








1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……



汉语拼音:dà yǒu zuò wéi








  • 【解释】:作为:做出成绩。能够极大地发挥作用,作一番贡献。
  • 【出自】:《孟子·公孙丑下》:“故将大有为之君,必有所不召之臣,欲有谋焉则就之。”朱熹集注:“大有为之君,大有作为,非常之君也。”
  • 【示例】:民国元年革命后,先生的所志已达,该可以~了,然而还是不得志。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、宾语、定语;与“大有可为”相对


  1. I am old now. I may tend to go on about nothing, but I feel I know something about Truth: Old Age is a vast world, full of opportunity.


  2. For these diseases and many other conditions, traditional medicine has much to offer in terms of prevention, comfort, compassion, and care.


  3. Though it is a nice idea, as yet there is no conclusive evidence that he might be onto something.


  4. The Six Provinces at the Middle parts of China are bound to play a important role when faced the rising tides of the global food prices.


  5. Mr Lee is said to have promised to share some tips on boosting manufacturing, a fond ambition of the Emirates.


  6. Where the United States and Europe can bring crucial assets to bear is with economic reform.


  7. It is unlikely that Lenovo can bring much by way of management skill or strategy to its target.


  8. This is exactly the situation in which you could expect a politically astute council president to make a difference.


  9. As long as the two sides remain alert to opportunities, there is much to achieve, even in times of crisis.


  1. 甜高粱制糖大有作为

    A vast world for sweet sorghum sugar refinery

  2. 我以为自己会大有作为

    I thought that I would be useful.

  3. 民办高职教有大有作为

    The private Higher VTE is able to make great contributions

  4. 林业司法鉴定机构大有作为

    The Bright Prospect of Forensic Forestry Institutions

  5. 孩子, 我希望你能大有作为!

    I expect great things from you, son.

  6. 她在新工作中将大有作为。

    She's onto a good thing with that new job.

  7. 凭他的才干,他将大有作为。

    With his gumption he will make a success of himself.

  8. 汤姆的新事业应当会大有作为的。

    Tom's new business will do well.

  9. 构建和谐社会体育社团大有作为

    Building Socialist Concordant Society, Sports Associations Can Play Important Role

  10. 遥感用于自然灾害监测预警大有作为

    Remote Sensing Can Help Monitoring and Predicating Natural Disasters

  11. 青年人在这里是可以大有作为的。

    There are plenty of opportunities for young people here.

  12. 用你的箭头键可大有作为的作品。

    Use your arrow keys to manoeuver the pieces.

  13. 显然,在这一领域仍可以大有作为。

    Clearly much more can be done in this area.

  14. 振兴老工业基地效益审计大有作为

    Auditing Can Play an important Role in the Revitalization of Traditional Industrial Base

  15. 造纸工业的节能与增能大有作为

    Hopeful energy conservation and energy generation in paper industry

  16. 我相信,携手努力,我们一定可以大有作为。

    I am sure that together we can make a great difference.

  17. 合在一起,他们在社会上就能大有作为。

    Together they are most likely to succeed in the world.

  18. 他知道,我们作为一个国家能够大有作为。

    He knew that we, as a people, can do big things.

  19. 不用说,芭芭拉定会大有作为,因为她与众不同。

    You always knew Barbara was going places, she was different.

  20. 有了他的肯定,你将来一定会大有作为。

    With his affirmation, you will amount to something in the future.

  21. 他觉得他不管选择哪种事业都能大有作为。

    He felt he could be great in anything he chose.

  22. 不会好好利用时间的人是不可能大有作为的。

    Those who can't make good use of time will not be very successful.

  23. 在他大有作为的一生中他老是感到自己无用。

    During his useful life he often felt he was useless.

  24. 共青团组织在高校精神文明建设中大有作为

    Plenty Opportunities for the CYL Organizations in the Building of College Spiritual Civilization

  25. 依你的勤奋, 我敢肯定你将来一定会大有作为。

    With your diligence, I'm sure you will amount to something in the future.

  26. 工艺学为大有作为的年轻人提供了绝好的机会。

    Polytechnics present golden opportunities to bright young men.

  27. 上帝希望毁掉的人,首先把他们称为大有作为的人。

    Who the gods wish to destroy they first call promising.

  28. 他放弃了政治活动,本来他在这方面是大有作为的。

    He gave up politics when he might have made a great career in it.

  29. 新世纪头二十年是大有作为的重要战略机遇期

    The Important Strategic Promising Opportunity Period Is in the First Two Decades of the New Century

  30. 我认为生物技术是如今的创业天才能大有作为的领域。

    I think biotechnology is an area where geniuses starting up today can do great things.


  1. 问:大有作为拼音怎么拼?大有作为的读音是什么?大有作为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大有作为的读音是dàyǒuzuòwéi,大有作为翻译成英文是 make the most of one’s abilities



大有作为 ( dà yǒu zuò wéi ) 解 释 作为:可做的事,做出的成绩。能够充分发挥才能,做出很大成绩。 出 处 先秦·孟轲《孟子·公孙丑下》:“故将大有为之君,必有所不召之臣,欲有谋焉则主不之。朱熹集注:“大有为之君,大有作为,非常之君也。 用 法 动宾式;作谓语、宾语、定语;与大有可为相对 示 例 清·毕沅《续资治通鉴·宋理宗景定四年》:“神宗~。 近义词 大有可为、大展宏图、大显身手、前程似锦、奋发有为 反义词 无所作为、碌碌无为、庸庸碌碌 灯 谜 骑;从小立志;小时无能