







汉语拼音:kū háo






  1. There was chaos all over the place, " the official said. "


  2. Alexander the Great: When the sword of justice fired, the perpetrators immobile hear is inevitable.


  3. I joined my wail to theirs, loud and bitter; but Joseph asked what we could be thinking of to roar in that way over a saint in heaven.


  4. I cut the engine, which was groaning in a pitiful way after idling for so long, and stepped out into the drizzle.


  5. The cries of war echoes upon the winds.


  6. Ravens cries in the shadows of night


  1. 天刚亮,双胞胎就开始哭嚎。

    The twins began bawling at the break of day.

  2. 女神,像分娩时的妇女一样哭嚎着。

    Ishtar Ishtar, the goddess Ishtar, cried out like a woman in labor.

  3. 嚎哭的幼儿。

    a squalling baby

  4. 这小孩拼命嚎哭。

    The child howled horribly.

  5. 我还是会痛苦嚎哭。

    I would still wail painfully.

  6. 他的孩子们不断的嚎哭。

    The constant howling of his children.

  7. 她因失去孩子而嚎哭。

    She was wailing for her lost child.

  8. 被嚎哭的婴儿折腾的精疲力尽的妈妈

    tired mothers with crying babies

  9. 那小孩伤心地嚎哭着要妈妈。

    The toddler howling wretchedly for its mother.

  10. 我回答不了,只能摇摇头,继续嚎哭。

    I can't answer, but only shake my head and keep howling.

  11. 他来回摇晃着嚎哭的婴儿,想让他安静。

    He was trying to calm a screaming baby by rocking it back and forth.

  12. 那个在地上已经被吓傻的人开始嚎哭。

    The frightened man on the floor started crying.

  13. 她嚎哭不停, 在场的人谁也不知道该怎么办。

    She kept howling. All those who were present did not know what to do.

  14. 她嚎哭不停,在场的人谁也不知道该怎么办。

    She kept howling. All those who were present did not know what to do.

  15. 她抱着同百里茜抱着一样,他还是那么大声嚎哭。

    He yelled just as loudly when she held him as when Prissy did.

  16. 除了扑到破旧的小沙发里嚎哭显然别无他法。

    There was clearly nothing left to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.

  17. 妈妈知道怎样哄好大声嚎哭的小孩, 还是让她做吧。

    Mother knows how to comfort a squalling baby. Let her do it.

  18. 你曾听过哈士奇对著月亮的哭嚎?

    Have you ever hear the Husky cry to the blue corn moon ?

  19. 战争的哭嚎在风中回响,过去的痕迹像疮疤一样留在世上。

    Cry of war echoes upon the winds, rui of past scar the land.

  20. 除了扑倒在那破旧得小睡椅上哭嚎之外, 显然别无他途。

    There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.

  21. 除了扑倒在那破旧的小睡椅上哭嚎之外,显然别无他途。

    There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.

  22. 他发出刺耳的嚎哭声,然后是一浪接一浪的哀嚎。

    He let out a sharp cry, followed by waves of wailing.

  23. 她嚎陶大哭起来。

    She burst into a passion of tears.

  24. 这下子, 翘鼻子开始又哭, 又叫, 又嚎!

    Then Snubby Nose cried and he screamed and he howled!

  25. 渐渐地, 萨姆得哭叫变成了愤怒得嚎叫。

    Through It'sam's cries turned into angry yells.

  26. 渐渐地,萨姆的哭叫变成了愤怒的嚎叫。

    Through It'sam's cries turned into angry yells.

  27. 可是为什么鬼哭神嚎也会引发相同的反应呢?

    But why does the sound of a wailing banshee evoke the same response?

  28. 有人鬼哭狼嚎, 有人泰然自若。

    Some shoo flies others let them go barefoot.

  29. 我要你的余生都在尖叫嚎哭中度过。

    I want you to spendthe rest of your life screaming.

  30. 暂时失去行为控制能力并伴随着呼叫、尖叫和嚎哭等。

    Temporary loss of behavioral control with dramatic shouting, screaming, crying etc.