









汉语拼音:yú shì hū






  1. 连词。于是。表承接。

    鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·无题》:“有一个大襟上挂一支自来水笔的记者,来约我做文章,为敷衍他起见,我于是乎要做文章了。”参见“ 于是 ”。

  2. 犹于是。

    《国语·周语上》:“民之有口,犹土之有山川也,财用於是乎出;犹其有原隰衍沃也,衣食於是乎生。” 唐 韩愈 《赠崔复州序》:“庆 復 人之将蒙其休泽也,於是乎言。” 明 刘基 《郁离子·枸橼》:“夫木产于土,有土斯有木,於是乎果实生焉。”《汉书·五行志中之上》:“夫合诸侯,民之大事也,於是虖观存亡。”



  1. Our private room also has one. I felt a little bit boring while drinking and chatting, so I recited it down on the sneak.


  2. So, again, the technology is still being used. Let's see how he did on the last one: the Ferrite Core memory from the juke box. . .


  3. So, after considering the offer, I signed my name across the bottom of the contract.


  4. It was then that Sam Stubener reached a decision, and that night found him in a Pullman speeding toward the wilds of Northern California.


  5. I determined it to be the very best of all of the posters I had seen, and then I turned it in.


  6. When the truth takes the form of pointing out their faults, people find it unbearable. That's how flattery developed!


  7. So he found someone with whom he pledged an oath of brotherhood, and the two of them went into the mountains to dig for ginseng.


  8. Thus, the ambition to be "infuriated" deeply "Waiting" and "slack" It seems that some of the same.


  9. Oh, As a result, in the heart of its equivalent to a good lover, so that only less throat obstruction flu.


  1. 绷带吊在脖子上,于是乎!

    Bandage condole is on the neck, at be!

  2. 于是乎, 狼就放走了狗。

    The wolf trusted the dog and let him go.

  3. 于是乎,第一个打击乐器诞生了。

    The first percussion instrument was born.

  4. 于是乎, 你有了抽烟的习惯。

    Ergo, you've just developed a smoking habit.

  5. 于是乎我们就大开促进会。

    That is why we are calling many meetings to urge the establishment of constitutional government.

  6. 于是乎,切还是不切,就成了问题。

    To be or not to be, this is a problem.

  7. 于是乎, 他也开始拜佛, 研究佛法了。

    And he began to bow to the Buddhas and study the Buddhadharma.

  8. 有了小孩子, 于是乎就有人发明避孕药

    These actions often lead to unwanted pregnancies.

  9. 于是乎,我将先闻海风之哨,海鸥之喵。

    And first Ill hear the seawind, the mewing of the gulls.

  10. 今天下午我无事可做,于是乎上网聊天。

    I have nothing to do this afternoon, so I'll chat on the Internet.

  11. 今天下午我无事可做,于是乎上网聊天。

    I have nothing to do this afternoon, so I'll chat on the Internet.

  12. 于是乎, 无形的压力不断的在我们周围漫延着。

    So, immaterial pressure keeps on overrunning around us.

  13. 于是乎, 可爱竟令人感到有些许可憎的悲伤。

    And, somehow or other, loveliness is infernally sad.

  14. 他不知道事情的真相, 于是乎就凭空捏造了。

    He do not know the true story, so he draw on his imagination.

  15. 于是乎,这些建筑练习的不得不从绘制草图入手。

    Then these building practices will have to be learned from scratch.

  16. 于是乎,弗洛伦蒂诺找来了铁腕的胖子卡马乔。

    Then, fuluolundinuo looked for ironhanded fatso to block Ma Qiao.

  17. 于是乎, 我们之间的一些人一刻不停地抱怨着什么。

    As a result, some of us keep on complaining about something.

  18. 于是乎, 我们到达了伯特利, 那里的先知们出来和我见了面。

    Then we went to Bethel. The prophets who were at Bethel came out to me.

  19. 于是乎接入网的就成了制约整体网络发展的一个瓶颈。

    Thus access network became restricted the whole network development of a bottleneck.

  20. 于是乎,第一次示威并非波澜壮阔,但却有著良好的组织性。

    The first demonstrations were, accordingly, not spectacular, but they were well organized.

  21. 于是乎, 一番考虑之后, 我在合同末尾签上了自己的名字。

    So, after considering the offer, I signed my name across the bottom of the contract.

  22. 于是乎, 赵姗多了带明回沈阳父母家一起过节的任务。

    Zhao Shan is pressured to take Ming to her home in Shenyang.

  23. 于是乎, 研究人员由此得出结论称大象不理解问题的要领。

    From this, researchers concluded that the elephants didn't understand the problem.

  24. 于是乎, 每天仍然有成百上千的人跨国边界涌入南非。

    And people continue to pour across the border by the hundreds every day.

  25. 这麽样子,于是乎他就把这个结拜的兄弟,推到山涧里头去了。

    Thinking in this way, he pushed his sworn brother into a mountain torrent.


  1. 问:于是乎拼音怎么拼?于是乎的读音是什么?于是乎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:于是乎的读音是yúshìhū,于是乎翻译成英文是 Therefore, so, and then.