



  1. Many years of performance experience develop a panic personality, a highly compressive.


  2. Unlike his friend, the old man did not panic.


  3. Because people tend to project positive traits onto them, such as sensitivity and poise, they may also be at an advantage in job interviews.


  4. Courage is not given, the ability is not a perfect setting.


  5. Secondly I possess the unflustered under pressure personality.


  6. Boys are taught to keep a stiff upper lip even during times of adversity.


  7. Yes, there are older than me man! 50, 60 men, they experienced the joys and sorrows of life, suffered misfortune not panic.


  8. She has the ability calm in an emergency.


  1. 她有处变不惊的本事。

    She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency.

  2. 你公司里最处变不惊的人是谁?

    Who in your organization is unflappable amid change?

  3. 他这么小的年龄就处变不惊,长大后一定会有所作为。

    Although he is young, he stays calm during times of crisis. I'm sure we will achieve great things when he is older.

  4. 安妮处乱不惊,十分冷静沉着。

    Anne had remained unruffled, very cool and controlled.

  5. 娜奥米在失误面前表现得处乱不惊,给贝丝留下了深刻印象。

    Beth was struck by how Naomi took the mistake in her stride.

  6. 她对教堂和非国教教派的秘密集会处变得同样地不喜欢。

    She become equally averse to the church and the conventicle.

  7. 那一轮一轮得印迹,似年年不变得月光,重叠一处。

    The round of imprinting, like every year invariable moonlight, overlapping a.

  8. 那一轮一轮的印迹,似年年不变的月光,重叠一处。

    The round of imprinting, like every year invariable moonlight, overlapping a.

  9. 生长的冰架使浅水处变的不适宜动物居住。

    Growing ice shelves would make the shallows uninhabitable.

  10. 生长得冰架使浅水处变得不适宜动物居住。

    Growing ice shelves would make the shallows uninhabitable.

  11. 如果滞留在刮不朱刀的刀刃处, 不离会变不败较不细的暗线。

    If you are stuck in scraping knife blade, produces a heavy dark lines.

  12. 为什么美国口音突然变得无处不在、如此吃香?

    Why are American accents suddenly so ubiquitous and admired?

  13. 从底部直到240米处,电视塔的直径不变。

    To the 240 meter mark all parts of the tower have the same diameter.

  14. 在热风阀进口处的风压不要变得太低。

    The air pressure at the hot value inlet does not become excessively low.

  15. 变电所继电保护的几处不合理设计

    On Several Unreasonable Designs for the Relay Protection of Transformer Substation

  16. 鱼缸里的鱼变得过于健谈,根本不在意自己没有隐避处。

    Fishes in a public aquarium grow loquacious, oblivious of their lack of privacy.

  17. 线圈绕线在绕线弯曲处和接地到外壳得线圈不应变短。

    Field coil windings shall not be shorted between winding turns or grounded to the case.

  18. 线圈绕线在绕线弯曲处和接地到外壳的线圈不应变短。

    Field coil windings shall not be shorted between winding turns or grounded to the case.


  1. 问:处变不惊拼音怎么拼?处变不惊的读音是什么?处变不惊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:处变不惊的读音是chǔbiànbùjīng,处变不惊翻译成英文是 To stay calm in an accident.

