his logic is watertight.