








1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……



汉语拼音:wú suǒ zuò wéi








  • 【解释】:作为:作出成绩。没有做出任何成绩。指工作中安于现状,缺乏创造性。
  • 【示例】:停止的论点,悲观的论点,无所作为和骄傲自满的论点,都是错误的。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语、补语;含贬义


  1. Give her a few days and then call again- confront her with her poor behaviour.


  2. Mr. Ban said the cost of inaction would be "unacceptably high, " warning that over 100 million more people could slide into hunger.


  3. all day doing nothing all day long by a few days, a day to day, people who think that the time like a turtle, flies is very slow.


  4. Given these constraints, Mr Jonathan could be forgiven, perhaps, for just keeping his head down and the seat warm for his successor.


  5. A widespread perception that public security has crumbled, especially in the poor east, was one of Jobbik's strongest sources of support.


  6. The series would be of great political and sporting significance, though last week's developments have done nothing to make it more likely.


  7. "In terms of economy, [the government's] biggest failure is energy. They have not been able to do anything, " he said.


  8. Barack Obama said he was inclined to back it, while John McCain, his Republican rival, said doing nothing had not been an option.


  9. Inevitably those who resist tackling climate change point to the global nature of emissions as a reason not to act.


  1. 但我们无所作为。

    But we do nothing.

  2. 但我们无所作为。

    But we do nothing.

  3. 我确实无所作为。

    And that's what I did,nothing.

  4. 我确实无所作为。

    And that's what I did, nothing.

  5. 饱食终日,无所作为

    do nothing but eat three square meals a day

  6. 倘若分裂,我们则无所作为。

    Divided, there is little we can do.

  7. 政府的无所作为应受到谴责。

    The inactivity of the government was deplorable.

  8. 六年来,该组织一直无所作为。

    The body has been inactive for six years.

  9. 懊悔久处安逸, 无所作为的叹息

    A sign of regret at his inactivity

  10. 这并不是说国际社会无所作为。

    It is not that the world has done nothing.

  11. 不思进取,无所作为的思想状况

    Mindset characterized by complacency and lethargy.

  12. 我的学校在体育方面无所作为。

    My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics.

  13. 但是,无所作为的成本可能更高。

    But the cost of doing nothing would have been much higher.

  14. 拖延。现在开始就战胜无所作为吧。

    Procrastinating. Action now always beats inaction.

  15. 好斗的言辞常常是无所作为的借口。

    Bellicose rhetoric most often serves as an excuse for inaction.

  16. 难道我们就只能在这儿无所作为?

    So must we sit back and twiddle our thumbs ?

  17. 他的错误, 她心想, 就在于无所作为。

    The mistake was, she thought, that he made no effort.

  18. 还有, 我们很少选择面对事情无所作为。

    And yet we rarely choose action over inaction.

  19. 无所作为和骄傲自满的论点都是错误的。

    Ideas of inertia and complacency are both wrong.

  20. 对联合国来说,无所作为不是一种选择。

    To do nothing was not an option for the United Nations.

  21. 此时保持沉默和无所作为并非可行的选择。

    Silence and lack of action are not viable options at this time.

  22. 据说,此时无所作为的代价高得令人却步。

    The costs of inaction are billed as prohibitive.

  23. 我们迟疑不决, 无所作为就能积聚力量吗

    Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction ?

  24. 我不会无所作为,让人们及商业到处碰壁。

    I will not sit idly by and let people and businesses go to the wall.

  25. 但是,如果出现这种情况,安全理事会将无所作为。

    If that should occur, however, the Security Council will have nothing to do.

  26. 如果我们无所作为, 有的是姑娘在打他的主意。

    There were girls enough on the catch for him if we had been idle.

  27. 这是否意味着联合国部队将袖手旁观,无所作为呢?

    Would it mean that United Nations forces would stand idly by doing nothing?

  28. 面对这个姊妹国家的内战,我们不能无所作为。

    We cannot remain passive in the face of civil war in that sister country.

  29. 这是否预示着匹兹堡峰会将会无所作为呢?

    Does that mean Pittsburgh will be a damp squib

  30. 我生就这样一个人,不会坐在那里无所作为。

    I am not born to sit still and do nothing.


  1. 问:无所作为拼音怎么拼?无所作为的读音是什么?无所作为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:无所作为的读音是wúsuǒzuòwéi,无所作为翻译成英文是 accomplish nothing

