







汉语拼音:chàng xiǎng







  1. 敞开思路、毫无拘束地想象。如:畅想曲。



  1. It's just a few weeks into the new school year but some students, no doubt, already are thinking of next year's summer vacation.


  2. A perfect example of how you just had to ignore human nature to see that part of the future.


  3. When a person is looking at the sky and the Imagination of their own future, he first thought the most it should be their future home.


  4. Whether you've already started university or not, stop and simply write down some attributes of your ideal experience.


  5. by gathering with friends and family, exchanging gifts and stories, and looking to the future with a renewed sense of hope.


  6. Whether you' ve already started university or not, stop and simply write down some attributes of your ideal experience.


  7. Zhao Yi-nan's works are a great carrier for its reflection and imagination, and the free spirit gives the paintings very active appearances.


  8. Shepherds plays reed with beautiful imagine, returns with a haunting melody, here comes spring.


  9. Think broadly about the contributions our nations have made to civilization.


  1. 金秋的畅想

    Free Rein to Thoughts in Golden Autumn

  2. 阳光下的畅想


  3. 建设绿色学院畅想

    A Promising Picture of Setting up Green College

  4. 让你的大脑畅想

    Let Your Mind Wander

  5. 花园畅想, 梦中苏醒

    Wondering in the Garden, Waking up From a Dream

  6. 我们开始畅想大自然的秘密。

    We began to wonder at the secret of nature.

  7. 我不知道, 但我可以畅想一下。

    I don't know, but I could imagine at first.

  8. 他们两个兴致勃勃地畅想未来。

    The two of them are in high spiritswhen they think about the future.

  9. 他们两个兴致勃勃地畅想未来。

    The two of them are in high spirits when they think about the future.

  10. 此时,忘却一切,畅想幸福的瞬间!

    At this time, oblivion everything, the think happiness of moment!

  11. 这本书畅想了人类的未来。

    The book gave free rein to the reader's thought about mankind in the future.

  12. 到贝多芬月光奏鸣曲旋律畅想。

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Piano Sonata No 9 In A Allegretto.

  13. 多少回含着感动的泪花畅想未来。

    How many back the tears containing moved think about the future.

  14. 他俩走在林荫路上,畅想着未来。

    Walking on the avenue, they think freely about their future.

  15. 新课程, 给学生创造一片畅想的天空

    New Courses, Offering Students an Imaginative Skyline

  16. 新课程,给学生创造一片畅想得天空

    New Courses, Offering Students an Imaginative Skyline.

  17. 畅想与您交谊天下,共创事业新境界!

    Social world of the Imagination with you a new realm of business!

  18. 也许明天我们会有更美好的畅想。

    Tomorrow we will have a better imagination.

  19. 我邀请你们 花一点时间,与我一起畅想一下

    I would like you all to take a moment and dream with me.

  20. 为生活戴上一颗珍珠,让我们畅想精彩。

    Pearls let us imagine what a perfect life would be like.

  21. 每一个仰望天空的人都是在畅想未来。

    Everyone who is looking up at the sky is thinking of the future.

  22. 最近,我们调查了关于学生们对未来生活的畅想。

    Recently, we conducted a survey on what students think of the future.

  23. 畅想一下我们两国对文明所作出的贡献。

    Think broadly about the contributions our nations have made to civilization.

  24. 九秋华章成大曲第九届北京国际音乐节畅想

    Beijing International Music Festival

  25. 这些好似宠物的小作品, 带给人们无限美好的畅想。

    These small works like pets bring infinite beautiful reveries to people.

  26. 这些好似宠物得小作品, 带给人们无限美好得畅想。

    These small works like pets bring infinite beautiful reveries to people.

  27. 愿您在生日的日子里,充满绿色的畅想,金色的梦幻

    Hopes you in the birthday day, fills the green giving free reign to the imagination, the golden color illusion

  28. 脱离人类的天性去畅想未来,有一个绝佳的例子。

    A perfect example of how you just had to ignore human nature to see that part of the future.

  29. 诚挚的邀请您加入我们的怀抱,和我们共同畅想青春狂想曲!

    Please join us, and pamper imagination on the youthful rhapsody with us together!

  30. 然而,在毫无悬念的情况下,广州开始畅想2010年亚运年。

    However, in no circumstances apprehensively, started strong in2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou.


  1. 问:畅想拼音怎么拼?畅想的读音是什么?畅想翻译成英文是什么?

    答:畅想的读音是chàngxiǎng,畅想翻译成英文是 To give imagination freedom.



chàng xiǎng ㄔㄤˋ ㄒㄧㄤˇ 畅想畅想(畅想)

◎ 畅想chàngxiǎng